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Everything posted by whirlwind

  1. that'd be some funny shit i bet it would turn alot of people back
  2. people always give me shit for being spontanious and pushin limits, i think its funny that they are the same people that get jazed up whatchin some gay ass reality show, and come up with lame as exuces about the weather and other shit. i've totally dogged some potientail GF's cuase they would rather watch a reality show than be apart on one. i guess in short i'm just tryong to say, livin in the now is the only way to live, not only this time of year but all yr round
  3. whirlwind

    Steak and a BJ

    fuq every day is steak and bj day
  4. are big cams a form of aid?
  5. lol jaming crack is where its at, actually thats why i'm going bouldering with distel, most cruxes i have problems with only require a couple of bouldery face moves
  6. "your best when developing unusual or complex ideas..." like why does distel like pullin on pebels so much? cause it requires 30secs of effort, and 30+ mins of beta talking why does wirly like trad climbing; 30 sec of beta (follow that crack to belay) and 30 + mins of climbing
  7. i might be "sad" but i'm not a "sad climber"
  8. lol sure thing, bud bring that shit
  9. that thing is still drive able
  10. whirlwind

    Old sayings

    if there's grass on the field play ball
  11. whirlwind

    Old sayings

    he who laughs last.. thinks slowest
  12. sponge actually thanks for askin
  13. lol ur rock lin
  14. it is a trad climb "project"
  15. doesn't everyone so whats ur number?
  16. this explains alot
  17. lol attacking the zipper on my pants
  18. 5.12 in the gym is not really 5.12
  19. scott ur dam avie's given me a woody
  20. its the new "gecko gallon" simple stick it to wall next to problem and send send send
  21. lol theres a dude in the tree, or am i seeing shit lower left.. ops i meant rt
  22. back cover; picture of author the grimper comes out tomorrow
  23. unbury the dead and let the flamin begain
  24. ah what happen to the link jon?
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