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Everything posted by j_b

  1. I love you too AK
  2. how a propos since it is exactly what is about to happen you seem genuine enough in your plea for iraqis to be rid of Saddam , let's hope you'll be as vocal in defending their right to self-determination.
  3. how is this? I have troubles with the file size limit.
  4. not only we didn't support Saddam, but consistently so for 25 years. it's not like we suddenly discovered our dislike for him a decade ago after arming him and closing our eyes to atrocities because it was in our strategic interest.
  5. I suspect he forgot that in your world, people are either for Saddam or for us. I suggest you try to have the meaning of the expression "not for us" changed permanently to "for Saddam", it'll make things much easier for you. Who knows, Webster and Oxford dict. might go for it?
  6. does appointing an arms dealer to lead the interim government have anything to do with what these "proper principles" are? http://www.alternet.org/story.html?StoryID=15512
  7. so, what about those missiles?
  8. in addition to what has already been mentioned, I really like Tooth and Claw on Lexington or even the standard East Face on same. The climbing is thin and sustained, and in a great position. Granted it is not quite as long as East. face of Lib. Bell.
  9. sounds nice. do you have a pic to post?
  10. j_b

    this is what you get

    pretty soon you'll be telling us you don't express your views . or that you wouldn't enforce them by pissing up people's crack (or worse) ergo:
  11. j_b

    this is what you get

    as if talking sense to you ever was an available option.
  12. j_b

    Michael speaks

    are you saying this is one instance when we should not 'let the market decide'? he is making so much money! the militaro-industrialists are going to retool and start making progressive movies.
  13. j_b

    Michael speaks

    on the fallout of speaking his mind: http://www.michaelmoore.com/
  14. I feel pretty strongly about this: you do not want to bother with rock shoes for easy/moderate stuff (why carry the darn things if it can be avoided). Practice with boots if needed, it's not that bad, just different.
  15. dfa, you silly one, can't you see that all the box cutters seized at the iraqi ministry of information is clear evidence of their being behind 9-11?
  16. it does not sound like him
  17. isn't soloing the 'purest' form of climbing?
  18. "you can't be serious"
  19. well now, Peter Croft may well be the best climber in North America.
  20. "Suspicions remained open about warheads found in a warehouse near Baghdad International Airport, which was seized last week by coalition forces. National Public Radio reported that an officer with the U.S. 1st Marine Division had said the warheads contained sarin and mustard agent. The officer, who said he heard of the discovery over a military intelligence network, said the warheads were on about 20 Iraqi BM-21 unguided rockets. Those rockets are about 10 feet long, with a range of about 15 miles. The BM-21 is a 40-year-old truck-mounted system with 40 rocket tubes, intended for close support of troops. The Marine officer said the rockets appeared to be ready to fire." Suspicions are not "evidence" for anything. Half a load (20 shells out of a possible 40) of rockets with a range of 15miles do not amount to a clear threat to our country (actually it sounds like left overs from an old and decrepit arsenal). And finally "appeared to be ready to fire" is not a very forceful statement either. Summarily put, we are well short from the "I told you so" thumping by mtngoat.
  21. Catbird: yes, but I had a light daypack. I am usually pretty conservative in what I solo. rbw: good point on couch sitting. When the weather is uncertain the car is loaded with everything short of scuba gear. Choosing option A so that option B or C is feasable without too much driving is important too.
  22. apparently you did not read the link I provided
  23. for people who get skunked by weather a lot: perhaps you should take weather into account more before you commit to the approach? Is not the most important cascade motto to keep your options open?
  24. it seems like some large stuff would have worked too, but I don't know for sure since I did not bring a rope. It should be noted that the finish is the same for the NE ridge and the ice route.
  25. no, it has not changed. It's just that the neo-cons have a very different way of achieving geo-political control of the region with the largest known oil reserves. by the way: http://www.msnbc.com/news/895392.asp?0dm=-234N so what is mtngoat going to say now?
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