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Everything posted by Thinker

  1. I like it because it provides a great overview. I travel to tons of places in BFE and it's great for finding those local little gems before I go, and I don't always make it to the nearby cities to hit the climbing shops. Plus, it can make for some great adventures....the approach directions rival Beckey's for lack of clarity at just the right times. Story time with uncle Dave here: I remember the time in the Sierras this gal and I were looking for these domes near her cabin, based on Tim Toula's ramblings. We hiked for hours looking for the them, were chewed by skeeters worse than I have EVER been before (even in Alaska), got a little turned around while bushwacking, and finally found them on the way back to the truck. Great granite in a pristine river valley with very little development. That alone was worth the inconvenient approach, and I'd have never known they existed without RnR. It's also great for finding distractions during those endless drives through the midwest.
  2. I noticed that a new and improved edition of Rock n Road has been published. The old one has been an often used reference for me when planning trips around the country. Just curious....anybody else here use it much?
  3. but Parker, if you start drinking at noon you run the risk of this...
  4. But....but.....but......none of the rock climbers in those cool magazine photos EVER have gloves on....
  5. Thanks to all who made me feel welcome at my first PubClub. It was great to find that we have a few friends and acquaintences in common. Twas also good to see such a positive environment...I wasn't quite sure just what to expect.
  6. 4114 Uni Way NE I think I'll even make a showing there tonight, myself.
  7. Thinker

    Editing posts

    "This post can no longer be edited because the maximum edit time has expired " So why the 6 hour limit for editing posts??
  8. It's great to know and understand your (current) limitations and have a plan to progress. Climb on!
  9. I whole heartedly agree with you there! I'm not sure I'd even toy with Spectra in a controlled situation if the rope were wet or icy.
  10. Spectra works OK in a pinch (I've used it in practice scenarios just to see if it would), but it would definitely not be my first choice.
  11. This is one of the most fundamental techniques required for self-rescue. David Fasulo's 'How To Rock Climb: Self Rescue', Falcon Press, 1996 has an extensive discussion of the process. In brief, it involves using any one of a variety of friction knots to descend the rope (prussiking down the rope). One needs to be keenly aware of the thermal/melting properties of the material used for the friction knots (spectra slings are generally not a good idea for long/multiple ascents/descents.
  12. The City of Rocks is a magical place; the granite is sculpted by erosion into wild 'swiss cheese' shapes. The patina on the rock contributes to the nature of the shapes and the unique color variations. The park is an endless sea of granite, not unlike the Rushmore Needles in South Dakota (not to be confused with the nearby and more famous Needles there.) I've found that the sport routes vary widely in their character, and that you can somewhat judge how runout it will be by looking at who put the route up and by talking with locals. Routes by Kevin Pogue are relatively moderate (5.6 to 5.8 range) and are typically overbolted by most people's standards; however, they are great routes to warm up on and get a feel for the rock there. In particular, check out Theater of Shaddows (well worth the approach, do it very early in the morn to be one of the first parties on it, do some research if it's not in your guidebook), Raindance, Cruel Shoes (check for 'raptor closure'), and others. Consider taking 2 ropes as there are a few great routes that require a 2 rope rappel. Camping at the park is reasonable. There's also a free (BLM?) primitive campground just outside the park that's not too bad. If you can reserve a site at the park I highly recommend it, especially for you first trip there. As always, wear your helmet. An experienced Seattle climber (who was not wearing a helmet) perished there earlier this year from severe head injuries sustained on a popular 5.8 climb. And don't overlook the fine trad routes!! Definitely some classics there. The park is at 6,500' elevation and the weather varies widely. I've always tried to check the local weather forecast just prior to heading out, but I've also always had the option to put it off for a week or two. This year the Mem Day weekend was great. Only the occasional brief shower (it IS technically desert there). Fall has been a good time to climb there, too, over the years. Summer can be hot, but there are periods of cooler weather at that altitude. I'll be glad to download more if you want more info. There are some great sport climbing areas between the City and Salt Lake City. Scour R&R and Climbing or contact the guy above who lived in SLC for some tips on finding those. Flights to Boise, SLC, and Pocatello can be had for VERY cheap (<$100) if you watch the web specials (Alaska Air and others). (As always, this is just my opinion. I have no doubt that others hold opposite views on everything I've stated.)
  13. another point of view: One of the benefical uses of the 'Spray' category is the expression of opinions, political or otherwise, that may be of interest to people who share similar values, ethics, and lifestyles. I, for one, choose to skip over many of the topics in 'Spray' because I personally think they 'suck', but I'm glad they're here and I'm glad people have the opportunity to offer some (rare) insights about what makes the common man tick.
  14. Thinker

    Merry X-Mas

    Here's a cool vid for you'all. Should be less controversial than yesterday's. Here's to you Trask!! (you know we really do care....) Trask Family Christmas
  15. Thinker

    The Dubya

    Relax FW, I neither offered my opinion on the subject post nor bashed those offering theirs. My initial response to trask still stands...the video was posted strictly for entertainment purposes (and maybe to generate a little discussion.) My personal views on GW and the war at hand will remain just that....personal.
  16. Thinker

    The Dubya

    entertainment.....strictly entertainment
  17. Thinker

    The Dubya

    This was going around the work email this morning. Looks appropriate for cc too. dubya
  18. Ade, I agree with you about bad days and good days. I've personally learned to accept the bad days and celebrate the good ones. I still have regrets about the days I've turned around and gone home because I'm not in sync. If you find any tips about pushing thru I'd be interested in hearing them. PS are you the same Ade that lent me the guidebook on climbing in Spain last year? If you are, we're overdue for a beer and getting your book back to you.
  19. The worthless trivia comes from a bit of a zymurgy hobby, and having tended bar and waited tables for too many years while in school. Of course, knocking back a few for a refresher once in a while doesn't hurt either .
  20. 10 for 10 here.....pm if you want the answers!
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