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Everything posted by Distel32

  1. (c'mon ken post now quick, before someone in lamerica does)
  2. Ken4ord: Rwanda Blake: New Zealand Luke: Mongolia I know there are others.....
  3. Distel32

    Ha ha suckers

    80F? way too hot.....but I can't say I wouldn't love a day or two of that right now....
  4. Distel32


    hhhmmm, bragging? Golf is a great sport, definitely not ashamed that I used to play.
  5. Distel32


    only if it looks like this:
  6. if you get stuck on the east side after tioga closes you can just go spend a few days in bishop.....
  7. oh dear lord
  8. and then there are "special" cases as exhibited above
  9. billcoe rocks You can get fruit and veggies, it's just expensive if you don't buy chinese stuff. I just usually keep track of posters by pictures, but when there are 4 differest posts in a row all by the same picture, it's too much too handle.
  10. Distel32


    hhhmmm, there were 2-3pics of me in the Seattle Times (even though I wasn't even one of the top 3 best in Seattle at the time)
  11. assholes, hahaha
  12. will all you people with the little khaki colored skelton avatar PLEASE be a little more creative and change it....? seriously, this is addressed at but not limited to at least 4 different people..... seriously folks, you're slippin.....there was a time when finding the perfect avatar was like hot sex, and all friends envied you and after you switched avatars/girls they would swoop in for sloppy seconds. Now it seems that people don't care, and what you write in your posts is more important, well I say bullshit! The greatest sprayers of all time (minus trask) have had many avatar changes and revolutionary movements from regular images, to .gifs etc.... hell if you guys change that little "el dia de los muertos" motif you have going on, maybe I'll let go of my head pasted on to "Boulderman" avatar......
  13. leejames and I did the ridge circa february 2003, BWAP! haha but agreed it does look cool.
  14. Bob's latest XXX film: "Put your nuts in my crack"
  15. I think you would actually be pretty surprised! I really hate the over-romantisization of Mongolia. I'll be the first person to tell you how much it rocks, but I'll also tell you some of the things that really suck about it as well.
  16. Distel32


    back in the day: Plateau June 28, 2001 Junior Golfer Age Score Finish Boys 16-17 Luke Distelhorst 16 73 1 Sean Armstrong 17 74 2 Adam Levy 17 76 3 Andrew Patterson 17 76 3 Max Weihe 16 76 3 Dean Delaye 17 77 6 Charley Johnson 16 77 6 West Seattle July 5, 2001 Junior Golfer Age Score Finish Boys 16-17 Tristan Becker 17 74 1 Luke Distelhorst 16 76 2 Sean Armstrong 17 77 3 Jason Roundtree 17 79 4 Jesse Uman 17 79 4 Max Weihe 16 79 4 WJGA District Championship Sand Point July 9-10, 2001 Junior Golfer City Age Round 1 Round 2 Total Finish Boys 16-17 top Falsetto, Tommy Bellevue 16 73 70 143 1 Loe, Trevor Sammamish 16 76 68 144 2 Zefkeles, Mike Medina 17 78 69 147 3 Armstrong, Sean Snoqualmie 17 74 77 151 4 Distelhorst, Luke Seattle 16 77 75 152 5 Lee, Derek North Bend 17 77 76 153 6 Niccolls, Sam Seattle 17 79 74 153 6 Toepel, James Bainbridge Island 16 75 78 153 6 yyaawwwnnn
  17. you think Mongolia is peaceful!? hahahahaha define peaceful for me please, in your terms
  18. Distel32

    Ha ha suckers

    gorgeous saturday morning right now: 9:30 AM ULAT on February 25, 2006 Observed At: Ulaanbaatar, MO Elevation: 4318 ft / 1316 m -11 °F / -24 °C Clear Last spring it started to get warm at the end of March....maybe 2-4 more weeks?? hhmmmmm
  19. then the next 37 posts will be "the greatest mountainer is the one having the most fun even if it is on brokeback mtn" blah blah....cc.com drivel ad nauseum..... mos chillin you suck. die.
  20. Distel32

    Ha ha suckers

    KEN don't forgot that those people ahead of you in the timezones are even more in the future.....I think I'm probably 6-7hrs ahead of you!
  21. I love the smell of crucifixion in the morning...... grab the nails!
  22. Distel32

    Spacemen 3

    The Party Shuffle gaveth, and it was good....: Pinback Handsome Boy Modeling School Xoomii The Decemberists Tatar The Wrens Ry Cooder Radiohead
  23. no he didn't kill it. tastes pretty good if it's done right, but the liver tastes like shit.
  24. mmmmmm......marmots....saikhan khoollooroi!
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