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Everything posted by whirlwind

  1. e-rock dru cracked minx
  2. mike did u rehurt the foot or is it just not healed yet?
  3. i'll be there with bells on
  4. i guess those felonies might come in handy some day...
  5. "rape me my friend, rape me again" who's line is that?
  6. so do you but whos complaining bout that
  7. hey fuck u all i had my reasons and there pretty good, i would've liked nothing better than hit up wit you all as well as hittin up index. but wtf shit happens, drive you happy ass up here beouch.
  8. whirlwind

    Madam Opal

    when will get me shit together there madame?
  9. too
  10. more reasons to lessen our dependency on oil, so we can rid ourselves of these forced alliences, for instance wit SA
  11. whirlwind

    Hmmm ???

    that just
  12. & tonight
  13. If that is all you're getting out of the story, I take pity on you and I apologize for calling you stupid yesterday. dude deserves what he got i just find it funny when i hear about religious hypocracy, but its not like i havn't messed up either, was just voicein the irony. and take ur bs and shove it up ur arse once again vegie, oh my condolences to ur family for haveing u as a member.
  14. ok i maybe a little nieve to the true way to make a Doc film but the point he gets across is more inportant and the issues at hand are real as well as his intentions being that of "exposeing" certain things to the american public. why would he put his ass on the line against Bush, the NRA, oil compainies, and large other corparations just to try and make a buck, it dosn't make sence, are u guys pissed cause you don't want to acknowledge the facts, although they may have been dramaticly obsquired, the facts are still there and they hit home harder that way. and that i believe was his true intention. E
  15. its very catholic like to beat someones ass too.
  16. sweet u rock
  17. i secound motion for trampalines at the bottom of every sport route in which the first bolt is higher than 10ft and therefore woulod have need to be stickcliped any how
  18. lol fing alkies why should i drag ur up the GNS again tired of ropegunnin that 5.6 shit for u
  19. moore is a fucking disgrace to 'documentaries" everywhere... using unethical tactics and blatent blatent editing skewing. utterly pathetic... he is lambasted in every film making class i have ever been in that covered documertay style. futher prof that he thinks out side the box that dosn't
  20. wel i a bit lost but i'll be there and might need a parnter or at least peoples to wit so i'll see ya there
  21. any one going to be around on sat?
  22. maybe i should read the whole thread first the the point of the matter is that vegie can kiss my ass and i don't buy a word of the pro bush bs. of course things are going to start looking better, next yr is election and its going to take most of the yr "try" and win over the popular vote.
  23. what part of the economy the oil industry or the corpation, funded to "rebuild" Iraq seems how both are huge and it may be posible tha the numbers apear better. but my question is has the unempolment rate droped? has the average worker benifited in any way, oh and is it posible that the economy rose 7% due to the fact that last quarter the avg. person was paying about $2.oo a gallon on gas which is a 50% increase from the normal prices, oh and why did the prices go up in the first place in collilation with the war?
  24. personly i sontime run the fuck out of easy pitches which in the case of a fall would be bad news and probly not good, but i tend to try and only do it on "clean" fall routes
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