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Everything posted by Greg_W
quote: Originally posted by Bronco: to further explain the phenomena an example: A short guy was seen driving back and forth along the Icicle with a hottie stopping to "gape" at climbers and occasionally spew forth some beta on what to climb. He had been doing a good job of "gaping" because he knew where and when everbody else was climbing, yet seemed content to drive around "gaping" on Saturday. GAPER I on the other hand, was seen walking around the area of Snow Creek parking lot and Icicle Butt "posing" with climbing gear. Making sure to be seen by everybody, with rope, harness, gaitors and a #5 camalot, occasionally flipping through the guide book to pose as a climber. I was near some rocks later, flailing maybe, but still a stretch. POSER Get it right people. As a witness to both of these events (and a participant), I must add that they are very good examples. Further tip on successful gaping: when spewing forth beta on what to climb make sure to mention that they are great places to climb but that you are climbing something else. This helps to bolster the image of you being an actual climber without having to "pose". Bronco's (and my) Saturday "pose" was even more masterful since it was performed in front of a group of clueless adolescents! Greg
quote: Originally posted by sk: I thaught it ment he sucked male chickens Would that make him a "homo-ovate"? Greg
quote: Originally posted by vegetablebelay: For some reason sk's autosig bugs me. "I must make a system...." I would have to agree. However, I hear that JKrueger has some great polaroids of her so all could be forgiven! Greg
Ain't nature grand?? Greg
quote: Originally posted by Off White: Just so long as he doesn't say "Klatuu, Veratuu, Nicktuu" Wasn't that supposed to stop the killer robot?
J_Kirby: I use a cordelette of about the same size. I double mine and then chain knot it like a long runner, clip both ends to a biner and call it good. Greg
I'm open to either day.
Would like to find a partner to climb Town Crier this weekend. If you're interested PM me, or send me an e-mail at gwall@constructivision.com. Greg
quote: Originally posted by Winter: I ain't no pyshicistist either, but isnt' it: Force = Mass * Velocity Velocity = Acceleration * Time I made it out of engineering school on a wing and a prayer, but I remember a couple things. F = Mass * Acceleration, where "Acceleration" is gravity, g=32.2-fps/s during a climbing fall. So, the longer the fall, the more time you spend accelerating and the greater the impact force once you stop. Rope stretch would be a factor, as well, as it absorbs some of the force generated. Greg
quote: Originally posted by Son of Caveman: Why I Like Mountain Goats Does this mean that you've gotten over sk's rejection?
quote: Originally posted by Lowell Skoog: Okay, I agree it's not productive to frame the debate in partisan terms. My point was to contrast Maria Cantwell's statements (which people here said had no content) with the position of other politicians whose position is known. We know that Bush is pushing to make the fees permanent. Partisanship aside, what do you think of Cantwell's concern: "Over time the program would cause local land managers to favor creating higher impact recreational usage facilities because of the higher amounts of fee revenue raised." Does this sound reasonable? Lowell; I read that as land managers would push for building of new campgrounds and/or enlarging existing ones in order to handle a greater capacity. Doing so would create space for a larger number of the paying public, thus enlarging the incoming revenue. Sort of an "...if you build it, people will pay to use it" mentality. What was your take? Nice chatting with a local legend, by the way. Greg
quote: Originally posted by jkrueger: [The opposite holds true as well, as there is nothing like a woman with a full rack dangling from her chest. I'm talking trad gear here - get your mind out of the gutter! The one's you do have to watch out for are the one's with their racks hanging down around their waists Greg
Had a fair turnout last night: juan, TimL, chris_w, Captain Caveman, Fred Beckey, and Greg W. No Seattle-ites, but we didn't really miss 'em. A good time was had by all, things got kind of crazy when Fred started signing women's underwear!!! It was good to meet you guys, NW Brewhouse is a good site (for future reference) and has plenty of space if AlpineK and his Seattle crew ever show on the Eastside . Caveman, did you make it home alright? Greg
quote: Originally posted by sk: Guiding does not mean having some paid jerk off willing to wipe my ass... You are right, sk, there are fetish websites that can help you on this better than cc.com; might want to visit one of those.
