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Everything posted by Distel32

  1. Distel32


    can i have a translation please. i could prolly crack your code but i have had a head ache for 12 days and i jsut don't want to. preggers4sure
  2. Distel32


    moderator for a day then....?
  3. Distel32


    deleting this thread would definitely be funnier....
  4. Distel32


    except seinfeld has humor..... if only I was a moderator.....
  5. I have fireworks and a bottle of whiskey under my astro turf christmas tree, so I'm good for this year
  6. thanks cock monger I'll remember next time
  7. actually yes my dad sent all the years issues with my new lens, which is indeed the shit
  8. Distel32


    I called him an unlucky animals vagina.... I combined two insults, FA for sure!
  9. 7 months late
  10. Distel32


    finally got my package, but had to go to customs and clear that shit. They thought I was going to resell my camera lens so they tried to make me pay 148 bucks....hahahaha I said some not nice words (first time I've ever cussed somebody out in Mongolian) and gave the guy 80 cents. He stamped the form and gave me my package.
  11. WTF!? why didn't anybody tell me the official yak bouldering gauntlet had been thrown down world wide? you asses never tell me anything! Now that we know climbing magazine spies are working with george bush spying on citizens.....
  12. Distel32


    cross-pollinating-hyphenating-inside-joke-telling-wildbeastism-rope-chuffing-dabs4lyfe ASDF yeah seriously Off, post up!
  13. enjoy friction slabs with no friction....
  14. Distel32


    yeah fed ex comes here but I'd heard even worse things about fedex mongolia.... well a letter for 60 is ridiculous, at least my package is 8lbs
  15. you cook it from the inside out with rocks and from the outside by putting it on the fire....thus destroying the perfect chalk recepticle that all marmots were born to be
  16. I have way better pics than this I'll post tonight of the meal
  17. sparky.....?
  18. Distel32


    yeah that is what everyone told me.....cost my old man 100$ too, but he should be getting that back since these wankers are swordfighting with eachother in their warehouses
  19. Distel32


    as wild beast as they come
  20. Distel32


    WTF??? what is everybody elses experience with these fuckin' clown punchers????? "yeah sure, within 4 days door to door" well six days later I'm still empty handed, BUT WAIT! my package spent 4 days in Korea, just chillin' lazy ass donkey cum chuggers
  21. you got married!? wtf? where's the PIC!? congrats Jay! soon jayB will have to moderate with a heavy hand when his kids find cc.com....
  22. Distel32


    it is maybe 30-40ft or so...... but hey, you can't beat the location! not another waterfall around for......a long fucking ways!
  23. Distel32


    I'm sure this freezes up: just for dru, if you come now I'll take you there.... sorry can't find a full image
  24. who was that????? me? all of 2 pics??? I could give you a bone crushing photo assualt you would never forget, what is your email....?
  25. I don't know man....just seems too different.... but hey, who knows? I mean we've all seen what the plastic surgery knife has done for others, LAYTON IS LIVING, BREATHING PROOF!
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