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Everything posted by whirlwind

  1. not guilty sit and spin
  2. i may be in seattle tonight if so i'd go but i'd rather hit up stone gardens
  3. all I can say is my life is pretty plain, i like watching the puddles gather rain. all i can do, is just pour some tea for 2, but you don't like my point of view cause i'm insane. its not sane, im not saa-ane. and i don't understand why i slee-ep all day and i start to complain when there's no rain....
  4. whirlwind

    Penis Study

    i wonder if i could get a grant to study womens breast size i think 150 g's would be about right and the study would cover the importance for the nipple and size vs sensitivity
  5. gotta keep em seperated
  6. come as you are, as you where, as i want you to be. take your time, hurry up, choice is yours don't be late. ..... i'm so happy, cause today i found my friends, there in my head,... and i m so horny, but thats ok , my will is good yea -ah- aha, yeaaah
  7. party in squampton i'd like to join E
  8. thanks nolse looks pretty stealar i may be up for it, you planing on doing it in a day? i was planing on working tomorrow, butt sunday is free.
  9. u got A topo of liberty crack?
  10. looking roomates and or a house in bellingham starting sept 1st would like to get a 2 bedroom, but larger house is a posiblity as well,
  11. Pretend?? hmm..it would depend on how hott he is!! damit i knew you were faking it
  12. come on man there should be 6 cats: male single gay, male single hetro male hitched (one way or another it doesn't really matter, jusyt consider this person off the marrket for the time being) femal single bi, female single hetro only, and female hitched. and thats all i need to know
  13. i would say no, not sure what the pilar length is but from the base of it to the next anchor is 45m then another 45m followed by a 60m rap to the ground acording to the guide book.
  14. lol for sure i look forward to the spanking, i would a packed up and headed straight for the pub to work on my beer belly oh and correct spelling is aid.
  15. its kind trippy scrolling from the first pic to the sec really fast.
  16. lost em last weekend i'm pretty sure they got droped at index but i'm not sure when or where. black case with quite a few cd's i'd probly give a reward of $$$ or beer to whoever gets em back to me thankx E
  17. cool thanks i know being able to climb any 10 is quite an endever, 10's here are diferrent than those in cali and utah ect. but it is my goal. im planing on going to yos somtime this summer/fall, as well as a trip to indian creek, and i want to get up some of the stuff there, there is not much for easy cracks and anything that is moderate goes on forever and a day. but omg i cream my pants just looking at pics of IC those routes are fricking awsome, a true crack whores dream
  18. ok iam tempted to go the the rock fest, anyone want to carpool?
  19. maybe i think i might hit up squamish the weekend after rockfest is all the more reason to climb at index, no one will be there to see us fwail about on step splitter cracks
  20. so what if i did, whats wrong with french freeing it? btw the tree is not in the way or even that close to the climb itself
  21. would like to get some routes in this weekend anyone gona be there or want to go?
  22. crazy guess i never looked down
  23. your self ask, within the answer is.
  24. i have to say im gulty of this somtimes but only when there is like 10-20 ft of face climg to the crack or what not, i think it is a waste of time for BOF considering its a pefectly clean fall weather or not ur piece is at the bottom or 10 ft up. i ussally stem over to the ledge on the rt side of the crack and plug in a piece there before tackleing the crack but what ever works, as long as you don't pull on the gear, its should still be considered freed
  25. the thing with just jumping on 11's is that, well it gets really hard to get good gear when trying to pull moves that are hard enough for me without trying the aspect of palcing gear, and with shitty gear its even harder to make moves, and i usally end up hanging and or pulling on gear, and it turns into an aid climb, i can see jumping on a hard bolted routes though
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