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Everything posted by ivan

  1. thank fawk i'm closer to beacon than nasty butte
  2. hualing a sled on that oft icy n' side-hill steep trail would suuuuuck! if you were on skiis n' just wnated to skin up the actual road though that'd work fine
  3. a national geographic from the past couple months was good too basically i'd imagine the locals are so shell-shocked after decades of extreme fuckedness they probably can't distinguish between shit n' shinola us being there for a couple months was hardly a game changer
  4. by definition, if american soldiers were there, the locals were fucking stoked (except for the ones we killed, who were by definition communists n' faggots) be sure to cite me in proper mla style!
  5. did the google break again?
  6. don't forget a kite
  7. the reid and the sandy are close at hand!
  8. ivan

    we need a new holiday

    especially when yer 15 n' looking for yer first highschool girlfriend the krauts were trying to stir up the wetbacks firkrisakes!
  9. ivan

    we need a new holiday

    "the first world war came and it went the reason for fighting i never did get but i learned to accept it, accept it with pride and you don't count the dead when god's on your side"
  10. ivan

    we need a new holiday

    why don't you just punch yourself in the face? somehow this reminded me of my first fight w/ tyler
  11. ivan

    we need a new holiday

    so we get to walk around w/ a smug sense of superiority b/c we put a handful of guys on trial, then let them all walk? you might be getting me wrong - i'm not saying we're as awful as hitler, stalin or the like - our illusion of democracy IS brighter!
  12. ivan

    we need a new holiday

    we did a great job of prosecuting colonel chivington of sand creek fame too! in fact, can you think of an american who was actually jailed or executed for a crime of this magnitude? oh right - winning the war means not having to say yer sorry! i will now return to punching my american flag in the face
  13. ivan

    we need a new holiday

    yeah, all those my lai guys are still rotting in jail! you might read the later-part of that link, kk, for the scores n' highlights of how every-one involved was spared an iota of responsiblity on the flip side, today is also the anniversary of the halabja massacre - the iraqiis actually tried n' executed the fella who did that
  14. ivan

    we need a new holiday

    we got the movie dr. stangelove for lemay - ain't no stinking holiday gonna top that! i may just be hoping to parley the single day off for a combo-meal deal w/ st paddy's, where we get extra-liquored up to forget what we did in the first place seriously though, bill, your generation remembers my lai (and lemay), but you're kidding yourself if you think kids born in the clinton-era (my bread n' butter) will
  15. ivan

    we need a new holiday

    “He fired at it [the baby] with a .45. He missed. We all laughed. He got up three or four feet closer and missed again. We laughed. Then he got up right on top and plugged him.”
  16. every march 16, shouldn't we get a day off to remember this great amerikkkan event?
  17. complete stephenwulf the n side's ALWAYS open though...
  18. tr's w/o pix only get 3 lines of attention
  19. booze is definetly aid (as is the khat you can pick in the nearby botanical gardens!) my little bro was just a month back from the iraq invasion and even he was telling me i was being stupid
  20. i couldnt agree more and... Go do Mongo and tell me there is no grade 6 in this state. or stfu. wayne made a funny! if vi truly means 2 or more days of hard climbing, then how int he hell would the n norwiegan butt not count?
  21. i nearly got arrested for doing this on the capitol building, high on life (n' a big bottle of whiskey) after an afternoon in arlington w/ the grandfolks, prancing on graves like a deranged indian )
  22. ivan

    Greek Style

    the historical dynamic of greece is clear - an engine of extreme fuckedness generating an incessant stream of emigres constantly Getting the Hell Out of Delphi
  23. ivan


    perhaps he got caped?
  24. ivan

    Greek Style

    humans in general are cheer-leaders for that shit, esse - the capitalist system has hardly demonstrated forebearance in war, has it? Whatever whatever indeed. it might also be argued that capitalists have nothign to protest about, since they hold the power - if the tables were turned, i'm sure you'd approve of violent protest to oust the despot marxists, right?
  25. ivan

    Fit enough?

    fat old men are frequently seen frolickign up there - the main key i think is just establishing a good pace - if, at any altitude, you can hold your heart rate at 70-80% of your max for 50-60 minutes at a time (w/ a 10 min break or so afterwards b4 you go again), you ought to be fine and actually enjoy it (unless of course it's bitterly cold, windy, foggy, crevassy, etc. etc. ) key is, don't go in a huge-cattle train where you have to fit an unnatural pace - slow n' steady n' take a bunch of pictures
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