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Everything posted by AA

  1. AA


    Citrus cooler is good; i think it's citrus cooler anyways. it's green and tastes like there is lime in it. whatever it's called it's pretty yummy, i drink it when i get bored with my water at home.
  2. OMG Ropegun that was HILARIOUS!!
  3. quote: Confidential to Erik: My hooters are huge big boy so is this what I have to do to get a partner around here??
  4. I'm reminding myself of how much fun I had last year!!
  5. I have to agree with lambone, follow saber before you lead it, just so you get the first couple moves down. i pussed out the second time 'cause i was still a little sketch about it... if ya ever need a partner i'm learning to lead on trad as well..
  6. AA


    erik, have someone massage your face for a bit if you've got a lot of pressure up by your nose and sinuses, it loosens shit up and makes you feel a little better. i'm sure you can find a hot chica to do it for you...
  7. AA


    Yep, that's my next-favorite That is a GREAT song. I saw them a couple years ago at the Showbox with Black Eyed Peas and it fuckin rocked!! I'll definitely check out the DC thanks
  8. AA


    quote: One person did mention Outkast. I must have listened to Aquemini 78 times on my last roadtrip. There's a cut on that thing that actually has made me cry. Aquemini is my fave! The lyrics on much of the songs are incredible. Which one made you cry? Liberation? That's my favorite song on that one... it's SpoodaeOoodaeDoublicious Goodie Mob's good too, and of course, IT AIN'T NO FUN IF THE HOMIES CAN'T GET NONE... rather degrading but I still loovvee it
  9. AA


    Not to step on some toes, but WHY do people like Steely Dan??? I CAN'T STAND Steely Dan!!! Am I missing something?
  10. AA


    Bela Fleck- anything and everything David Grisman- Dawgnation Outkast Krueder Dorfmeister- K & D Sessions Doc Watson Gillian Welch John Hartford Johnny Cash
  11. Thanks for the topic JayB!! This is especially great for us *me* who is starting lead in both realms.. The myriad of styles/opinions is good to know!
  12. AA


    You just made my day MoS!! (yes, it's been that boring...)
  13. AA


    quote: momma always said i was a happy mistake Yeah, I used to watch him after school too. bummer
  14. AA


    Whatver happened to Bob? Did he pass away? I loooovvveeeeddd watching his show... so relaxing Happy clouds and happy trees...
  15. Thank you Iain! I'm going to drink away tonight!!
  16. Yep! I'm not sure yet how I feel about that!
  17. Some places close by to check out are Mt. Erie (on the way to Anacortes)- variety of sport and trad there, great bouldering down at Larrabee State Park, and of course Squamish- only an hour and a half away! My partner and I frequent these places often so we will keep you in mind next time we go
  18. quote: As you may, or may not, know humans are not in danger when Trask has one of his "episodes." I would advise that AA & Mr. Natural leave their dogs at home to avoid any trauma to the dogs and/or a relapse by Trask. Trask is currently medicated. Sadie and Marvin would sick Trask's balls in a second! Do we need to add "dog f*%ker" to your title Trask? j/k trasky
  19. Adventure dating? You were misled Cavey! No orgies either, sorry to report. The 3:7-8 ? ratio wasn't too bad though, you Oregonians need to stay up later next time though!! Almost everyone was asleep when we came back!
  20. You wish! I'm a lover not a hater!
  21. No worries! Couldn't help but laugh!! The 'girl' part seemed directed at the ONLY girl in the pic!
  22. SKANKY? STYLIST? Is that the best you can do Daisy? I have better things to do than play along with you're little elementary squabble... I am neither 'skanky' nor do I have/need/want a stylist... high-maintenance is not something I want to aspire to be....
  23. Mr. N and I are planning on getting out there for Prussik if the weather is good. Maybe we can meet up... (sat am)
  24. smith in november, do i have a hostess for the weekend?
  25. so did you knock off the rest of the classic multi-pitch routes on Sunday sk? It was nice to meet you guys! Fun stuff! Erik was quite the entertainment indeed..
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