quote: Originally posted by Bronco: quote:Originally posted by Juan: .........Let's settle this before lunch. John Sharp BATTLECAGE!!!!!! Alpine K versus Capt. Caveman in a battle royal steel cage match. The first one with a hole in their pink tights will be deemed - "DA LOSER". As long as no one gets their pink in a tight hole
I heard on the morning news that the Duchess was closed down due to a mysterious fire. Closed indefinitely...Northwest Brewhouse it is!! Greg
quote: Originally posted by Stefan: People pay for fishing licenses. This is recreation. (You still pay state taxes.) People pay for sno-parks. This is recreation. (You still pay state taxes.) You all would pay the fee for climbing Denali. (You still pay federal taxes.) I bet you all would pay if the Forest Service was held more accountable for the money for trail fees. I agree the $400K toilet at Washington Pass was a waste of money. The vast majority of people who use that facility do not or will not ever buy a trail park pass. We don't pay a state income tax, but you are right. All the tags, stamps, endorsements, etc. that you need to hunt in this state are bullshit, but this is not a hunting bulletin board. I, for one, would still be against trail fees regardless of level of accountability. Greg
quote: Originally posted by fern: if I could channel the spirit of someone into my climbing that person would be Walter Payton. Running Back for the Chicago Bears?
Ask yourselves why they want extra money out of us for trail and road maintenance and yet Forest Service biologists are recommending closing more and more roads in the backcountry. They want us to pay for access, yet they are slowly closing off access to more and more areas. Example: Rick Larsen (U.S. Representative, WA) and his plan to create the Index Wilderness, which would close roads and make access more and more difficult. ...things to think on...We can discuss further at the Pube Club tonight at NW Brewhouse in Redmond. Greg
Captain- Both look good to me; have heard good things about Bear Creek. Call it and I'll be there. 6-ish? Cheers Greg
Sounds high-maintenance, dude.
quote: Originally posted by Pepper Boy: Ahhh the beauty of democracy: the minorities get screwed. And we - fit, healthy ( , etc. notwithstanding), adventure-lovers - are a minority. Greg, Greg, Greg - he wonders where that huge kah-ching goes - guns to war against threats both imagined and real, medical care for an aging and increasingly slackass population, and a whooooole lotta pork. Pay to play is fine, but you have to implement it across the board (where personal versus public consumption is discernible) or a subset of the population (us) ends up yanking double-time to cover their bourgeoning obligation. And right now, lots of other subpopulations skate on the backs of the general public while we (among other examples) get singled out. Sorry, no constructive suggestions, I know the man can bitchslap my ass at will (and historically speaking, the product of revolution is generally less palatable than the instigation anyway). Guzzle 'em while they're cold. I know where it goes, you're preaching to the choir dude. Greg
quote: Originally posted by mattp: True enough, but we pay taxes to support lots of services for which we also pay fees -- consider urban transit systems, postal service, state colleges, etc. To me, this is not the best argument. I believe that public lands should be public, and ideally this would mean they'd be free, but if there were one or two fees, easily paid, and cheap, I probably wouldn't bother to raise much objection. The problem is, every time we turn around there are more fees, they are not easily paid, they add up to a lot of money, and I am afraid that the whole thing is on a one-way ratchet. The Forest Service has been bad enough, but I don't want to see "Thousand Trails" running the Wenatchee National Forest. Our taxes do SUBSIDIZE (i.e., pay them to operate at a loss) urban transit, postal service, etc. but there are private alternatives in these instances. Your post seems to say that you are surprised by the "...one-way ratchet" of Federal fees. Hasn't it been proven that Government will only increase in size and scope if left unchecked? Of course these fees will continue to increase; if I am not mistaken, they already have over the life of the Fee Demo Program. Didn't they go up $5 in 2000 or 2001? I may be mistaken. Regardless, the cost of going out onto public lands is only going to increase unless we voice our disapproval (like we used to say on election day in Chicago) EARLY AND OFTEN!! See you at the EASTSIDE PUB CLUB tomorrow Greg
I'll be there, name the place.
quote: Originally posted by MysticNacho: Disabled access? 1500 miles of trail? Seems like constructive uses to me, I'm willing to shell out the green for that. Reduced usage? Mixed feelings on that one. On one hand, the less people out there, the better, but on the other, I think the world would be a better place if everyone got outside once in awhile. I'd definitely need to learn more about this before formulating my opinion though. What is y'all's beef with this one, you just don't like paying? SpiritualTaco: A couple of points for you: 1,500 miles of trail where? In Washington? I find that hard to believe. You say you are willing to "...shell out green for..." certain things. News Flash: you already do with your taxes. Regarding "reduced usage", raising fees causing reduced usage on lands that are supposed to be for EVERYONE is not right. Personally, I don't like paying because I see how much of my paycheck gets stolen by the Federal Government every month as it is and wonder where it all goes. Greg