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Everything posted by minx

  1. minx

    Issue of the Day

    How d'you know DFA finds nothing you say interesting? b/c you are soooooooooooo predictable and transparent. it's soooooooooo easy to guess what you'd say
  2. oh nifty! it's HS all over again. who cares?
  3. minx

    Issue of the Day

    Well, you're still as hilarious as you never were. Keep it up, champ! You'll be a regular Carrot Top 'fore too long! hey DFA- i know you don't find anything i say interesting but does anything anyone says not bore you? (besides your own witty repartee of course)
  4. minx

    spam spam spam spam

    Is it impossible to unsubcribe from spam mail? grrrrrrr! i didn't want their e-mails in the first place, now they're going to send me a confirmation e-mail that i've asked not to receive anymore e-mail?!?! AND i get to keep receiving their e-mails for 1-2 more weeks? what's up w/that? "Thank you. We have received your email change or delete request and we will send you a confirmation email. Please note that your change may not take effect for 1-2 weeks. Please click here to return to jcrew.com. "
  5. minx

    lazy sack of shit

    i thought he was your belay slave
  6. shoot why all the negativity. can't it be possible that these gals think you guys are entertaining? shoot if they can get you to buy 'em beer all the better!
  7. i'm confused...no tele in the bc? you forgot "skiing to the bar"
  8. now greg w/a brazillian bikini wax...that's something we should all see
  9. yes they should be and we're doing our best to capture all of the evil orcas and confine them aquariums where they can repent for their heinous actions by entertaining throngs of screaming children.
  10. climber and cowboys...man stay away from both of these if you want to have use of your couch!
  11. I think mattp is correct. i remember seeing it on sale shortly before xmas. think it was that one.
  12. why don't you let the news girls pick the location?
  13. thank dog! there is justice in the world!
  14. NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! make this silly spounge man GO AWAY (sob sob sob) lmao! man muffy, i know what you're going through. but remember i coulda said barney
  15. minx - lick me Whose taking bets that minx does not respond, "trask, shut up and lick me."??? Bwahahahahaha lmao! i was thinking more on the lines of kiss my arse but then i thought about it. i don't want him doing that either so i'll ignore him.
  16. wow...must be a tough day at work if you're already having the drink debate
  17. greg- stayin home w/the kid getting to you? Are you starting to enjoy Sponge Bob Square pants?
  18. trask shut up
  19. remember homer simpson's important thought on the subject "alcohol, the cause of and solution to all of life's problem's" drink up!
  20. remember it's always after noon somewhere in the world go w/the cuervo. BV is nasty.
  21. because we're nice people and deserving of your company. if you're nice people you don't deserve the company of this sullied group
  22. minx

    About Gas

    why'd you edit it? you had a good thought going there
  23. yikes! that's scary. they've done it on purpose! yeah the noise, what a nice safety feature. Saftey is the first concern in the bc after all.
  24. i was recently horrified to learn that they're indoctrinating them younger than ever. They have snowmobiles my 7yr old can ride! I had no idea.
  25. minx

    I Hate You All

    this whole thread scares me
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