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Everything posted by Harry_Pi

  1. Hello capitalist! Many cd or dvd player will not read cd-r or cdrw discs. Your owners manual should advise you which discs are playable for you model. I have same problem. Thank you for allow commie to post.
  2. Hello capitalist! No thank you. Na nun boji ja ah han dan. Thank you for allow asian to post.
  3. Gger jer trask!
  4. Hello Trask! The answer to you question is yes. Thank you for allow commie to post.
  5. Hello capitalist! I will try. Shibal nom, Geseki! Thank you for allow oriental to post.
  6. Hello capitalist! Mike, you maybe the man in my dream. Do you like yellow meat? Thank you for allow asian to post.
  7. Hello capitalist! Too late. Diue nay lo mo hum ga chon Thank you for allow oriental to post.
  8. Hello capitalist! Suppose you pull that one out of you ass , ha ha you funny guy Trask. Thank you for allow commie to post.
  9. Hello capitalist! What wong with chinese security, very little crime and no fat people. Thank you for allow oriental to post.
  10. Hello capitalist! Don't america have black helicopter sightings also? Thank you for allow oriental to post.
  11. Hello capitalist! Everything made in my homeland too short, try step-in. Thank you for allow oriental to post.
  12. Hello capitalist! If you honkys so intelligent you give Bill Gates run for his money. Thank you for allow oriental to post on american website.
  13. Hello capitalist! You remind me of native american studies at ESC. Thank you for allow oriental to post.
  14. Hello capitalist! Speaking of Thunderbird, it's getting harder to find these days. The chain mini-marts(am pm, 7-11, etc.) don't carry it, some of larger grocery stores don't have it, and it's even outlawed at Pioneer Square. Guess I'll have to start drinking lighter fluid. Thank you for allow oriental to post.
  15. Harry_Pi

    Bizarre Movies

    Hello capitalist! Pink Angels come to mine. Thank you for allow asian to post.
  16. Hello capitalist! Possum recipe Thank you allow oriental to post.
  17. Hello capitalist! Just curious, who is Hank Ridge? Thank you for allow commie to post.
  18. Hello capitalist! Pretty not funny. Do I ever laugh at you american grammar? Thank you for allow oriental to post.
  19. Hello capitalist! Give the X a break. I sometimes make point to climb someone that has more experience so I learn something. So what if X doesn't have avalanche training. With his motivation and enthusiasm, he will meet another climber who maybe willing to teach him. Thank you for allow commie to post.
  20. Hello capitalist! Well of course Brian, how could I forget that ass after being incarcerated with you at the Kent Justice Center. Thank you for allow oriental to post.
  21. Hello trask! Thank you american punk, pole smoker. I sure hope we in spray. Thank you for allow oriental to post.
  22. Hello capitalist1 The only news program worth listening to, is howard stern, bj shay, tom leykis, beijing radio. Thank you for allow commie to post.
  23. Hello capitalist! So who win last weekend, mattp, catbirdseat,dryad, bigfoot, ? Thank you for allow commie to post.
  24. Hello capitalist! Now I know american can't understand oriental sense of humor. Thank you for allow commie to post on non humorous website...
  25. Hello capitalist! I hear Bill Gate has large roof. Long live Mao Tse-Dung
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