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Everything posted by j_b

  1. is there a better way to cut what's left of social programs than to bankrupt federal government?
  2. Rumsfeld concedes banned Iraqi weapons may not exist By Rupert Cornwell in Washington 29 May 2003 After seven weeks of fruitless search, the Bush administration has come the closest so far to conceding that, contrary to its pre-invasion scaremongering, there may not have been any chemical or biological weapons in Iraq. http://news.independent.co.uk/world/middle_east/story.jsp?story=410468
  3. j_b

    Hey You J_B -

    web page
  4. j_b

    Bush is Da Man!

  5. hey! don't forget the "five-day advanced snow and ice climbing course" or you just might lack the experience necessary.
  6. yeah, it appears the link paste script does not like commas
  7. you remember poorly then. moreover a 30 second web search would quickly confirm that palace inspections were conducted by un inspectors.
  8. http://www.guardian.co.uk/everest/story/0,13321,955921,00.html
  9. i second Dru's description. i have done it both ways and crossing the creek and climbing to the ridge crest is much, much better.
  10. j_b

    UEFA Cup Final

    ManU claims to be bringing their star roster
  11. "I'm the commander -- see, I don't need to explain -- I do not need to explain why I say things. That's the interesting thing about being the president. Maybe somebody needs to explain to me why they say something, but I don't feel like I owe anybody an explanation." Nov. 18, 2002 in the Washington Post
  12. whoever you do it for is not relevant. just do it that's all. yeah right. i am supposed to be the whiner about this when in fact this kind of verbal abuse is presumably what awaits anyone who criticizes your posting offensive crap all over the board. i am not too surprised that exercizing freedom of speech in your presence has to signify harassment from you. considering your behavior and the content of your posts, why should anyone with any self-respect would want to be caught mixing it up with you?
  13. come on guys, go easy with character assassination, wild baseless speculation, worthless cliches and tenuous logic (have i left anything out?)
  14. you see, it wasn't too hard. try to remember next time.
  15. take your crap to spray
  16. you guys are very mistaken if you think that elevating inbred trailer trash humor to the status of normal discourse, is going to improve the content of the board (which seems very lacking these days). have fun virtually pissing in each others cracks or whatever ....
  17. i am doing something about it by letting people know that i am tired of wading through your offensive garbage.
  18. anybody else getting REALLY tired of trask's racist/porno drivel all over the board? especially in view of his total lack of contribution in other domains.
  19. what about this? http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/3050317.stm
  20. so now you drop the "they are not within the law" and say the iwc decisions are bull, .. i see. not everyone can get a quota, i.e. commercial fishermen can't. i already told you: ceremonial and subsistence. that's it. because 1) not every marine society was/is centered about whaling, 2) some whaling societies have evolved into something else (or disappeared) 3) only few societies can now claim whaling to be spiritually important and needed for subsistence. all right you have trolled me long enough.
  21. and what has happened to their culture over the past 100years? they are not in violation of any laws. they have an IWC quota. are you a troll?
  22. having engaged in whaling is not the same as having one's world view centered about whaling. are you a troll?
  23. so have many other cultures... and said cultures could get a quota from the IWC as long as whaling is for ceremonies or subsitence
  24. the point is not that they were mistreated, it is that their world view has been intrisically linked to whale hunting for millenia
  25. it happened recently because the Makahs had not applied for a quota from the IWC. Native tribes in alaska and russia always could get a quota after the whaling ban on commercial whale hunting.
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