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Everything posted by ivan

  1. the rock at ozone was nice and dry - i imagine the .11s will still be dry this weekend too
  2. you can use duct tape to re-inforce the lid and prevent this - sucks when you put hot water in the bottle then though...
  3. ivan


    Whats taking you so long? Photo radar has been busting speeders in Portland for at least 9 years now. i'm lulling them into complacency while i build up my alibi fortunately, i've had the pleasure of neither living nor traveling through areas so equipped...
  4. turns out funny shit happens when cousins marry!
  5. king george III had a fun later life. excerpt from teh interwubs: "He also had the royal hereditary disease porphyria which had afflicted Mary Queen of Scots. She passed it to her son, King James I of England. Porphyria is caused by the insufficient production of hemoglobin. The symptoms are photosensitivity, strong abdominal pain, port wine colored urine and paralysis in the arms and legs. The interruption of nerve impulses to the brain causes the development of psychiatric symptoms. Finally, epileptic convulsions occur and the patient sinks into a coma. George III's first attack occurred in 1765, four years after his marriage to Queen Charlotte. From 1811 to the time of his death in 1820 he became progressively insane and blind. He spent his time in isolation, and was often kept in straight jackets and behind bars in his private apartments at Windsor Castle."
  6. i can think of another imperial george who used large numbers of mercenary troops to prosecute a foreign war, guerilla-like in nature, that ultimately became so unpopular and expensive he was forced to abandon it, suffering a decline in his nation's power as a result...didn't he later go crazy as a shit house rat too? makes you wonder how W's later life will pan out...
  7. don't know about you, but on long alpine trips i'd much rather be w/ an intelligent misanthrope than an idiotic flanders-type - the make the miles melt away more melodiously
  8. ivan


    perhaps my time in spray has given me a false sense of the volume of bitching out there? i've heard plenty of folks angry over the patriot act and all it has entailed - i saw the ny gov got nailed as a result of the governments exhortation for banks to inspect the finicial transactions of their customers - i heard on the radio (humorously) that the red light cameras have actually been a bit of a disaster for localities in that they've been so succesful in getting people to stop running lights that they've lost a significatn revenue stream through the tickets written for the offense, prompting many areas to contemplate taking them down! if they put up speed cameras, i will support a GUERILLA INSURGENT IED INTIFADA to destroy them all! (let's see if this thread gets read) if i'm the metaphorical frog, i reckon the water's luke-warm currently and figure about the best i can hope for is to keep it right around this temp - getting it back to frigid is probably neither possible nor desirable - i clearly don't want it much warmer (and this from a man who's had The Man show up on his doorstep b/c of something he posted on this very site! true story))
  9. nice - we raged w/ denalidave - did whatever that cool trad thing is left of the mountie route that leads to the one pin bouldery hard thing to the cool ledge - did the very hard/steep hard thing above that, then when doing a tr lap on it via what seemed an alternative i kicked off a number of belay and dog slayers, using my head to pin a football sized rock against the cliff for a bit while searching for spike the puppy - think it freaked geoff and dave a bit more than me. finished w/ that moderate 10 next to the crumbling - what a cool route! nice n' damp on the approach trail - was stoked to avoid spilling my coffee while slip'n'slide'n'on-down
  10. contemplating trying to wave down some slack-jawed yokels to ferry me up the road inspired me to write our senators and governor today - took about 5 minutes to compose a note and send it off to the 3 of them.
  11. lingering winter is cool, especially when properly timed w/ dry weekends...
  12. a most modest proposal, my good man!
  13. well put don
  14. ivan


    is this a fancier way of saying bullshit? i was not immediately making the connection between me and members of the artiodactyla order... no, it's just a fancier way of (jokingly) accusing you of having predilections similar to those of Dru and his countrymen. well, after reviewing the list of creatures in said order, the only one i felt a slight movement south of the border for was the vixenous central asian red deer - i've always had a thing for asians
  15. ivan


    is this a fancier way of saying bullshit? i was not immediately making the connection between me and members of the artiodactyla order...
  16. ivan


    orwell's society was one where the citizens couldn't complain though, one where the very language spoken rendered political speech impossible, and that was the foundation upon which everything else in his dark vision stood - americans have been bitching and bitchign and bitchign since at least de tocqueville's time, and there's no sign of that slacking nor any government program that will be able to stop it. times and technologies will change, and we shouldn't necessarily fear them, so long as we continue to rudely inspect and bitch about them all. paranoia is a healthy instinct, but then cancer is also a result of a healthy bodily function can too far, no?
  17. the bigger a mountain, the less precisely meaningful the grade
  18. jeebus...maybe i need to start soaking my hands in formaldhyde? tc's the only place i've ever taped and thought it mandatory- layton and i only had enough to do half our hands, and i recall bleeding like a stuck pig only 10 feet off the ground. i am, of course, a cheap hack though and make no claims to master tech-nique! tc's is certainly much grittier and coarse than the basalt of the portland area or the smith gorge. it seemed like god had just gone over all of the basalt blocks wiht a great big sandy paint brush.
  19. ivan


    i really don't think crime or criminal behavior has much link to genetics - it's mostly environmental/social. the law can forbid government or business to use genetic information to discriminate. it seems common sense to make it easier for the state to be able to catch rapists and murderers, who often leave dna evidence of their crime, but nothing else. explain to me more clearly what dangers you see in the government having my genetic code? and how hard is it for anyone to take that from me w/o my knowledge anyway - i leave it everywhere completely unknown to me.
  20. i wasn't saying i couldn't come up w/ one - i'm sure what i'd come up w/ wouldn't be popular though and therefore wouldn't be accepted. the major problem in evaluating teacher though, i think, is that teaching is largely an art - and so evaluating it becomes much like evaluating any other art form. folks who get evaluated poorly get pissed and sue, and the court tends to suppor them unless there's something really concrete for the school to hang its hat on. in every district i've taught it, it seems it has been practically impossible to get fired, save for an act of gross stupidity, and usually only then after 300 warnings.
  21. 2 of the only things still made in this country! hey, at least i'm trying to stimulate the local economy
  22. i, thought; that was waht ms-word! was for?
  23. i haven't been to indian creek - is the easiest climb there a painful 5.9? there's only 1 clmib at that grade at TC i recall, then everything else goes to .10 and above, and all on incredibly painful rock where taping is a must!
  24. jeebus - trout creek really ain't that great a place to LEARN how to jam!!!
  25. geoff and i are going to ozone this afternoon bill - should be there 'roudn 3 - i gotta split by 615 though...
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