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Everything posted by Distel32

  1. Khairiin Khuch, by Bold
  2. true dat and he must give really good head because layton just keeps raveing!
  3. your birthday is over, it is the 14th here, REMOVE THE CAKE! just kidding 'ol timer, have a good one! wish I was there in bham to celebrate with ya
  4. works fine man, www.cilogear.com
  5. Thanks again man, can't wait!
  6. john F's family reunion
  7. they, the sensitivity training is pretty good, but really after the first original, it was hard to improve on an instant classic
  8. yeah seriously..... that's my yak bitch!
  9. board cross post utterly classic that's a long distance call....DOUG!
  10. because of Jon's constant PMs to me I'm really trying to hold back and not burn this noob...... he also asked me not to use the word fuck.....
  11. shit was definitely pretty crazy yesterday. I walked by it 30mins before people started breaking all the doors and going inside the party building etc. Then got home and watched it on the news. Mongolia has an astounding number of problems, in pretty much all areas of government. The current president owns the most corrupt company, which owns almost all the major companies in Mongolia. The corruption is unstoppable because it goes up to the heads of every ministry and the health/education/"welfare"/etc is non-existent...... People really need to start looking towards the future, because right now in 5-10years, the country will literally collapse. Amazing for a country the size of alaska with only 2.8million people.
  12. hhhmmm, I'm not sure if where I put mine up had studs or not we just put a bunch of screws in a board into the wall, then put the hangboard up.....maybe you'll be ok...? haha
  13. plus there are about 4 names before peking anyway
  14. the regrade, or is it "slide alley" or whatever where they made the big mudslide to send logs down to the mills....? Anyone else read "Sons of the Profits" such a good book
  15. looks like sandstone........bwahahahahaha
  16. did you smoke the pipe from the wrong end this morning...?
  17. I wonder how many threads I can get moved to spray today......
  18. Distel32


    about a month late on the aarp diss......sorry to break it to you old timer
  19. shut it moss humper! bwahaha
  20. ah here we are.....c'moon jon, you didn't like the eat shit and die noob comment? that was fuckin' trask-classic
  21. WTF? is bush monitoring and deleting posts now? which moderator........? pin the bomb on the fascist time
  22. fuckers....what did the others say?
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