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Everything posted by vegetablebelay

  1. On the bright side, you could be a Maryville teacher being forced back to work.....
  2. A couple of months ago, a guy in my office who is a newbie hiker/scrambler told me I ought to check out this great site on the web - nwog.org
  3. vegetablebelay

    Well Done!

    At the very least post the pm to you where he announced this tremendous feat (removing the name, of course).
  4. vegetablebelay

    Well Done!

    I demand you post his name and time for slamming fodder.
  5. Except the lighting isn't right or something...
  6. Anyway, the site is still slow.
  7. Can't you just leave the Mountaineers alone?
  8. Extreeeeeeeeemely Slowwwwwwwwwwwww...
  9. Iain likes cartoons and hates Pamela Anderson.
  10. Can't you even say boobs, at least?
  11. C'mon it's a glue-on. All the kids are doing it these days..
  12. It's a little early in the year for a "spray summary" thread dontcha think?
  13. Or the power steering hoses.
  14. You've got to moisten the new belt to lube it up. The best way is to turn the car on and use your tongue on it as the belt goes around.
  15. Wow, Fremont is finally on the map. Kick all the hippies out of there and now it's respectable.
  16. The noxious combination of multiple perfumes in a crowded downtown elevator...
  17. That hit a little too close to home for DFA it appears....
  18. I really hate the smell of barf.
  19. Catturd - Wet Blanket Dispenser.
  20. Huh? It's a fucking POS ballgame. Easy to say that but if the Cubs lose tonight, that guy will have to enter the witness protection program.
  21. Join the Mounties Dave and you can quit fantasizing and do it for real.
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