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Everything posted by whirlwind

  1. whirlwind

    Poor Me.

    Its been so long since I've had a good climbing trip, also the reason i quit, had a few to many crappy ones in a row. But im glade and a bit jealous to see alot of the same names still cranking. and guys like Blake, kicking butt. i remember when he first moved to Bellingham. now as I sit here bored as hell with a surgically repaired Achilles reading TR's I wish I had Climbed more and as the title states, Poor Me. Hope you guys get in some good climbs this weekend.
  2. whirlwind

    No power

    the reason more lines aren't in the ground is the cost of installation. that's where the bulk of the cost is. the power company would rather have the lines in the ground but the cost to rerun lines is not practical, that's why its really only used in new construction areas. the reason why the cost is so expensive is there is a minimum depth they must be, which also has to be above and existing or new water lines. the conductors also need to be a larger in diameter to carry the same current do to heat, also do to heat you can only run a limited number of conductors in the conduit after 4 conductors you need to either increase conductor size or run mulitiple conduit runs (mostly determined by amperage). voltage isn't a bigg issue other then determining the insulation on the wire, the minimum depth requirement also helps absorb the magnetic fields and protect from accidental damage. as far as finding the break, its just as easy, repairing it takes more time do to digging it up, but as long as the installation was good, the likly hood of having an issue is slim to none. minus darwinism of cource (people diggin them up) but then again you more likely to see a downed line from a car or storm, as alot of the underground lines are under streets and or sidewalks, so if someone Diggs one up their yard its only 240volts at the point where it goes to your house, an easy fix, and not likely to kill em, and also will only short the fuse at the transformer, not put the hole city out of power
  3. I just sent my modem. it was like v12 with all the flashy lights distracting me
  4. atleast your personal disposable income is kinda going up. i don't think thats true for the states.
  5. a decent alternative, is to clip a runner directly to the cam on ur rack, at-least on the cams you know you use on the climb(for instance a hand crack u probably would do up ur 1's and 2's). i use to use 24's dubbled up, then they are also easy to lengthen, when needed. (side note its worth practicing) lengthening and shortening till you can do it with one hand with out tangling up.
  6. Its fairly straight forward. there is a "guide" book some place for the area. if you find the sandy beach thats the best place to start, some of the other stuff has potentially hard falls. its not a long hike, using the parking lot as a reference wander south close to the water you'll find the sandy beach, there is various problems along the way. usually lots of chalked up stuff, but i haven't been there in awhile
  7. whirlwind


    Ron Paul baby!!!!! some of his socail issue stances are just plan scary, but i would vote him in to end the wars, fix/get rid of the fed, and end the drug war.
  8. whirlwind


    My Favorite is when asked to site his sources, and or tell us how his plan does what he says its supose to do, he says: "I'm not at liberty to do so at this time" like it some bigg fucking secret. 999 where the poor and lower middle class that spend 80-100% of there income now pay 18% tax and the weathly that make most of there money off capital gains which for some reason is not considered income, pay next to nothing.
  9. whirlwind

    9/11 faked?

    Jesse Ventura did an interesting show on the plane that supposedly hit the Pentagon, on his show conspiracy theories, here is the youtube link: 9/11
  10. on a side note the power grid is divided into 3 parts, the Mississippi river cuts east and west, and Texas and a few surrounding areas have there own grid
  11. whirlwind

    The End Is Near!

    nah, but if she was actually elected president, then 2012 would be the end of times.
  12. im still confused why a flat tax is so bad. and the progressive tax, is it the more u make the lower the % u pay or vise versa?
  13. I'm confused, i under stand the point about the gold standard, but it seams having a monetary system backed by something is better then having fiat money. maybe gold isn't the answer. as far as a flat tax goes, if everyone paid 10% then the rich would pay 10% of 1,000,000 = 100k and the poor would pay 10% of 20k= 2k
  14. that is how it started, Ron Paul started the movement awhile ago, how it evolved into what it is now, well who knows. and btw what would be wrong with a flat tax? how's is it not fair? and auditing the fed, making them accountable for the things they do, and dening them the ability to charge interest for the money it "loans" the government, which in fact, is the money it collects from the tax payer via the IRS, or produces out of thin air.
  15. ops, I was thinking of the original use of that text.. the repubs are purposely using politards like Sara And others to kill the once grass roots movement that actually made sense and stood for things that where tangible and not retarded. like auditing the fed, going to a gold standard, a base income tax of around 10% of everyone's income, rich poor middle class. and turned it into a religious, romp of retards that cant read a newspaper and practice witchcraft.
  16. bla
  17. yeah and the best part is, if he was growing legally he has to be registered right, you would think that all they would have to do is knock on the door and ask to see whats hes got. and make sure he has his medical card.
  18. lol true they may have been looking for a reason to let him go. but i don't think they infringed on his rights at least not to free speech.
  19. well sorry if someone mentioned this, i kinda skim read threw. but the problem is he was on Fox news as a Representative of NPR that's how he was introduced, therefore what he says reflects back on NPR. NPR has the right to say, no that's not how we wish people to view us, for one, and no we don't want this person spreading a biased opinion around under our badge. He is allowed his freedom of speech, and personal opinions but once he starts using his capacity as representative of NPR to spread his opinion, NPR has the right to say no we don't want you to do that. Now firing was a bit much, they first should have asked him to correct himself, but then again maybe they did, and he refused, so he got fired for not withdrawing his statement or correcting it. kinda reminds me of the Geico Guy whom got fired, even though he was expressing himself, without any connection to his work. where was everyone condemning that, that was an actual case of him losing his right to free speech, and all those ass hats on fox news where saying that it was justified. funny how they manipulate things to their advantage, when it suits to further justify some crap they pretend to be news..
  20. the best argument I've herd for the retardation of the republicans and the tea party, is they want limited government every where except when it comes to the individuals right to marriage, freedom of religion, sexual orientation, freedom of speech and information, privacy. ect ect ect.. really they don't want people to be free of government in there lives, they want deregulation, and freedom of government for corporate America in which intends to enslave the rest of us and horde all the wealth and power for itself. Government has its place, and part of its role is to protect the people it governs. weather it be from military invasion, or corporate take over. Government also provides a means to build infrastructure, and ensure equal opportunity to education, health care, justice, and equality. the government is essentially a police force, but its not meant to police an individuals right of choice, its there to protect, the individuals ability to choose
  21. ok maybe not.
  22. I are a good speller, and typer
  23. Your joking right... those most of the ass-hats in office don't deserve a dime.. ever read a ballot, in Washington only 3 that are running out of 7 for higher state rep positions have a college degree. only one has a masters, one has a degree not worth wiping yuor ass with and the other is running as a independant. out of the other 4, 2 failed out (of CC) or didnt even attend Community college. what a joke more money.. if those assmonger fuck tards wern't allowed to make more then the avg of the people they represent, then maybe they would give a fuck about how the rest of us are doing. they should get free housing, transportation, and no more then the avg wage of there constituents. and lobbing for anything should be illegal, in terms of financial contributions. no business should have there needs meet before the best interest of the people, just because they have fat pockets.
  24. I though thats what they used college for?
  25. I'd like to get in on this as well.
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