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Everything posted by whirlwind

  1. nice crack but which one is it?
  2. i after this week end i'd have to say a good partner definalty helps with the mental aspect of climbing, BOF felt easy and so did the secound pitch of Davis holand, cource they're only 10a. btw do i look that fat, i swear im only about 8 or 9% body fat, cource at 185 thats almost 17lbs, guess i should hit the steam room
  3. shit now you did it, thats mrE's secret craig, quick you best erase that picture oh and there doesn't look like alot of cracks, you could sling the trees though and call it trad
  4. ok i know ill probly get flamed but.. i've been pushing 5.10 for what seems like forever, i got to the point where 10a's where good and b's where hit and miss depending on crack size with the occasional c and one 10d (crux pitch of serinity) so obiously i can't just go and climb any 5.10 but thats my goal, to be able to go any where and jump on a 5.10, other than the obious of climbing more often, if i climb as much as posible how can i "master", for lack of a better word, 5.10 flame on
  5. fing 60+ dollar ticket i did get one once.
  6. whirlwind


    cool i aways wished i could spend 130+ dollars to get wet and wild with a bunch of 15 yr olds for 3 hrs, , have fun bud
  7. i'd like to go, but more than likly i'll be driving because i'll have to be back for work. as far as i know its only bout 8 hrs from bellingham i may be able to leave round the 25th what day is that?
  8. well exchanging spankings is always more fun, but i figure i'm do for one sometime soon
  9. funny thing is that GL admitted that episode 1 and 2 where just fillers and 3 was 86 or so pecent of the untold story he wanted to portray. and that he could have done it all in one movie, but i think that was pretty obious.
  10. 7lakes baisin loop is pretty sweet, not sure how much snow there is on it though probly will need ax and crampons for the high divide, but i think u can camp low enough as too stay out of the snow
  11. my fav part :"you'll also find it useful to tone your abs" i always though people shouldn't climb without 6-pacs. and: "(Here's a little-known fact: you can strengthen your hand muscles by placing your hand in the middle of a piece of newspaper -- which is laid out on a tabletop -- and crumpling it into as small a ball as possible, using only your fingers.)" another little know fact is that walking will improve your hiking ablities faster than driving your car will i bet you didn't know that
  12. was thinking of spending 3 days getting spanked at index anyone else down with that?
  13. need:bivy sack boots round 10.5 if posible: light hiking stove or what not
  14. vw(was it the golf or jetta?) the golf i think has the tdi, the turbo desils get like 40mpg and u can run biodesil in em and cut down on polution
  15. do u needa ride or just looking to carpool?
  16. have fun guys(igot to work), thanks for the invite E
  17. ok a few questions: 1) there was a avalanche on one of the sisters, what is the likelyhood of another one this weekend? 2) i suck at skiing somone mentioned all levels would be ok, honestly i only skied once about 14yrs ago, will i die? 3) i need size 10.5- 11 boots any one got some? finally) anyone else want to carpool from washington?
  18. anyone comeing from bellingham or seatle carpool?
  19. actually i havn't seen it i watch wild boys every now and again, pretty much the same idea
  20. owch
  21. figures, they shoulda let the birds finish off the lawyer
  22. ok your right, but i bet he is one of the few that can.
  23. i don't know, ive had it happen to a mild degree, usally ice helps, but i have to say almost 100% of ur body weight on one hand jam is pretty impresive.
  24. i was think of going down this fall as well, carpool? sounds like a decent trip there k. glade to hear you made it out of pa for a bit
  25. i'd be intrested if someone had a board or skis they could lend out
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