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Everything posted by whirlwind

  1. merry christmass from the land where its 70 degrees and sunny already
  2. where are they Dru? black mountain?
  3. bivvying in a bush is mor e fun anyway
  4. ha ha ha i'm out of here tomorrow, heading for cold but dry desert of southern california, hope you guys enjoy the rain and try not to freez your nutts/nipples off peace E
  5. i'll be there, if you want to fly i'll pick you up and drop ya off
  6. hey dude your pm box is full give shout if you still need a parnter
  7. whirlwind


    nah they just need me, to catch as few td's thats all
  8. whirlwind


    male climbers prayer; may every day be filled with cracks to jam, cracks to smoke, cracks to , warm days, cold beers prarana toped belayslaves and to chase in crack i trust amen
  9. do your balls hang low do they wobble to and fro, can you tie them in a not, can you tie em in a bow...
  10. thanks bud, and if things work out their will always be a place for ya allz to crash in southern cali
  11. good point but i don't know, there are a shit load of posers in bellingham like me i only climb 5.8a thats why i was pissed cause i coun't figure out how to make the blue tape route (the 5.8b+) into a straight 5.8a- so i tryed and got really pumped cause the belayer gave me shitty beta, and i pitched cause i did it the 5.8+ way, or was it the 5.8b way, shit now i'm all confused damit.
  12. ok so i'm in the gym this evening and i notice one of the routes is rated 5.8b+, now what the f##@ does that mean? i mean come on is it 5.8 till unless you don't use the yellow hold, then its 8b and if you don't use the yellow or the green one it becomes 5.8b+
  13. lol oly. but really it may all be a set up, look who has gainded the most and then notice that these are the people that very well could make that kinda shit happen? but who knows,
  14. if you standing still yeah but not driving by the san diego air port is one of the worst in the nation i lived in the landing/ take off path of the plaines in san diego, besides look at the debree in the first pic u posted the ruble on the left looks like engine pieces, are they from a 747 engine or a smaller engine? anyway btw at one hundred ft the sound isn't that muffled at a couple thousand you can still hear them from inside a house pretty well.
  15. it happend pretty fast is the point i was trying to make, they could have mistaken. at 100ft there would be one hellofa jet wake and ear shatering noise? but who knows your right i wasn't there but i think if i was i could have precived wrong under the circumstances, because i have seen jets fly over at low altitude and at a glimpse it is hard to tell the actual size or type espcally if the color and markings are identical but like i said i wasn't their, so i will remain skeptical till it is proven one way or the other
  16. i can understand the suplies but why would they need to be rescued? seems like a waste of time and money as long as their are capable, 250ft is like 2-3 raps,
  17. 1)dosn't look like enough wreakage, 2) if the plane hit the ground engines first it would have endowed sending the nose into the ground and the tail over the top of the walls posibly. 3) if it is a conspirisy why not high jack the plane and land it somewhere else is their an air force base or any other field large enough to land a jet on, close to where the other one "disapeared", don't for get the military also has the technology to block radar. 4) a oject flying by at 500+ miles per hr may seem larger or smaller to a person in a car going 60, did they expiriance any jet wake? 5)what did the people see on the hotel cameras and why the hell havn't they said anything?
  18. would be nice to see the other films thats for sure
  19. i can't see the pics
  20. anyone need on i'm leaving no sooner than the 29th and planing on being down there by the 5th of dec, with climbing and other such nosence on the way down. btw this trip is one way only less you can stay till feb
  21. ok lets go bill
  22. lets go then
  23. i have time and gear but no rope pm me if intrested index 11worth or what ever E
  24. index? or 11worth? i'm free saturday and sunday maybe monday as well
  25. i'll with ya on sunday but i have to work tomorrow, sorry bud
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