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Everything posted by Distel32

  1. Distel32


    this winter hasn't been too bad yet.... tonight and tomorrow: 10:30 PM ULAT on December 20, 2005 Observed At: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Elevation: 4318 ft / 1316 m [Clear] -15 °F / -26 °C Clear Windchill: -30 °F / -35 °C tomorrow: Wednesday Scattered Clouds. High: -1° F / -18° C Wind WNW 8 mph / 14 km/h
  2. Distel32


    or a little mongolian hottie.....
  3. Distel32


    yeah....I'm about to go stiffly pound something too biatch!
  4. Distel32


    you know a lot about golf.... I know even more about grass
  5. Not a Canadian and now kicked out of the country post of the year
  6. Canadian system: Ferns Drus Scott Harpells
  7. Distel32


    dosage vol4 is going to be sswweeeetttt bwahahaha
  8. Distel32


    yeah it is the route in dos. vol3. check out bigup for the story
  9. I eat meat 2-3 times a day, everyday. camel, horse, cow, goat, sheep and when it is right...marmot (4 times) and wild boar (only twice) horse meat is by far the best
  10. so stupid that....you might actually get laid tonight!
  11. Distel32


    would jamaican hotbox with it alllll day, and still send (I haven't smoked for a year..... ) so about that coming home party...you know what to bring!
  12. slabs can be fun.....sometimes.... old pics (re posts, sorry) for the pope photo assaulted and pope, I guarantee you there is not one bolt in all of those pics
  13. there are currently 8 threads on dwayner's return....a new low for cc.com
  14. Distel32


  15. Distel32


    whiskey for breakfast... greens for lunch...
  16. thread for pics: post up ice, rock, alpine and whatever else it is you AARP members do. pics by Alpinfox, May 2004 I think...
  17. Distel32


    eat shit and die...
  18. it sounds like you ladies are gettin' all hot and lusty! be home in june!
  19. man, the font was fine on my computer......
  20. чи орос хэл мэдэх юм уу? би цөөхөн үг сурсан, гэхдээ эхлээд монгол хэл сайн сурах хэрэгтэй, тэгээд өөр гадаадын хэл сурна.
  21. Distel32


    the ever sought after triple post..... "all up in your ass with a size 9 saucony!"
  22. Distel32


    oh shit, my 3 year anniversary on the .com, and nobody noticed.....
  23. Distel32


    bring dwayner back, I don't think like he does at all, but who gives a fuck? he spices up the utopia/commune that we have here, right? All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others (like me) Distel for moderator....
  24. Distel32


    I saw pope trying to chat up some 19y/o boulderers, OH THE HUMANITY!
  25. when I was doing interviews in the gobi on poaching people thought I was going to tell the police......
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