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Everything posted by vegetablebelay

  1. vegetablebelay


    So if you're out climbing, how did ya just stumble upon us? Wanker.
  2. vegetablebelay

    Jury duty

    Forget about it Dryad. If Dave couldn't get excused with his obvious deficiencies, you've got no shot.
  3. Plus, now we've got a poll so we can finally determine once and for all just which is the best way.
  4. vegetablebelay


    All that hate is gonna eat you up. And give you pimples.
  5. vegetablebelay

    Jury duty

    Just tell them it would create a hardship for you to attend as it would interfere with your time on cc.com.
  6. A guy here at work has a wireless headset that a button you can push that remotely lifts the receiver on the phone to answer the phone when it rings.
  7. Could be worse - like yesterday j_b standing up for Erik The Moderator....
  8. Too many Democrats are shrill, hopeless, undersexed squares
  9. Chilling enough for you to go away?
  10. vegetablebelay

    Well Done!

    There's noone behind you in the picture - did you finish dead last?
  11. Fer real. His post isn't a whole lot different than posting that someone ran a marathon but I'm not gonna tell who.
  12. by - Anonymous on - 21:51 Mon - whois? In reply to Ander: Who's this Dwayner chap?!?
  13. Yep, about 3 weeks ago... http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/threadz/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=UBB23&Number=253935&page=12&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=&fpart=1
  14. Wait, maybe you're talking about this guy.
  15. Catturd. He posts nearly every trip he does and keeps discusson going for 6 months after (Lewis Peak).
  16. But "bullshit spray" is so subjective. Look at the Mounties Pics thread still over in the climber's board...
  17. I commute, in a SUV, 20 minutes in the morning, 45-60 minutes in the afternoon. I'm not complaining. I smirk a little when I see you waiting for the bus, on someone else's time.
  18. Went out to a restaurant a couple of weeks ago and had barbecued kangaroo. MMmmmmmmmmmmm.
  19. .....and then, he was gone.....
  20. I think you're remembering the scenario wrong. Didn't it actually conclude with a bitchslap by a certain somebody?
  21. Yep, it really is the poll of the day!
  22. He and jgowans should join forces....
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