"Suspicions remained open about warheads found in a warehouse near Baghdad International Airport, which was seized last week by coalition forces. National Public Radio reported that an officer with the U.S. 1st Marine Division had said the warheads contained sarin and mustard agent.
The officer, who said he heard of the discovery over a military intelligence network, said the warheads were on about 20 Iraqi BM-21 unguided rockets. Those rockets are about 10 feet long, with a range of about 15 miles. The BM-21 is a 40-year-old truck-mounted system with 40 rocket tubes, intended for close support of troops.
The Marine officer said the rockets appeared to be ready to fire."
Suspicions are not "evidence" for anything. Half a load (20 shells out of a possible 40) of rockets with a range of 15miles do not amount to a clear threat to our country (actually it sounds like left overs from an old and decrepit arsenal). And finally "appeared to be ready to fire" is not a very forceful statement either. Summarily put, we are well short from the "I told you so" thumping by mtngoat.