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Everything posted by minx

  1. minx

    sprayin canadian

    I noticed today that the beloved Dru has crossed the 9500 post plateau. Anyone want to wager on the date and time Dru will make his 10,000th post now that he's got ADSL By April 1? Tomorrow? Or will he be mobbed by hello kitty loving teenage canadian and be unable to reach the long awaited 10000th post?
  2. i'll poke my nose in for at least a little bit
  3. how is that non-alky stuff a head start? blech! well that's like trask's love life... artificial and not worth the time. not a bad thought though!
  4. no splintering intended! convenience and hapenstance. the spar it is...assuming i make it down that far!
  5. I thought tacoma was called South Kent? oh well either way...it's better than ballard...tonight
  6. why do these schmucks looks so bloody happy?
  7. oooo! good call on the swiss! i'm up for any place figger 8 wants to pick. Dwayner as a recent former resident of t-town, i already have plans to be there so anywhere, anytime is good tonight! i'm flexible
  8. By 8:00 it can't be that bad. I'll bet some of the eastside boys will be happy to give you a ride! Oh, I think Dryad lives in Redmond. Dave it's not the ride part that's a problem. It's the hanging out at work til traffic clears part that sucks. Once i'm home, i'm staying put! Now t-town drinkers...the spar is always good for a few beers. Not an official pub club since i'm only vacationing in the lovely kentacoma this evening but beer none the less.
  9. minx


    i think anyone w/kids notices the applesauce thing. grrrr!
  10. cripes and why do you think no one from the eastside wants to go there. it's that all important freeway access. i'll be drinking a beer in t-town somewhere. hope you guys have fun at Gradys. Can't wait to see the review
  11. yeah! it's at least 45min closer to bend! hey those seattle pub clubs you're always trying to have close to 520 are a joke for those of use on the eastside. Have you people ever driven across 520? i know you have! it's a nightmare! t-town! the spar, the unicorn, magoos annex, any place else not on the water..
  12. if it's in t-town this week i will go. future events in t-town i can't commit to. i don't show b/c it's always in seattle. the one recent eastside event was a happenstance of poor timing for me. unlike trask, i am not a recluse. (not that there's anything wrong w/that)
  13. the spar is close enough to ruston. i vote for t-town!
  14. admit DFA, you're gonna miss him
  15. minx

    Spray Soundtrack

    If you could freeze him with his mouth open, I think that effect could be pulled off. There's just something inherently funny (at least to me) in the continuous opening and closing of his mouth. Have him hold his nose and drink a glass of water maybe? i have the perfect t-rex to toughen iain up and i can't get the darn thing to work.
  16. minx

    Spray Soundtrack

    can't accentuate what you don't have
  17. minx

    Spray Soundtrack

    say you were the violin playing nerd in skool. i knew it.
  18. minx

    Spray Soundtrack

    hey ian, just b/c i like sci doesn't mean everything i listen to is all mellow. just picked up chemlab.
  19. minx

    Spray Soundtrack

    seriously if you can't get into sci try some stuff by edgar meyer
  20. minx

    Spray Soundtrack

    and you'd know all about that wouldn't you?
  21. minx

    Spray Soundtrack

    on the string cheese incident! definitely good music to spray by
  22. i might be up for some tuesday fun in the snow depending on conditions. i'm finiky! pm me if your interested we can sort out details. i'm gonna take this opportunity to thread drift! just a friendly reminder to those of you out in the back country please pay attention to those around you especialy if you follow their trail! We got sweeped by an minor avy started by some snowboarders above us yesterday. No harm done but i didn't appreciate having these kids use our trail to follow us up most of the way. They went up a bit further than we did (didn't like the looks of the slope), they knew full well where we were and couldn't wait for the path to clear before starting! It was only about 4' of snow and none of us got burried but i spent an hour trying to find my polls! OK-maybe not an hour but a long time darn it!
  23. minx


    well actually i was bustin on all of you boyz home on a friday night. but you're such and easy mark... no it's time for this girl to go enjoy the w/e! hope you kids have fun working on building up your net worth
  24. i skied lift assisted for several hours this afternoon/evening at alpental. it just wasn't quite what i need. Gotta go chase some fresh freshiez! yep! i gotta do it!
  25. minx


    touche! trask could quit is day job!
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