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Everything posted by ivan

  1. me too me too! Ivanthedark at hotmail! help me pss off all my relatves!
  2. ivan


    the fed present is from the undiscovered country film
  3. ivan


    wrong on all 3 counts - the 2 actors are guys and the film is a rather depressing drama (hmm well i suppose so is fisher too)
  4. folks don't know what they're missing - they'd appreciate a fine piece of prime rib on a cold winter day!
  5. dude - she's just like me!
  6. ivan


    badass! now name the robin williams movie that featured two villianous characters who appeared indepednetly in various star tre epidsodes/movies - one as an archaelogist the other as a federaton president!
  7. no more stooooopid big falls!
  8. ivan


  9. tr title fixed - i have taken no offense - offending people is my job!
  10. my fav image of the night: contemplating the rapidly disintegrating remains of mist falls, john, myself and 2 others peer upwards into the night trying to evaluate the danger level as we stand calf-deep in calved ice-cubes - suddenly, a chunk as big as king-kong's-kock comes roaring down - 4 spray-monkey's head for the exits in 4 directions as i cackle my ass off while trotting downhill - badasses don't die, don't ya know?!? so it looks like the ice is well and truly fucked for now - hope it gets cold again - that's 3 seasons in a row i've dropped the fawking ball on!
  11. oleg is russian - in russa winter starts on dec 1 - does that mean oleg can claim a winter failure and i have to stic w/ a fall one?
  12. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/10561253/ if only swingers weren't usually fat sweaty people...
  13. there's nothing quite like arguing to get your climb classified as a "winter" failure who cares? if we'd finished it then i might argue more enthusiastically - to have completed it and descended safely we'd probably have been gettng off today anyway whch would have been close enough for me! i was happy w/ the 1 axe 1 tool combo meal - my axe deals wth ice pretty well and we were intendng to take the buttress anyway which i didn't suspect would have much steep ice on it. the caves on the cj coulior are freaky - they do indeed go way the hell up the glacier and would serve as interestng bivy stes in heavy rain - though i'm sure the fear of being flushed out by some massive slide event would more than scare me out of them. there's a fantastc bridge above one of the caves right now that i wouldn't dare walk on. thinkng i need to save up to buy a nice bibler - a tent would have made cooking and sleeping much nicer over an extra day or two.
  14. Climb: Johannesburg-NE Butt in da Winta Date of Climb: 12/21/2005 Trip Report: a noble failure made two climbs on j-berg this summer so developed a fascination w/ tryng it in winter - the weather cooperated enough to get oleg and i there but not to finish the job - the drive in was exciting - had to put on chains at mile 15 after losing momentum uphill and sliding a long way back down. slept for a few hours in the freezng cold in the back of the truck friday night before setting out in subfreezng temps and 30 mph winds - the snow arete of the ne butt of j'berg looked absolutely inhospitalbe but what else to do? after eaching the base of the climb we seriously began regretting our decision to just go w/ bivy sacs - spindrift coursed like waterfalls down every gully - the rdge was beng murdered by wnds and the trees looked on the verge of snappng in half. ah well it's not like we're just gonna turn aroudn and drive home again? after wasting some time on the ramp used to acces the lower face in summer we were off - enjoyable climbing to be sure - snow - rock - thin ice - brush - it's all there. the sun sets awful early this time of year though and i found myself leading a most scary pithc w/ no pro usng just thin ce and frozen moss for pics when t became dark. routefinding grew difficult and we didn't make the flat buttress that i'd hoped to. oleg grew grumpy at being dragged through such unpleasant terrain in the dark so i settled on a crazy bivy ledge at the base of a steep short cliff underneath a tree which we lashed ourselves to for the night. the wind ncreased in volence all night and by mornng with a forecast for storms the next day and the obvious realization it was going to take at least 2 mor edays to finish the route and be off we decided to descend. a most excellent time was had trying to link trees and shrubs down the buttress in a tormentng gale- dealing with the endless snags and tree-fucs - but by 3 we were back on the ground and to the car as it grew dark. on the drive home we hit rain and clouds and icestorms in the 'couve so i don't feel lie doublethinking our decision at all - woulda sucked to have been up there n a true tempest! so it looks like we'll be back to settle a score later... the lower part of the route Gear Notes: 2 screws and a small alpne rac Approach Notes: not much snow at cascade pass - the cj glacer s dead! road open to mp 20
  15. time for the airing of the grievances?
  16. there was ice climbing to be sure - but plenty of brush to pull on in between! most of the ice we encountered was thin and it was generally a lot faster to climb aroudn it - we were following the straitest line to put us on the buttress itself - the bigger ice flows are off left and didn't tae us anywhere we really wanted to go. oh yeah i'm a big pussy leading on steep ice too.
  17. wtf? how dd pete brea hs leg?
  18. chec out CAG #1 - there are lots of routes
  19. 2 days ago the road was passable all the way to eldorado tralhead at mp 20 - mgane t's been snowng snce then though. chans requred to be sure. beware fallng trees!
  20. the ne face/buttress - clmbed half wth oleg the other day - got halfway up when hgh wnd and nasty mpendng weather compelled gong home for xmas chores the retreat down the buttress was ndeed exctng! road up to mle 20 - not much snow at the pass - the cj glacer loos fawng dsgustng
  21. you normally make a pont of checkng out folks asses yo?
  22. joburg was mght breezy the past few days...
  23. this image is the main reason i can spray on the internet in the presence of my 2 year old daughter - dude, she FUCKING LOVES this guy! "or-illa" she calls him while frantically beating her own chest - some day, man, some day...
  24. vern tejas might?
  25. thanx wes - wors well w/ my raven - lghter than john's too maybe
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