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Everything posted by ivan

  1. it all V hey tyler, we should do the norweigian buttress this summer! none of the folks i know are fool enough to try it...
  2. ivan

    Greek Style

    humans in general are cheer-leaders for that shit, esse - the capitalist system has hardly demonstrated forebearance in war, has it?
  3. ivan

    Greek Style

    when's the last time the greeks got anythign right? salamis? sounds like the same nonsense here in the states - "we want stuff, we just don't want it to cost us anything?"
  4. well...wont' be too long 'fore your kids are big enough to lash up the thing, eh?
  5. plus you can drink a couple 40's on the way up the s side
  6. my guess as well - and i'm sure it deserves the VI - how many, if any, repeats has it seen?
  7. seems like you'd be missing it even if it was open! how many times did you get out to the big b last year? too shitty today anyhow to enjoy the corner much you can always come freeze on the n side w/ the rest of us fools...
  8. i'll believe it can happen when it actually happens
  9. ivan

    Fit enough?

    who needs fitness or aclimatization - just bring the nitro!
  10. you don't sound like you've done the south side gang-bang yet, so you might as well start w/ that - if it's not stupd shitty out at the time you're leaving, the conditions will probably be fine
  11. the dif in this argument is that no one gives a shit about the salmon the fish-huggers will be dreaming big indeed the day they think they can bring the bonneville dam down!
  12. the article says they're not killing the stellar's whent he zombie apocalypse comes and i convert beacon into my stronghold, i plan on eating both the lions and the salmon
  13. single day effort - ouch!
  14. damn, we better be nice to the peregrines or wind up like these sorry bastards just a few miles away! http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/35767369/ns/us_news-environment/
  15. i'd recommend going up their the first time w/ the intention of skiping the first gendarme - there's a direct way up to it from the reid - otherwise you do all the work to get to the 1st gendarme only to discover it just won't go and then it takes to long to cheat your way onto the ridge...
  16. great shot!
  17. so, now you've nailed it, what are you saying are the main indications the wall's in likely shape?
  18. nice, so what did everyone else do this weekend? glad you nailed it in time for the book!
  19. aid climbers have the most fun
  20. awesome pic - never seen it! where? hey, the snag on snag ledge is still alive there! and the summit area actually looks logged, but maybe tht's just the perspective from the island? don't see any ivy in lay lady lay land of the little people is missing its anchor tree, isn't it?
  21. you'd think he'd remember his friends, eh? assuming "think" was involved might be a trifle silly though? is there a single route at ozone that didn't involve the rape of the vegetable world?
  22. the chinaman is not the issue
  23. opps, as for option #3, clean cracks don't exist in the pacific northwest
  24. there are many routes up this side, but most are obscure - i'm just trying to figure them out (there's an old set of anchors just below that tree) that was the tree you were concerned for - you were across the road, coming down from the upper park - i was wrestling w/ the lower left side of it - note the big dead branch on left i left alone after i figured you or your freind had a sniper rifle
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