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Everything posted by minx

  1. sounds like a job for gregW. nice that king5news helped get that story on the air
  2. does this mean muffy is attending pub club?
  3. ok...now i know which pub you're talking about. i won't be there but i wondered which bar it was. i thought i knew most of the montlake area drinking spots.
  4. yeah you all wouldn't want this to get too civil.
  5. where's D&H?
  6. tetons in late may/early june if the shoulder cooperates
  7. i do what i can to bolster the spirit of the nations troops
  8. hmmm...well i only have one suggestion then ok so you're screwed and not in that good way.
  9. huh? there's something wrong w/stark raving mad? seriously...that example screams of high maintenance. hope it hasn't actually happened to you. go find some nice climber gal or some other mellow chica
  10. here! here! what type of women is gd hangin' out with anyway?
  11. Glad you're in one piece after that! I just want add to the reminder to watch the rock on Guye. I sent a seemingly solid rock tumbling down onto a loved one last summer. No lasting harm done but i thought it was firmly attached when i put my weight on it.
  12. ain't that the truth -- spent too many years in texas. what part of TX? and how'd you escape? poor thing!
  13. yeah this place is great and i'm glad to be adding to the erudite, sophisticated atmosphere w/discussions like this!
  14. I took my own, dude. She's hot. touche! and i here i was trying not to get a rise out of trask!
  15. yeah...idiots stress me out
  16. trask...wake up!
  17. cbs- it sounds like anyone would've had a long climb in these conditions. i'm not all that experienced either. like i said dumb choices on our part caused us lotsa grief.
  18. cbs-i can tell you some recent experiences on that mtn that are very similar! Very deceptive looking little peak! Glad you didn't have to bivvy. Rapping in the dark is just miserable! 10am doesn't seem that bad for a climb of Guye but recently i had a trip up guye that was 7hrs door to door due to some stupid choices.
  19. this shouldn't surprise you...only a woman stupid enough to do this would be stupid enough to be around you
  20. i'm on the injured list and moving this w/e. no TRs for at least 6 weeks
  21. cripes! i'm a science nerd i can't write anything interesting. besides some things aren't meant to be shared w/the general public.
  22. might i suggest this format: opening paragraph covers important details, where you went, conditions, success or failure, interesting gear tips that are route specific and any raves or rants about new gear. Embelish your heart out after that. Some people do a great job of this and it does make a fun read!
  23. nahh...i just felt left out.
  24. having recently experienced a vehicle break-in, i can say from experience that the authorities are going to take a report and leave it at that. Its up to the bank to push for a fraud investigation. I asked my bank about the catching the person using my card and basically they told me it's really not worth their time unless it get to be a large sum. So yeah they can do it...is it worth the effort to the police or your bank. no.
  25. yeah! i haven't assaulted dryad in anyway publicly or privately. I'm all for more women around this joint! just pointed out that she certainly doesn't have a self esteem problem!
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