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Everything posted by Harry_Pi
Hello cupcake! Just learn new american word: drul. Can anyone explain what it mean to chinamen? Thank you very much.
Hello cupcake! Just go up hill and don't fall; that's my beta, bitch. Love you
Thank you sweetheart
Gestapo capitalist! Wake up and smell the coffee sister. Thank you for allow asian to post.
Hello capitalist! You american ask too many question; just get you ass on summit and post chestbeater trip report. Thank you for allow asian to post.
Hello capitalist! You call chat room big ball, I'm sure many american chestbeater will respond. Thank you for allow asian to post.
Hello capitalists! Glad you enlighten "stupid" american, grasshopper: at least chinamen can read and understand nutritional fact. Thank you for allow asian to post on american website.
Hello capitalist! What beautiful, interesting trip report. I'm sure it must have bean a lovely experience for Gregw to ski the fuck this, fuck that muir snowfield. Thank you for allow asian to post on American website.
Hello capitalist! Glad your surgery was a success LAWGOD. Thank you for allow chinamen to post on american website.
Hello capitalist! New girl in seattle dime a dozen. Many immigrate to America via cargo ship from Asia and Boston. Thank you allow chinamen to post on american website.
Hello capitalist! Suprise no one mention Honda Pilot. Thank you allow chinamen to post on American website.
Hello capitalist! I hold no racist or bigotted views toward ethnicity, gender or sexual preference. As a matter of fact, some of my best friends are black, gay, lesbian, jew, indian, mentally or physically handicapped, asian, russian, arab, white. Thank you for allowing me to post.
Hello capitalists! Harry Pi doesn't understand the humor in Mr Trask'S post. Thank you for allowing chinamen to post opinion.
Hello capitalist! who care if anyone think you are climber or hiker, as long as you enjoy great outdoor in the pacific northwest and climb, climb, climb. thank you for allow asian to post on communist website.
First, I did not call search and rescue to "resuce" two climbers, I called to report them overdue. Actions taken after that point by others were of their own making. Secondly, Mike and Matt did not need rescue, they came off the mountain completely under their own power. I will not respond to how they feel about it. But, to suggest that there are only two courses of action in this case, right and wrong , is to oversimplify the complexity of the situation, given a large number of serious factors to consider. Finally, I did the right thing, just ask me. If you think otherwise, lovely. The actions that were taken were decided upon after careful contemplation, and were not made casually, or without a full recognition of their outcome. We knew full well that this would quickly turn into a big deal, complete with helicopters, searchers, and news coverage. Ultimately, it worked out for the best for almost everyone involved. Mike and Matt had an awesome test of their skills and resiliency, did a sweet route in impecable style, fucked up the descent, paid a hefty price in human suffering for their mistakes, and came out of it with grins on their faces and empty stomachs. SAR got to do what it loves to do, which is to do the SAR thing. Pilots got to fly and the paper got its story, complete with ten inaccuracies in every sentence. Great job!! For us, and I think I can speak for everyone involved that knew these two, or of these two, worried over them and for them and crossed our fingers, most importantly, we got our friends back safe. The only loser was the TV. They didn't get any bodies and Mike got $150 out of them for two pictures and tens seconds of FAME, with Matt leading the crux, and crawling through their hole in the cornice, his face plastered with a shit-eating grin. FUCK YEAH!!!!!!! Hello capitalist! The only loser is chestbeating, holier than thou climber that post picture, big one deal, you summit a Cascade peak. King 5 News is doing their job with the best info available along with rating. If they make mistake so what, no profession is perfect. Blah, lah I am big tough cimber and they call me hiker. Thank you for allow Asian to post on American website.
Hello capitalist! Who need rope on upper Rainier this time year with all crevasse froze over? Thank you for allow Asian to post on American website.
[quote We'll just have to hope that things are safe at Pan Point on Monday and above Muir on Tuesday. My guess is yes. We may wish to dig some quick avy pits when we get up there. Hello capitalist! Harry Pi advise, if do not hear avalanches during night at Camp Muir or on you climb toward Gib ledge, then no worry. Have fun be careful, don't look down when crossing ledge, one slip and you dead Peking duck. Thank you for allowing Asian to post on American website.
Hello capitalist! Is it time for morning meal in America? My favorite is breakfast burrito with following ingredient; .5 kg bacon 1 dozen egg 1 can refry bean(454 gram) 225 gram cheddar cheese 10 flour tortillas Mix all together except tortilla and stir fry, then portion equal amout on 10 tortilla and roll like sushi. Thank you allow me to post on communist website in America.
You forget Chinese New Year my American friend. Maybe big celebration at MRNP.
Hello capitalist! Is it morning in America Yet? We chinamen love to eat brownie. Also like to share favorite recipe to many American friend. I will post on later date since you have a football game to attend. Thank you allow post on communist website in USA.
Hello capitalist! Was cook at Denny in Seoul, South Korea for short time, now work for international library in North Korea. If you have backcountry recipe question please pm me. Thank you allowing me to post .
Hello capitalist! I verly intelligent chinamen, how about you try search on internet for backcountry recipe. But, what do chinamen know? Thank you for allowing me to post on my favorite communist website in America.
Hello communist cc.moderators! What happen to first amendment, taught this was American website?
Hello capitalist!
Hello capitalist! It is called joke miss pc quiche eater. I belive someone misinformed you, an offensive large fuck would be more appropriate. Too late, how about Howard the Jew Sheila the slut Leroy the angry black Gary the gay Lisa the lesbian jkassidy the crack whore Did I leave anyone out? Thank you for allowing me to post on American web site. Verly sorry, forgot one of my character, Randy the retard.