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Everything posted by vegetablebelay

  1. US Forest Svc Accounting Error Reduced Firefighting Funds WASHINGTON (AP)--The U.S. Forest Service, now battling one of the worst fire seasons in history, "misplaced" about $215 million intended for wildfire management because of an accounting error, a watchdog group contends. The agency says the money is being recovered. Taxpayers for Common Sense, a Washington-based advocacy group, made public on Friday an internal memo from Forest Service Chief Dale Bosworth that said the error nearly two years ago had been discovered as the agency tried to improve its accounting practices. The Forest Service expects to spend a record $1.5 billion this year to fight wildfires that have consumed more than 6 million acres in the West and killed 20 firefighters. The agency is working with the White House Office of Management and Budget to find a way to apply the money, which was supposed to have been spent for the fiscal 2000 budget that ended Sept. 30, 2000, to this year's budget. Then it can be used to help pay for current firefighting efforts, Bosworth said. While the auditing error could make additional money available to fight fires this summer, Eric Lynch, a policy analyst for the taxpayer group, said "the misplaced millions could have been spent to reduce fire risk long before this year's fires ravaged the West." "How in the world does an agency lose hundreds of million of dollars so desperately needed to help extinguish fires in the West?" asked Lynch. "In a record-spending fire season, it is vital that the Forest Service be held accountable as to how it spends taxpayer money." In a memo to regional foresters and other supervisors this month, Bosworth said $215 million was mistakenly reduced from a wildfire management account during a year-end account reconciliation in late 2000. The error was recently discovered "as a result of our continuing intense efforts to address agency accountability issues," Bosworth wrote in the memo, released by the taxpayer advocacy group. Over the past decade, the Forest Service has failed eight out of 10 Inspector General audits - a record the taxpayers' group called among the worst in the federal bureaucracy. Bosworth, in his memo, said the windfall from the accounting error would do little to reverse the financial strain the agency is experiencing because of the severe fire season. In the absence of a dramatic increase from Congress, "It is apparent these additional funds will only mitigate the possibility of harsh actions that could affect the employment and morale of the work force," Bosworth wrote. The memo urged supervisors to significantly curtail all but the most essential spending and limit operations to those focused on protecting life and property.
  2. quote: Originally posted by Dru: With a nasty comment like that I'm glad I kept the booty I found on Oregon Jack last winter.[/QB] I can't think of what it might be - it can't be my car because I only almost lost it up there last winter
  3. quote: Originally posted by Dru: Thx Lowell. Also anybody knowing the two people in yellow clothes let them know I have a bunch of pictures with them in, that I can email them if they are interested. That's what I thought you were asking about in the first place!
  4. quote: Originally posted by iamjacktors: isnt it pouring rain and snow down to 2500 meters around Zermatt? Its snowing in town today The weather gets better Monday-Tuesday. You sound jealous.
  5. So yesterday afternoon I was coming down from a nice hike of Mt. Si in the rain. I was about a quarter mile from the parking lot when I came across three people headed up the trail. I said hi, and one of them asked me if I knew where World Wall and some other places were - "you know, climbing". I thought for a moment I was on some hidden camera program, but I noticed the rock shoes hanging around their necks and the sincerity of their inquiry so I gave them the beta that after they backtracked their way to their car, they'd have to drive back two and half miles to the parking area for LITTLE SI! Silly sporto's.
  6. I just want to get to 600 posts before chucK.
  7. Ok I've never done this but Lambone - check your PMs. Now, I'm not calling you a woman and saying you have pre menstrual syndrome and that you should check it, but recent personal messages are not currently being displayed due to some new software upgrade and I believe you are unaware of a personal message I sent a while ago.
  8. Lambone, Glad you guys are all ok. No need to talk to media or cc.com unless you feel like it would help you.
  9. quote: Originally posted by James: quote:Originally posted by vegetablebelay: Now I've got 4 3 reasons why I like some anonymity here hmmm... i'm guessing that you didn't just pull the number 43 from a hat, which means you can count. and you did correctly spell anonymity... and we all know there aren't too many cougs that can count AND spell so perhaps you aren't as anonymous as you think back at'cha Ouch!
  10. Now I've got 43 reasons why I like some anonymity here
  11. I'll bet the stock is now around .15 today
  12. Stay on the trails! http://www.boston.com/dailynews/206/region/Hiking_groups_want_state_park_:.shtml Hey, I'm a Zen Spray Master! [ 07-26-2002, 10:59 AM: Message edited by: vegetablebelay ]
  13. Mclellan's Butte up I-90 is a decent workout with a nice, scrambly finish at the top.
  14. When I was a kid growing up, we had a fig tree in the yard and my friends and I would have fig fights with these juicy, ripe figs. Fun
  15. Plan on sun for the first week of August, but bring a jacket and a hat
  16. Is Renton too far North? http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=1;t=001709
  17. quote: Originally posted by allison: They're cheaper than that BRAND NEW at MEC. I'd try about $125. You might have to go as low as $100. Yeah, but they don't have that fresh, lawgoddess smell!
  18. Umm, did you check with, uhhh... maybe it was, ummm, could it possibly be....ummmmmm, KAINSACAD?!?!?!?!?!?
  19. quote: Originally posted by tread tramp: I lost a little Swiss army type of knife this weekend somewhere in the vicinity of Mix-up peak, probably just before where you get onto the Cache glacier. Booty for the next guy! Yeah, and about the bloodstain!!!
  20. South Arete of South Early Winter Spire - mosquiterrific!
  21. quote: Originally posted by Stefan: So vege, how was Black Peak? Didn't do it - opted for plan "B", or maybe it was "C"
  22. As of this past weekend, lots of mosquitoes as soon as you get out of the car at the Blue Lk TH. They ease up as you get into the woods aways but are thick again as you get up into the basin below Lib Bell.
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