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Everything posted by minx

  1. i'm sure if you boys behave yourselves she'll be back. now shape up kids!
  2. % alcohol content maybe?
  3. minx

    music these days...

    i hate to admit this- most fun i ever had at show larger than a bar gig was Bare Naked Ladies at the Moore sometime in the mid-90s
  4. I said similar as PBR does mean pretty bad really....don't you think miss? My favorite beer is obsidian Stout. uh oh...we agree.
  5. Pabst hardly qualifies as beer slightly off tasting water really
  6. Uh, sorry eric, I think at least once or twice I contributed to you not climbing Guye, but it sounds like a shitty route to me anyway. The South Rib is a fun route even though i swear that hill has a grudge against me. Definitely worth doing if you only have one day and aren't in the mood for a long approach.
  7. black flag '84 or was it '83? in the Tacoma Dome there's was another band or something....i only have a vague memory of it
  8. as i have had the opportunity to meet both greg w and trask. i can say that trask is trask and not GW but maybe he's jon or someone else but i'm betting trask is trask
  9. i can say w/some authority that trask is not greg w. now whether or not he terrorizes other sites as greg w, i don't know trask
  10. stupid but a little pitch at Spring Mountain called diving board. Don't know why but always had fun w/that route. a little bit of everything
  11. no point in reading it in english. really it's trash either way but it's not the times or the journal so it's a start.
  12. Um, yes. Why don't you read some French newspapers? I'm sure they are totally unbiased. Or you could check out the Germans, I'm sure they'll tell you exactly what's happened, UNCENSORED. Give us a break, you really think you'll find something? If you do, let us know. \ Or wait, just surf cc.com! You'll find all you need to know. i read lemonde most days in addition to a diet of several US papers. Le Monde is no more unbiased than the US papers but it does provide an insight into the thinking of another part of the world. I don't read it expecting neutrality, i expect a different perspective.
  13. I had a similar situation with USAA. I ended up switching to TIAA-CREF.
  14. spent a fun day playing in the snow near Crystal. A little snowshoeing and a little skiing. Saw some flakes, saw some sun. A great day all in all. Went sledding on Sunday
  15. thanks! that's more what i was trying to say originally but i certainly lack your elegance. so...YEAH! WHAT HE SAID!
  16. minx


