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Everything posted by minx

  1. minx


    i'm lucky to have all 10 toenails at any given time so i guess i'll stick w/the non-hotties and wear my chacos on the dock!
  2. i hear ya! i cleaned house and went to work this w/e. oh and i played poker and skied
  3. minx


    i like those! but i'm still sayin my chacos are my favs!
  4. minx

    makin it eze!

    i think erik had a good w/e
  5. minx


  6. minx

    there's a rumor a foot

    that naughty daisy
  7. minx

    there's a rumor a foot

    well if this is true, whoever it is, is not me. it'd be nice if they didn't do it again.
  8. minx

    Let's argue.

    no absolutely not! why would i do something that awful? it was in reference to another topic as well as this one. comeon fairweather catch up!
  9. that someone was in the chat room using the name minx. can any of you verify this? damn identity theft if it's true
  10. minx

    Let's argue.

    Wow, way to make me angry buddy. That's tough coming from someone who cuts trees for a living. i know i'm gonna regret this but what does someone's occupation have to do w/their ability to debate? I know plenty of well educated people who do not work in fields related to their degrees.
  11. i said this to someone earlier today Rumsfield terrifies me, Bush horrifies me but i was pretty impressed w/Gen. Franks at that press conference. Thought he answered a lot of good questions well. I may not approve of this war but he's not a policy maker so i won't point my ire at him. I hope he's as capable as he seems.
  12. those girls look pissed!
  13. SC-i hate to agree w/greg and trask but i think you might be a tad off base here (although i can see how you might get there) greg seems alright from my limited interaction w/him. perhaps you should get to know him a little before saying those kind of things. we're all carricatures of ourselves to some extent when posting on the net.
  14. minx

    we'll never know

    just how many posts dru has i am disturbed. this 9999 can't go on!
  15. diplomatic masturbation...nice i don't think it matters. it wasn't our place to "liberate" Iraq. We pretty much made a unilateral decision. so be it. since we're there now we better finish it quickly and not do a half arsed job like the last pres. shrub
  16. How do you propose to deal with the distribution of goods, air travel, heating, lawnmowing, etc? Not to mention OUR GOD-GIVEN RIGHT TO BURN RUBBER!!! i propose that we recognize the urgency of moving away from a petroleum based and devote the resources and time to developing alternative fuels and energy sources instead of picking fights w/oil driven countries.
  17. Not to harsh on you, Jim, but I think this is a prime example of the misconception that MANY people have about the architecture of our government and how elections work in the United States. Article II of the Constitution breaks down how Electors are chosen and how each State's Electors shall execute their responsibilities. Each State votes from among the choices of national candidates; with a few exceptions, the corresponding Electors from those States mimic that vote in THEIR vote that is submitted to the President of the Senate. It is by the tabulation of the votes of the Electors that the President and Vice President are elected. This system was set in place by the Founding Fathers to provide some measure of protection for the small states from the large states; it strikes a balance. So, while you may assert that "a majority of the voters did not vote for Bush[sic]", that is an irrelavent argument; it is the vote of the Electors (or Electoral College) that selects the President based on the voters' voices in each state. This is a prime characteristic of a DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC versus a pure democracy. Greg W greg, really this is simple. yes we vote for people to represent our opinions. sometimes we win sometimes we lose. we do not however lose the right or even the obligation to express our dissent. How will our legislators know what their constituents believe if we quit expressing our beliefs in as public a manner as possible.
  18. yeah this is the part that scares me...someone w/no international experience making these decisions ok- lets maket his easier, why not quit running this country on oil. the advantages are endless!
  19. read the article, but thanks it was a good one but it still left me questioning. i never presumed we'd be attempting to keep the oil. there are economic benefits beyond actually "owning"the oil. A friendlier regime would suffice. We had no problem working and instilling sadam as the leader of Iraq when he suited us. The question is much simpler....why Iraq instead of anyone of a number of countries led by dictators?
  20. as a nation, why do we feel the need to "liberate" Iraq? There are countless other countries being ruled by dictators...why Iraq? I desperately want to believe that there is a more altruistic reason than oil and economics. It just doesn't add up though.
  21. hey be nice! crosswords are fun and educational too (or at least that's what i told myself)
  22. it's been a while but i think there's some mixed routes and a few bolted routes near bumbly tower. too much fun comes to mind for an easier go. bloody fingers and a 60m rope are good advice too
  23. it'd be so much easier to plan good climbing trips if i had a 3 day w/e every week.
  24. What!!! No Chianti or Merlot? You barbarian! i knew i couldn't trust trask not screw the recipe up! bitch, next time give it to me when you're not digging your nails into my back then leave when you're asked
  25. What!!! No Chianti or Merlot? You barbarian! i knew i couldn't trust trask not screw the recipe up!
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