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Everything posted by richard_noggin

  1. quote: Originally posted by Heinouscling: quote:Originally posted by richard noggin: Smith Rox sucks, full of sporto wankers gumbys See you there this weekend I am going to climb lots of Ryan L routes that all the Rock cops have been talk'in smack about, I am going to be loud, joke around and have a good time ,like all the rest of the sporto's than I am going to around the campfire get wasted and make an of myself, It's what I do. Rich, You forgot to say something about taking a gander on all the sweet climbing babes in their hot, little, sports bras. -Heinous Tats the main reason to go to smith they dress skimpy this time of year. I am going to hang out round 8 gal buckets and see if I can play ropegun for the hard belly newbies Hope this dude doesn't mind me spray'in on his tread HC haven't seen you on the board in a lone time You been run'in from someones husband or the man Whathaphksupwitdat?? The women in Washington have been crying every since you left, don't know if they miss you or figgered out you wern't really fixed
  2. Smith Rox sucks, full of sporto wankers gumbys See you there this weekend I am going to climb lots of Ryan L routes that all the Rock cops have been talk'in smack about, I am going to be loud, joke around and have a good time ,like all the rest of the sporto's than I am going to around the campfire get wasted and make an of myself, It's what I do.
  3. quote: Originally posted by Retrosaurus: quote:Originally posted by vegetablebelay: Maybe you'd get a better police response if you told them the bandits were stealing Trail Park Permits. Maybe you deserve to get ripped off if you were socially irresponsible enough to buy a Trail Park Permit. Big talk from a guy that goes around removeing hangers and chopp'in other climbers routes Pretty socially irresponsible if you ask me [ 09-06-2002, 09:10 AM: Message edited by: richard noggin ]
  4. quote: Originally posted by trask: I was thinking more along the lines of a gauntlet ass whoopin'...not killin' them you fool. If you just ph-uk them up they could come back on you I have been involved in that shit before I say NUKE the muthaphukers but if you don't want to kill them how bout some Kong justice, dung covered bamboo shoot up the penis, than can my bar dawgs chew on them awhile?
  5. Trask get the camo out of the closet grab the AK with the sniper scope lets go VARMIT hunt'in!! I will bring my 300 win mag Elk rifle I can waup!! a baseball at 300 hundred yards with that mutha! Hey at that distance he would feel the WAUP!! before he heard the BANG!! I'll row sham bow you for the first shot. Hey can I bring my bar dawgs they is gett'in hungry they haven't eat'in since they was a chew'in on Dennis Harmon's You would proably rather rig a claymore to a wallet that would be kinda messy. So you up for some good old USA RAMBO kick
  6. quote: Originally posted by trask: I see you're easily amused, Sir Suxalot. I see you are starting too mellow did that lude kick in too counter act that gager of crank.Hey I was wonder'in with all that homophobic smack you talk if your not a clozit Just fool'in put the AR down and take your meds
  7. quote: Originally posted by trask: Nope, the next pilgrim that starts that tired old thread topic again gets staked to the desert naked, body slathered with honey, and a big old bag of ants dumped on him. A snafflehound will also be tied to his nutsack. Here's to that and as cavey would say rip out his eyes and piss in the sockets tear off his legs and trow them in the fire after he riped off his head and shit down his neck
  8. quote: Originally posted by trask: I wouldn't know about the gear required. I'm into boats and cars and shit. I simply mention this option because of your semblance to a most auspicious scuba climber from Wenatchee. Keep talkin', your post count is growing. Dude give up that act of not climbing you blew your avatar along time ago but I am keep'n it too myself you frigg'in xjarhead cyber tweaker
  9. quote: Originally posted by Scottish wanker: Hey don't take it personally, generalizations are always dangerous but you have to admit, if you are honest that there is a trend in the climbing culture here towards my extreme example. Bye the way FKU2. FKU2 Dude thats spelled PH-Q-2 Let's get it right next time
  10. quote: Originally posted by Dru: quote:Originally posted by richard noggin:
  11. The locals usually access the area covert anytime, on sat or especially on Sun is the best and they keep there climbing gear stashed and if a Weyerhaeuser gate guard questions them they just act like one of the religious hikers that visit the area. When I go, I go with a local it makes for a much better trip ,I have only been there a couple of times it was killer and the view of Rainer was almost as good as High Rock.
