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Everything posted by ivan

  1. arguing about taste in food and music is of course silly, and in the past i've made fun of some songs only to love them later - the "whack fol the da-d-oh" line just sounds silly in a rock song though, in my humble opinion
  2. i like the blue grass twang to jerry/grisman's version - the "shady grove" album has a fantastic version of the dismal sailor classic "off to sea once more" too
  3. hey, why not add in nooksack tower for the blue collar hardman trifecta? i think jo'burgs probably the coolest of the bunch, though nooksacks the least "moderate" (by the n face at any rate)
  4. i don't think it much matters as there's crap that can rain down from everywhere, not just yokum's - i usually end up doing a fair amount of zig-zagging up luetholds anyway b/c i love all things french so much
  5. by definition, i figure if i have ACTUALLY managed to get up something, it can't be anything more than moderate fisher chimenys on mt shuksan was the climb that convinced me to relocate my state of being to the PNW, much to my wife's woe
  6. fwiw, the conditions often improve on luetholds once you get a few hundred feet above the reid - my last jaunt up luetholds started as a waist deep snowfuckfest but ended on great ice/neve
  7. upload pix to your gallery using the link at the top (god i hope this is a thai whorehouse tr!) right click on your photos to get their address, copy it the formula for showing a pic is make certain they're not so damn big we gotta scroll over to see both boobies
  8. damn you mike! moderate's a state of mind - if properly bent, it's all extreme! and i did enjoy my one Xtreme solo of da toof
  9. wow - never seen that until now - the approach looks a bit intense - how much do you reckon it'll cost you?
  10. go to the appropriate forum (like oregon if you did hood - don't forget pictures of your tauntaun) click "post trip report" pretty difficult, eh? posting in pix is more high-tech...
  11. how could i forget slesse ne buttress?
  12. also, fwiw, i've never stood at the top of that mountain and not felt like i was getting my ass kicked! alwasy felt great once i was on the way down though...X1000 once i'd re-entered the coolness and vitality of the forests below t-line.
  13. perhaps you're not listening to the right music or taking the right drugs? or running the right courses w/ legions of bouncy-bouncing 20-somethings?
  14. it wasn't the grateful dead Jerry Garcia, Grateful Dead, whatever. sucks. for consistency's sake, listen to another traditional folk version and state for the record if it's jerry you dislike, or if you just have a preference for cock-rawked renditions like metallica's 8eOIU9ekSMk
  15. ivan


    is it possible to eat too much lettuce, brochilli or carrots? but then, it seems there are many fat bunnies...
  16. so we gonna find out how many gumbies got da chop!?!
  17. the ones i've done that are high on my list: complete n ridge of mt stuart ne buttress of johanesburg young warriors at beacon rock yer mama
  18. a much shorter explanation... d1wmwud1DXQ
  19. there's plenty of high-quality trad climbing at smith as well - still, if you had a girlfriend in yosemite... if you like climbing actual mountains, get yourself a school-girl from uw or western
  20. you mean the one i've been cleaning my shoes w/ for the past month? dark long sleeve dank ass muthafucka at the base of carrot fir everyone?
  21. A case of Marlboro Reds and a case of Mickeys. and sleeping in a train station waiting room loaded w/ meth-heads too, assuming you're staying in muir hut
  22. watcha need streaming radio for when you can just listen to this over n' over n' over n' over? 1wfamPW3Eaw
  23. ivan


    how much land does a man need?
  24. you won't be running on rainier, unless a tauntaun is chasing you, so... as long as you're in good enough shape to ascend 9000 feet in 2 days w/o stopping more than once an hour or two and not being a total piece of jelly at the end of it you'll be fine, and that's pretty easy to test below timberline running is useful for developing mental hardness, but i suppose you could just jerk off w/ sandpaper for a few weeks and get the same results i assume this'll be your first time on rainer - it's a fantastically cool place - enjoy
  25. i think The Dude had the most telling things to say 'bout metallica...
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