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Everything posted by ivan

  1. fascinating!
  2. what to say? other than i feel for the kid's folks but they should surely shut the fuck up w/ their lawsuit, unless they can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the park knew this water tank was causing serious rockfall but didn't want to do anything about it...
  3. well then, i hope you called 'em fuck-nuts!
  4. well, so long as everyone's handing out free advice (and you seem to be inviting it), here's some more from the sadistic teacher in me - try proof-reading your applications 'fore you send 'em in - if they're anything like your posts you won't get a job b/c folks are going to think you're a moron - try writing in complete sentences, finishing thoughts, and other wacky editing ideas as espoused by "the greats" like emmerson, thurber, hemmingway and dr suess. i look forward to climbing w/ you - unemployed folks mesh much better w/ my summer needs
  5. my fraternity had an a special honor called "the blue fin award" - a huge wooden fish w/ a nasty crimson dorsal fin as big as a chair to be given to the brother who had indecent liberties w/ a lass who met the official criteria (that a hula-hoop could not be succesfully navigated over her bulk). the award was passed winner to winner as events would have it, in addition to a keg of beer to salve the horror. happily, i never found meself having to display the damn red badge of shame, though my big brother did... sorry to divert attention from your worthy tr - the pics of the red saddle in particuliar couldn't help but remind me...
  6. nice trip, i dig the solo shit too sucks about your car - too bad it wasn't your bailed partner's? jesus christ that mountain looks fucking ugly this time of year! like diddling a really, really, really fat girl w/ a reprehensible take on personal hygiene...
  7. i think josh is just jealous of your manly physique - besides, you're fulfilling the fervent wishes of horny homosexual teenagers everywhere! ...so you got that going for you...
  8. when you talked w/ the fishermen, did they know you were climbing?
  9. i think we were dehydrated and really not giving a shit on the middle enough to check for one - i don't remember seeing registers on any of the 3 peaks. i'd say, based on the webbing, that this route sees a healthy # of repeats a year, at least half a dozen or more. there's really nothing like a trail on any of the grassy sections though, so the traffic is overall pretty minimal and little enough to give a good sense of a lonely adventure.
  10. anyone been there recently and know if there's snow on the bivy ledge on the ne butt route? after running out of water on the index traverse w/ no snow on route i feel all cranky...
  11. metallic. left on the side facing the river. do i get 'em back now?
  12. what about the almighty dollar!
  13. camping at the lake and doing everything in a day is very reasonable, though you'd have more solitude if you camped up high
  14. enjoying alaska, bastard?!?
  15. my last week of freedom 'fore the tryanny of school sets back in... doesn't have to be sick or sadistic, though that is preferred - any route, any length, any days...help! everyone else is working or out of town or totally lame or dead...
  16. well written - seems like a climb best done in winter, no? the comment on your freddo-esque friends buried in dresses is classic...
  17. yeah, it's dum you can't view before posting, but now that it's up, you can click the edit link and do it right...knowing your route would be a nice starter
  18. excuse me, but i think this sorta thread is reserved for the 5 months out of the year where's its continously fuk'n pouring outside! my favorite of the summer was nooksack tower, cuz mike's so cuddly when the bivy's surronded by instant death...
  19. i'll bring both IT'S ON LIKE DONKEY KONG!
  20. 4? shit, i'll be there then rob - we can maybe knock some shit off somewhere easy to get warmed up 'fore the hard-men show...let me know if yer game
  21. i gotta 'gree w/ roberto - reckon i'll be there aroudn 530 - how bout you bob?
  22. i like the authentic english as a second language feel - take that harry pi! nice job, oleg n' pete - but now you gotta go back an do the whole damn ridge like real bastards! you feel like vomiting watching homeboy solo the gendarme?
  23. doug, when you gonna be there?
  24. whatever - ireneo cleaned route sound good - i just wanna climb something that isn't falling apart or require prodigiuos use of vegetable belays
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