    too much info i'm sure http://www.aclu.org/SafeandFree/SafeandFree.cfm?ID=11904&c=206 http://www.counterpunch.org/norris1121.html “Ann Beeson of the Civil Liberties Union, a long-time supporter of the 4th stated: "As of today, the attorney general can suspend the ordinary requirements of the 4th Amendment in order to listen to phone calls, read e-mails, and conduct secret searches of Americans' homes and offices." Those that are being monitored won't know it. So, in essence, there is no mechanism in place to challenge the surveillance. And currently, only the government can do that.” http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/1120440.stm “Mr Ashcroft's record as a senator helps explain why he is so controversial. The conservative Christian Coalition gave him a 100% rating for the year 2000, while the environmentalist League of Conservation Voters and the left-leaning National Organisation for Women each gave him a zero. “ http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2002/06/12/opinion/meyer/main512021.shtml http://dir.salon.com/politics/feature/2001/01/08/ashcroft/index.html http://www.pfaw.org/pfaw/general/default.aspx?oid=1060 search this site for plenty of info http://www.cnn.com/2001/US/12/06/inv.ashcroft.hearing/ “ Ashcroft flatly rejected criticism of the administration's policies, including President Bush's decision to allow the use of military tribunals to try non-U.S. citizens suspected of terrorism, the detention of hundreds of immigrants in connection with the terrorism probe, the "voluntary" questioning of thousands of men from mostly Middle Eastern countries, and eavesdropping between attorneys and their clients in terrorism cases. “ Glad he keeps an open mind http://www.nytimes.com/2003/04/04/international/worldspecial/04DETA.html “Since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, the courts have made conflicting rulings on the legality of holding material witnesses without charging them. A federal judge in Manhattan, Shira A. Scheindlin, said such detentions were "an illegitimate use of the statute," but another ruling in the same court, by Chief Judge Michael B. Mukasey, said detaining witnesses to compel testimony was a legitimate investigative tool. Attorney General John Ashcroft has defended the tactic, saying it is "vital to preventing, disrupting or delaying new attacks." The Justice Department has not said how many Americans have been held without charges in terrorism investigations since Sept. 11. Civil liberties groups say they believe the number is about 20, though most are not American citizens. “ http://www.vnunet.com/News/1125669 “Marc Rotenberg, Epic's executive director, said there is now a mix of provisions in the area of electronic surveillance that, if taken together, "would allow more people in government to monitor more electronic communications of Americans for more reasons under a lower legal standard than is currently permitted under law". "This new statutory authority would be broadly exercised in cases completely unrelated to terrorism," he added. Rotenberg said that police could now use Carnivore, a system that monitors web communication going in and out of an internet service provider's network, to routinely capture click-stream data from internet users under the same standards that currently permit government access to telephone numbers. Another provision will make it easier to seize voicemail. "The vast majority of legislative recommendations now being faxed around Washington create sweeping surveillance authority without any justification," Rotenberg said. The House Judicial Committee heard testimony from Attorney General John Ashcroft in which he told Congress that current US law is not adequate to protect American citizens from terrorist threats and that, in technology areas, the law is particularly out of date. He said the FBI needed additional surveillance and enforcement powers immediately. "The American people do not have the luxury of unlimited time in erecting the necessary defences to future terrorist acts," Ashcroft said. "It requires that we provide law enforcement with the tools necessary to identify, dismantle, disrupt and punish terrorist organisations before they strike again." Although many congressmen said they support the proposal, a number expressed concerns over potential violations of constitutional rights in the proposals. “ US Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Patrick Leahy vowed to balance any new laws with the need to protect civil liberties. "If we let the Constitution get shredded, the terrorists win," he warned. The American Civil Liberties Union said that several of Ashcroft's proposals were not objectionable, but it said many were excessive.
  17. guye peak hates me this year. While not all attempts have been failures most have included at least one incident that brings at least one team member's judgement into question. There have been others but this year it's guye. Couple years back it was Prussik.
  18. minx


    trask, this is not the sort of thing about which we should relax. If this damn war goes well they probably won't be out in 2004. This sort of thing will continue. it's scary. i like my privacy. ~S
  19. minx


    Ashcroft has been a scary figure since his confirmation. I will have to look rather hard to find the links but i recall a debate w/a conservative friend at the time. Even he was disturbed by Ashcrofts willingness to gloss over certain civil rights as it suits him. There are several specific instances he pointed out. I'll try and find them. We should all be disturbed by this man.
  20. minx

    Which 4WD SUV?

    In addition to my 95 jeep which i love, i also regularly drive a 93 pathfinder. It's a 5spd SE. It's got 30" tires on it now. It's been a solid vehicle. It has 110K on it with minimal problems. Handles pretty well off road and great in the snow.
  21. minx


    wow, you people make spray sooooooooo difficult. Just spray in your own style and don't worry about others.
  22. christonapogostick that's funny
  23. minx


    trask the difference is the mortality rates associated with each respective virus. not that this should be taken lightly but it's not the same.
  24. as long as you're not quoting the bible to make a religious argument, i don't care who said it
  25. minx

    Which 4WD SUV?

    i'll probably get laughed off the board for this but: i love my jeep wrangler. it has been totally reliable and now has well over 100K on it. It gets reasonable gas mileage for an SUV. Gets me up my road when the neighbors Subies, explores, pathfinders, forerunners etc are parked at the bottom (oddly the guy w/the Jetta always seems to make it) In terms of taking a bunch of people AND gear...it's not going to happen. I use my other car for outings w/more people. Besides, it's great to just take a hose to the interior after a long trip!
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