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Everything posted by Distel32

  1. word, living abroad is hard to beat.
  2. the ever elusive overseas poster TRIFECTA! best thread ever
  3. fuckin' overseas posters! get off your computer and go to fucking castle hill already! jesus blake
  4. Distel32

    30,000 posts

    I remember one of those dates in the forests of Hope, BC. We sat by the lake, caressed rocks with our little brushes and ended with some crash pad slap and tickle.....oh the beauty
  5. logically you should have at least 3 bolts per sq/m of wall, once you finish please invite pope and dwayner to climb on your wall.
  6. I can see it now: Water breaks to take your Centrum, Fee discounts for AARP members, hearing aids for the interviews, changing Depends on the summit, etc......OH THE SICK GNAR GNAR! jk, good luck. Just about everyone on this site is in the geriatrics ward, you shouldn't have any problem finding someone at all.
  7. the turbo monkey thunderdome was torn down by our landlords last summer.......fuckin' shame for sure.... Just go outside and you'll meet some people who have woodies, which are actually better than western's gym.
  8. :yyyaaaaawwwwwnnnnnnnn:
  9. too obvious and not yet relevant for another two types of ice
  10. Didn't you get the memo?
  11. dude, if that was a baby camel it would be about 3 times as big.....
  12. Distel32


    I haven't had my hands on anything in over 14 months.....thus the post of desperation....... 2 years ago we used to smoke spliffs on the dorm steps, dems were good times
  13. Distel32


    Rasta bivy kit, must contain the following: Will pay for overseas shipping if it comes from BC.
  14. I think you need to divide that up between people who travel but live in the foreign country and actual vacationers. I know a lot of foreigners who LIVE here, as do I. But then of course last summer 300,000 tourists came here. Just make sure you differentiate.
  15. Name: RobertRogaz Age: at least 54 Last seen with a bottle of polish everclear drawing sheep shagging pictures on the back of cars in the Squamish parking lot. If where abouts are known please contact Shiela at Barnyard Fun.
  16. Distel32


    word someone probably already posted this somewhere else to Colin:
  17. I'm sure I'll use it for sport climbing when I get home..... But mainly I just need it for work here. I need the pack for carrying things like this: Argali lamb collaring from last spring, and my now deceased arcteryx pack
  18. got my new pack last week, fuckin' rocks. Pics to come later. I'm very pleased
  19. Distel32

    Shout Out!

  20. do the longer drive to 11worth-it
  21. Distel32


    hhhmmmm, I think you guys aren't seeing the big picture......
  22. if someone cannot fit into one seat, they must buy two. That shit is fair. At our mariner's season tickets, we have sat next a wonderful man named Lyle for 11 years now. He used to weigh around 500lbs or so, and he bought 3 seats for himself and sat in the middle. Nobody forced him too, he just knew he couldn't fit in one or two, and was considerate about it. I don't think it is too much to ask. Gneraly I don't like airlines (for many reasons) but I think this is a good policy.
  23. kar bom I think you know what I want to say but don't want someone spying on me for the rest of my life.
  24. soloing is the new black
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