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Everything posted by vegetablebelay

  1. quote: Originally posted by Greg W: Three words: Central Intelligence Agency He's probaly busy remotely piloting a Predator Drone over Necro's house!
  2. quote: Originally posted by Weekend Climberz: This is my personal website that I'm thinking about expanding into a larger more general climbing site for Washington State. I'm looking for some people who would be interested in doing some climbs and writing about them on my site. http://www.weekendclimber.com You might look up a guy who goes by the name of Crazy Polish Bob and a few other names. He is looking for a place where he can be a contributing poster.
  3. oooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
  4. But let us not forget... [ 11-12-2002, 03:40 PM: Message edited by: vegetablebelay ]
  5. quote: Originally posted by Dr Flash Amazing: Is the "belay knife" so you can cut the rope and walk away if the climber you're belaying starts acting gay? You mean like this? http://www.nwog.org/images/prusikwr100602/craig/dittle%20little%20dance.mpg I guess it's locked now. [ 11-12-2002, 02:39 PM: Message edited by: vegetablebelay ]
  6. quote: Originally posted by Dustin schmidt: im pretty green at the who;e c;imbing thing, i have done some rapelling and thats it. im form whidbey island area so the bellingham mountaineers would probably be a good idea. i will deffinitly take your advise and get out and meet more people on the trails. im not to in to rock climbing but im deffinitly up for new things. Looks like you're pretty green at the whole posting thing too.
  7. quote: Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman: No lockage http://www.nwog.org/images/prusikwr100602/craig/dittle%20little%20dance.mpg WeekendClimberz doesn't stand a chance against that.
  8. I've got an Elios and it is light, but I've found that the foam inside has some raised bumps that sit on your skull and they become a little painful if you wear the helmet for a full day. Maybe it's my bumpy skull.
  9. quote: Originally posted by karen: where do you live. If you live in Seattle, the mountaineers are great. they are cheap and fun The Mounties also have a Everett branch and a Bellingham branch for those up North.
  10. See Freeclimb9's version here: http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=23;t=001121
  11. quote: Originally posted by chriss: Am I getting this right? You placed a "relatively new" sling, tied a good knot, on solid rock and it "failed" with partial body weight. Sorry, I can't beleive the sling broke. Maybe cut, maybe slipped off, but not broke. chris No, you're not getting it right. He used the best sling he saw that was already there.
  12. Now that's a work of art!
  13. And long eyelashes, but wearing a tie......Hmmmmmmmmm..
  14. Can't you add a little chewing action to it?
  15. I thought this thread was going to be about this guy: Police say teen was burned in 'Jackass' stunt Boy could face charges 11/10/2002 By ROBERTA ROMERO / KING 5 News ISSAQUAH, Wash. – A report that a teenager was set on fire by two men turned out to be a hoax. Issaquah Police say 15-year-old Kelvin Wu deliberately set his shirt on fire in an attempt to mimic the hit film "Jackass: The Movie." Wu initially told police he was set on fire Friday night while walking from the Issaquah-Skyline football game. Police were told that two men walking past the Issaquah teen flicked cigarette ashes onto his shirt and it caught fire, and that Wu's friends tried to smother the flames but had to tear off the boy's shirt. Issaquah Police were suspicious of the boys’ story. After questioning the 15-year-old and his friends it soon became apparent that their story wasn't the truth. “And then when you see the final 40 seconds of the videotape where the shirt is actually burning, and then they are trying to put the shirt out, that was a reality check where you thought 'wow this is something that is really wrong.' You know they didn't plan it to go this way," said Sgt. Kevin Nash, Issaquah Police Dept. "The statements from his friends said it was a stunt similar to that movie and mentioned the movie "Jackass" and said he himself had said he planned this for some time,” said Patrol Cmdr. Stan Conrad, Issaquah Police Dept. “Jackass” is a popular movie, especially among teen-age boys. The film has no plot. It's just a group of men who perform wild stunts - the more extreme the better. Moviemakers put up a disclaimer but it doesn't seem to stop anyone who is determined. Wu suffered severe burns to his torso, arms, face, head and ears. He was listed in satisfactory condition at Harborview Medical Center on Sunday. His father, Michael Wu, sent out a statement apologizing for the confusion caused by his son's act. He said the teen will be in the hospital about a week, and will need months more to recover from the burns. Police said Kelvin Wu could face possible charges of obstruction of justice, and reckless burning or reckless endangerment. "The warning's there and if anyone is contemplating doing any act like this they need to stop and think about what they are planning because obviously this young man is going to be scarred for life and he has a long road ahead of him to heal,” said Conrad. This is not the first time an accident has been linked to "Jackass." Last year a 13-year-old Connecticut boy was seriously burned after trying to imitate the TV show. The TV show has been canceled but the movie, which was released a few weeks ago, opened at No. 1 and is now ranked No. 5 in the country.
  16. vegetablebelay

    OU sucks

    quote: Originally posted by ryland moore: Ducks will have their way with the Dawgs next weekend! Yeah, soften up for the Cougs who'll be waiting for them the following week!
  17. quote: Originally posted by iain: I'm personally sick of all the bored 5-year-olds fighting for those Amen
  18. quote: Originally posted by iain: quote:Originally posted by vegetablebelay: Just because...... how about a response from the spelling police? Must be from a Canadian website.
  19. quote: Originally posted by SEF: . The picture does not show what failed. It shows several slings, with knots that appear to still be in place, but the sling actually used for the rap rope is not identified. Was it missing? I saw the same thing you see in the picture and I came away mystified. I initially thought something along the lines of Iain's example of the Abalokov had potential, but since Stefan was the second one down it didn't make sense. The only thing I can think of is maybe the suspect sling just came untied and was blown away later by the hovering helo. Still just a guess.
  20. quote: Originally posted by Tyrone Shoes: how bout this one, I'll change my name to Mr. Hilti...Mr. Hilti...get it...Hilti... Either that or Les Schwab.
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