  12. quote: Originally posted by MF206er: Hey that's a description of my avatar! Don't forget Starbucks supporting, Mall shopping, Yoga practicing and smoothie drinking. Living in Ballard fits too Sure glad I'm not my avatar. Dude ballard is for the wankers you have to live in Fremont drive a Pathfinder and never get off the pavement to be really cool and practice aroma therapy before climbing and actupunture for those tweeked tendons and don't forget the dog thing because you don't want kids
  13. quote: Originally posted by trask: lick it knob gobblin I got your knob HANG'IN come and GOBB on it MOFO up at 11:44 spray'in you xjarhead CYBER TWEAKER put the meth down and your phyco meds and you will feel better
  14. quote: Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman: I like the whistle blower's (mommy they are picking on me) icon\link Yeah as soon as I seen it I sent them a message saying Trask is pick'in on me momma make him stop
  15. How come every frigg'in topic on this board turns into a bolts are bad bolts are good topic, that just covered it all, so get a life, what a frigg'in waste of band width
  16. Steep street 11-A Deception crags North bend not because of the grade it's just way cool or any thing on Nevermind wall because it is sooo steep that only cool climbers hang there and the Rock Cops suffer'in from cerebralrectumitis don't go there
  17. quote: Originally posted by Dr Flash Amazing: quote:Originally posted by b-rock: ... Ahhh, whatever. Face it Iain, you just don't like dirty hippies. Does anyone? Q. How do you hide something from a hippie? A. Put it under the soap! Yeah my redneck dad useta tell me s#$& like that when I was grow'in my hair long Q: What looks like a Jane and smells like a John A: A hippy He useta also say he was going to break my plate at the table if I did'nt get that: Fuk'in HAIR CUT Seen phish at the george a few years ago they where ok , I guess I am more of a hard Rocker\grung\Teckno type
  18. Given what he's seen of this patient's case, however, the Doctor's advice to Dwaynepipe is to rap down off the astonishingly high horse for a bit, at least long enough to pull the stick outta your arse. And do keep up your non-sport climbing tendencies, as DFA hates running into pricks at the crag. Ta ta, Dr. Flash Amazing[/QB] Dude you are mega RAD You have them alpo trad'ie stick up the cerebralrectumitis suffer'in wankers spew'in little balls and veins bulge'in in there necks You are the SPRAYMASTER The amazing co. is surely destined to be a Multimega$$$$$co.
  19. quote: Originally posted by trask: quote:Originally posted by Greg W: Do you know how Trask's wife figured out he was gay? His dick tasted like shit. PAGE TOP, BYOTCH!! You homies hear about that big fire at the local gay & lesbian home that GregW lives at? GregW got out first, because he had his shit packed the night before. Now that was way funny
  20. Trask your reply to DS was totaly weak.Come on you can do better than that
  21. quote: Originally posted by Dru: Canary at 5.8 would be 5.9 at Squamish if climbed before 1986 or 10a if put up recently! (Mclane grades are not corrected for inflation) Gravity pulls harder here in the states A 5.8 climber in leavenworth is a 5.10 climber at Squamish [ 08-15-2002, 11:34 PM: Message edited by: richard noggin ]
  22. quote: Originally posted by trask: don't be a putz; pm me Don't be talk'in that secret shit with Trask he is trying to suck you for beta for the soon to come spray battle of the Tietons
  23. richard_noggin


    Trask and Greg sitt'in in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G first comes Love Than comes
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