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Everything posted by gapertimmy

  1. gapertimmy


  2. way to send it old dudes!
  4. So I haven't logged into cc.com for years. I am blaming children and utter laziness. I was greeted with some PM's from old friends, so awesome! Anyhow, during my absence, I have filled my time with shredding, internet pr0n, and creating some cool new stuff. My latest project is for my fellow skiers, and it allows you to get text message alerts when freshies have been reported at your fav PACNW ski hill. So far I only have the Oregon resorts up and running, but will be adding points north soon. http://conepatrol.com I will post some trip reports again soon. Just like the good old days.
  5. mlag's gaper gap is soooo hot!
  6. Trip: Kwohl Butte - Sleddy Goodness Date: 1/4/2009 Trip Report: In an effort to once again regain the TR throne, here is Y.A.K.B.T.R. (Yet Another Kwohl Butte Trip Report). ---------------------- This new years I resolve to shred the gnar... and yesterday, I had the distinct pleasure of spending my first day in the backcountry of the 08-09 season with some good friends. It also allowed my little sled to get some much needed throttle-luv (at the very capable hands err thumb of mlag!). The temps were below zero as I followed the SCHRALPmobile up to Edison Snow Park. The rest of the shredheads were awaiting our arrival as I realized that a) I had no snopark pass and b) my sled tabs were expired. Breakin da law! IM SUCH A REBEL! In fine 2-stroke-served backcountry turns, we had some sled issues on the way in, but were able to get the whole crew out to Kwohl without any major issues. A quick skin up the north side yielded some tasty turns on wind buff on the face with light and fluffy freshiez down low on the face. mmmmmm, freshiez. The last lap of the day down the north side provided the best turns. I think we all agreed that we should have been lapping that aspect all day. But as schralp always puts it: "THE SUMMIT URGE IS JUST TOO STRONG". Flat light didn't allow for any killer shots, but here are some shots from the day: The Grey Bird mlag'z a sled goddess! listeing to the tales and wisdom of schralper
  7. Any specifics on what meta type info we should have on such a database? It seems that meta might be defendant on meta so to speak, like depending on the classification of the route/ski/ice different meta should be exposed/required. Someone want to do a brain dump on the various options?
  8. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/09/30/phoenix_martian_white_xmas/
  9. You just need to use your secret cc.com decoder ring to read those approach notez.
  10. gapertimmy


