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Everything posted by Thinker

  1. Similar experiences here. It irks me to NO END when I have 2 bars on my Nokia (ATT service) and get the 'fast busy signal' when I try to complete calls. My hunch is that busy cells towers are programed to eliminate the weakest signals (i.e. those from the summit of Rainier). Was on the summit of Baker Father's Day morn with some friends and we all tried to place the obligatory calls. It took about 5 or 6 tries to complete each call.....with lots of those 'fast busy signals' in between. I occasionally get that in town at home. When I do, I call ATT customer service and their 'solution' is to tell me that my phone is probably malfunctioning and that I should buy a new one....yeah right...why does it work just fine in the same location the next day? I'm geting a bit fed up, too.
  2. The only real issue I see is that they mount up on the close, fun, easy climbs.....exactly where they should be, and where they're expected to be. When encountered on the more remote or difficult climbs they pretty much act like any other climbing team.... Sometimes they even provide a little bit o humor for surrounding climbers. All IMHO, of course. PS...I climb with a couple of recovering Mounties, too. [ 09-13-2002, 12:30 PM: Message edited by: Thinker ]
  3. quote: Originally posted by PONCHO&LEFTY: Not everbody is fortunate enough to be able to know someone with experience to help teach climbing to a beginner. Would you guys rather these people go at it on their own and learn the wrong way? If you don't like the groups go somewhere else. Although I have to pay to use the mountains last I checked the mountains were no more mine than theirs. EXACTLY most of the climbs they do in large groups are climbs most of us wouldn't be caught dead on. OK, OK, so it's fun to climb The Tooth sometimes, and I know for a fact Cavey's fav route is on Mountaineers Buttress in the Icicle, but they really don't get in the way too often. And they do teach people to belay well.
  4. Try taking your wedding ring off before you climb. It'll do all KINDS of wonders....
  5. [ 09-12-2002, 12:26 PM: Message edited by: Thinker ]
  6. Hey LG, check out the complete headers for the emails (you may have to adjust your 'preferences'). They can be quite telling.
  7. Holy KLUSTERFUKS Batman, Marymoor Park is soccer mom HELL! I took a turn around the parking lot and sped away in disgust! What a freakin' circus.......
  8. who all is coming to the gear swap? (see "The Yard Sale" if you don't know what I'm talking about.) I'm stopping by around 5:30 or 6 with a galpal who's got some gear to unload.
  9. Thinker

    A mystery

    someone stole his HC and he's gone into a comatose depression because he'll have to eat snow worms now.
  10. And here I was feeling a little blue for people slammin on my avatar.........
  11. Sorry to hear that Krazy. How'd it happen?
  12. [ 09-16-2002, 05:36 PM: Message edited by: Thinker ]
  13. you might try some of the cheap FRS radios. for $75 you can pick up a pair some places (Costco, online retailers, etc.). They might just be the ticket for saving the relationship, and your life.
  14. euro size 38 (approx us womens size 6.5) Scarpa Infernos for sale. used in the gym once and 4 slab pitches outside....like new. Too small, hurt feet, my climbng partner/gf got her Aces resoled and won't put the Scarpas on again. $90 pm or email me if you're interested. Seattle. check out the stats: Link 1 Link 2 [ 09-16-2002, 05:35 PM: Message edited by: Thinker ]
  15. quote: Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman: Your mind is small if that's all you can think about. And how is continuing this thread more engaging than the initial question?
  16. quote: Originally posted by RURP: Groupies, I say. RURP has spoken.[/QB] Groupie....I think not. I'm the same guy who posted this : "Check out this link and crunch the numbers for yourself: Kurt's 2001 tour summary Kurt did 68 events across the country in 2001, and brought in a whoppin $24,000 for the access fund. (That's an average of $353 per event for those of you too stoned to divide.) And depending on how much the sponsors kicked in (RockList.com, Ropegun, Rock and Ice, and Black Diamond, etc.), each one may have been a net loss for the AF (compared to if the sponsors had donated directly to the AF). Now I certainly haven't raised even a single dollar for the AF, and with all due respect for the man, his tour appears to be a big climbing roadtrip he can write off. Hopefully it will catch on and take off here, generating a little more $$ in 2002." My post here was simply a way to pass time and open up a (debatably) interesting topic for conversation. You gotta admit, the guy is colorful.
  17. Thinker

    dating service?

    quote: Originally posted by Dru: quote:Originally posted by Thinker: quote:Originally posted by kashmir: well as a fairly infrequent visitor to this website Iam surprised everyone hasent started a dating service through cascadeclimbers. The primary problem with this concept that I see is that there are all of 10 MAX female members and an infinite number of males. That's pretty darned good odds for the gals and those embracing alternative lifestyles, but piss poor odds for the masses. youre not fully out of luck, maybe WA state will legalize polyandry. cause it soundslike its that or s for ya.for the record, I got a steady cutie.....and she climbs 5.10
  18. Look, Cavey's artwork inspired by his last date with his mom.
  19. Thinker

    dating service?

    quote: Originally posted by kashmir: well as a fairly infrequent visitor to this website Iam surprised everyone hasent started a dating service through cascadeclimbers. The primary problem with this concept that I see is that there are all of 10 MAX female members and an infinite number of males. That's pretty darned good odds for the gals and those embracing alternative lifestyles, but piss poor odds for the masses.
  20. Yeah, I thought you'd eventually recognize your momma's shade of lipstick. [ 09-04-2002, 10:55 AM: Message edited by: Thinker ]
  21. Well....you're awfully darned crotchety this morning! Kinda sounds like you do have a hangover. Bear with us who have to work for the man all week long and our little mental indulgences to help the time pass.
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