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Everything posted by Thrashador

  1. It's a giant REED not WEED. I dunno, mix it with some banana peel and knock yourself out. We've got plenty. Apparently it does have some medicinal uses: "Folk Medicine The rhizome or rootstock is used for dropsy. Boiled in wine with honey, the root or rhizome has been used for cancer. This or other species of Arundo is also reported to be used for condylomata and indurations of the breast. The root infusion is regarded as antigalactagogue, depurative, diaphoretic, diuretic, emollient, hypertensive, hypotensive, and sudorific (Duke and Wain, 1981."
  2. Just dug up a huge clump of Arundo donax 'Variegata' and have some small pieces left if anyone wants some. The stuff can get fairly tall and provides nice screening and variegation. In my limited experience with this plant, so long as its not planted near a body of water such as a pond or stream it's not nearly as invasive as bamboo. PM me if interested...
  3. The lack of snow in the PNW was getting us down. Way down. Fortunately Fshrgrl and I planned a trip to SLC 6 months or so ago. Unfortunately two of our friends had to bail due to a blown knee and surgery. The cops were out in force at pdx. This would not be a bad beat: Day 1 we toured from Alta to Upper Cardiff Fork via Flagstaff Mountain: The Powerbirds were flying all over the place. There were moments where I felt as though I was back in L.A. during the Rodney King riots hunkering down at my brother's condo: We were stoked to say the least when we first looked into upper Cardiff Fork; somehow we managed to ski Toledo Bowl before the heli folks did. Fshrgrl found a nice line and wasted no time: The view from Flagstaff Mountain was a jaw dropper. We couldn't help but notice what amounts to the Wasatch style crop circles: Day 2 we got spanked. We intended to do a "bi-canyonal" tour from Alta to Spruces via Days Fork taking the bus back to Alta. The south facing slopes had hardened considerably overnight and we decided to downclimb a bit, slap on the boards and bail for a half-day at Alta: Day 3 we toured and lapped upper Mill D North Fork and met some real nice folks who shared their tea and showed us around: In conclusion, we can't wait to go back next season!
  4. merci. the monsterized pooch is actually jane. pshop was used but not for funny stuff a la three-headed alien babies sired by the olson twins; it was used for editing and basic resizing & optimizing...nothing fancy.
  5. Sunday sure was a pleasant surprise: There was some fun snow and not nearly as many folks as we'd expected: We ran into singing ivan: The snow was unusually consistent all the way to the car: Either I need glasses or my camera was acting up?
  6. Whoa! Glad you're in one piece and happy birthday d00d.
  7. Great flick! Here's a buncha stillz to help complete the picture... We took a "shortcut" out of Pendleton to avoid the big rigs and Cabbage Hill: The temps were cold and the flakes were flying as we neared Elgin: My new fave brew is TG Festive Ale; it has the body of a supermodel, the taste of ambrosia and makes you happy lickety-split: The Wallowa yurtmeister demonstrated some tricks of his trade: Wallowa storm skiing: Remember kids that it's wise to re-glue before this happens to you. "So, how do you like your skins...?" Sunset storm skiing: Axismundi takes an unexpected 5 after rippin' Humble Pie: Day 2 and more fluff: When the wife's not around a cute, blonde...lab will do: The Coug wanted in bad: Mellow man Morgan showed us how it's done: The telelelling yurtmeister reaped the benefits of the big kahuna: The big line specialist's über snow hound Ally: "You're probably wondering why I've gathered you all here today..." Biiiiiiiiiiiill's snooooooooow guaaaaaaaaage: A little brekky with big Americans in the North Powder, Oregon truck stop café: 18-wheel patriots: Elkhorn Mountains sunrise: Quoth the champagne of gapers, "Sick lines await us over yonder...w00t" Volcaneers resist switchbacks: Pink & Periwinkle batchy Haute Couture: fshrgrl trax: "It was just what I needed and more than I could have hoped for." -sb
  8. http://media.admcs.wwu.edu/video/test/ruapehu030906.mpeg Read this link for a story on the slide: http://www.natives.co.uk/news/2003/09/06avtur.htm
  9. Hockey tape. The black hockey stick tape works great in cold temps... Kentucky chrome fails in cold, cold temps in my experience.
  10. I've got scads of gmail invites for those interested. PM me with an email addy...
  11. These binders look interesting: They appear to have the step-inability of Fritichis plus the featherweightness of Dynafits. The price is something else: $475 Canadian at MEC. To paraphrase a friend, the investment bankers must have gotten hip to the backcountry phenomenon. Nonetheless, I look forward to hearing more about the durability of Silvretta's new offering.
  12. If anyone finds a mint condition pair of Smith Sunglasses on the 15 mile trail east of Mt. Hood could you let me know and we can arrange a return? I left them at a creek crossing today the 26th of September. Thanks.
  13. Brand new rope for sale in the PDX area. PM me if yer interested or you know anyone who is.
  14. This might help. Not sure if it will tell you when a site actually went live but can tell you to whom and when a given url was registered.
  15. Elliot Smith | Studion, Stockholm | 1998-06-02
  16. More like socialist scum. The founder apparently has had great success putting his business where his mouth and politics are. I've heard it's run like a non-profit. Bully for him I say. But what the hay, politics aside it's cheaper than Ebay when you're on the sell side.
  17. Caveman, You might try http://seattle.craigslist.org/. I've had great luck selling stuff there.
  18. Jon, Do you know the provenance of those stills and where they're purported to be from?
  19. Oh yeah! Well my dogs hunt more:
  20. Dunno about the greatest but she ain't no foo: Unless of course food, snow, a nice long walk/run and/or kitty rocca are involved. I've never understood the kitty rocca thing.
  21. You could just call the Timberline snophone: 503.222.2211? I think the folks to talk to about the cam would be KGW news: Engineering/TV Reception tv8reception@kgw.com kgw.com Management helpcenter@belointeractive.com
  22. Speaking of historical fiction... The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay by Michael Chabon Was introduced to this wonderful read by someone on this site. I can't recall who?
  23. Hip, hip, hooray! Shizzilate that document and it might make more sense. At least to me!
  24. Yah, there's lots of room so long as yer not tryin ta park one of them there behemoth R.V.s.
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