    its been too long.
  11. WOOOOOOOOOOOOT! Sweet pics, but I was hoping to see some of you rollerblading too, wtf?
  12. And who said nothing good ever comes out of Spokane????
  13. @rbw yup BRMC @brobra you need to come out with us sometime. you should have seen the old bachy sled getting after it!
  14. Trip: Ball Butte - West Side Date: 3/2/2008 Trip Report: VjgCvwZmkNg ... and a good time was had by all. Gear Notes: 550 str8 ballin Approach Notes: SUPER SICK SLED NECK TURNS OMG!
  15. ask yourself this question: "Do I really want to be a 'O'?" You can make the right choice, and save the world from having another green/yellow-wearing ultra-annoying UofO grad. just my .02 Go Huskies.
  16. Trip: Der Pilot Butte-wand - PILOT BUTTE CHALLENGE Date: 1/27/2008 Trip Report: We all have one of those pitches we constantly lust over. You know, the run that really will require you to step it up, and throw it down with mad steeze... stick it switch, and into the road some might say. This line has been taunting me for over six years now. I have often heard local hardmen speak of the epic seasons when it has been *IN*, but the perfect storm had yet to set the stage for me to set forth, and take THE PILOT BUTTE CHALLENGE! 1600 hrs, Sunday After triple checking my equipment, phoning the NWAC for a list minute check on the avi report, I bid farewell to my support crew at base camp, and began the long approach to Der Pilot Butte. The mood was festive as I skinned away, but had that queasy feeling in my stomach knowing that I was about to take on an agressive line. 1615 hrs, Sunday The massive storm had me worried about the long approach. The flats that surround Der Pilot Butte have long been an issue for many aspiring schralpers.... fortunately, a skin track was already in! The skin track made for quick travel, and before long, the objective was in site. Pucker factor set in as I stared directly into the gut of THE LINE! Upon arriving at the base of the route, I attempted to check in to the ranger station to obtain the necessary permits for my climb. Unfortunately no rangers were available to update me on climbing conditions, though the ranger had left a sign warning me of wild middle-aged divorced women loose in the area: With a wary eye on the watch for cougars, I began my ascent of PB. The conditions warranted a full circumnavigation, although lengthy, this gave me a chance to assess snow conditions, and dig 4 separate pits on different aspects. My friend Jlag would have been proud. The higher I ascended into the alpine, the views of the surrounding wilderness were amazing. 1715hrs Sunday SUMMIT! So stoked to get to the top of the beast. But more stoked to get the goods. Skins were ripped quickly, and THE LINE was sent in style. 1745hrs Sunday Back at basecamp I received a heroes-welcome, and was rewarded with a diaper full of goods to cleanup. GET SUM! Approach Notes: Take care crossing Bear Creek Rd, and most definitely use the underpass of HWY20.
  17. @sky yep thats brokentop. if you ever make it down this way I'll get you out there so you can check out some of those lines in person. Far lookers left is called pucker up, the 11 oclock couliour would be an exciting ski as well. thanks all for the kind words. I can't wait to get her outside more often (its too freaking cold right now). First day w/out mommy was pretty chill, and quite fun.
  18. Trip: Tumalo - Back to the Basics Date: 1/22/2008 Trip Report: As any of my local homeys here in Bend can attest to (as can my infrequency of gnar reports) the big change in my life has definitely scaled back my number of days on the snow this year. Tomorrow my lovely wife heads back to work, and as such, I start my new career as the full time daddy. As such, I wanted to get out for one last mid-week dawn patrol to put the hectic life of a new parent back into perspective... take it back to the basics. --------------------- It always amazes me that the beauty of seeing a sunrise in the mountains will get my arse out of a warm bed at 5am. The temperatures in town were below zero, and my truck let me know about it when I gave it a start. The cold temps bit at my face as I skinned up Tumalo under the pre-dawn moonlight. No music blaring in my ear, no 2-stroke in my nostrils... just the rhythmic swish-clank of my skins underfoot, and a faint whir of grooming cats across the way on Bachelor. Glowing skies in the East made me pick up the pace, and realize that the aforementioned lack of days on the snow with the brobrah's has turned me into a fat daddy. Nonetheless, back to the basics, I was just stoked to be out in the snow, breathing in the cold air, seeing the mountains I love. The power of the mountains always wipe away any concerns or worries that might be running through my mind. They put things back in perspective, and make you thankful for being alive. When they are awash in the pink morning alpenglow you can almost feel your soul warm up in the subzero temps. With a clear head, and a happy soul, the turns back to the truck were playful and simple. Boot top pow accompanied with happy thoughts, life is grand. Back at home, I got to tell my little girl about how I had just climbed and skied a mountain... although it was basic, and not even close to rad... her smiles warmed up any remaining chill I had from the cold morning temps, and I feel like the luckiest guy around.
  19. Grab yer ankles! The only discounted tickets that I know of is the Joes Outdoors deal: http://www.mtbachelor.com/winter/tickets/Joes.html Unfortunately, these vouchers ain't good over the holiday season. Lo Siento. So unless you are staying at a hotel that is offering a package, you are going to feel the hurt of corporate ski greed! Remember to pursue the option of a 'ride' ticket for questionable weather days... this allows you to test the goods without burning a full days pass. Also, head south for a day and checkout Willamette Pass. Small area, cool terrain, less ego. The base is getting some much needed love right now. I haven't riden a lift yet this year.
  20. I'm guessing you might be able to bounce off the trail a bit early, and take a bearing straight for the PCT/treeline to avoid the blowdowns. That looks pretty dang nasty!
  21. behold, the sleeping dragon!
  22. Best of Luck mr layton. And most definately get yourself some skis, and some mormom wimmin.
  23. damn@
  24. chinook usually alerts me when she has dropped in on a siiiiiiiiiick line
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