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Everything posted by ivan

  1. a) an rv w/ a generator b) enough to keep you in 40s of OE in perpetuity
  2. they even take the possibility of zombie-attacks into consideration?
  3. ivan

    Fux Follies

    indeed - not satan by any means is fox, more like the jolly-chap who runs into the circle-k to get satan a pack of smokes
  4. indeed, and england's first income tax was for the wars of the french revolution - anyone see a common thread on the need for income taxes?
  5. too late in our history there boy-o extra credit, what caused england to create its first income tax (about 60 years before us?)
  6. ivan

    Fux Follies

    dude, if you can't find something to jerk off too at foxnews.com you're either really blind, or really uncreative in 7 years of near daily visiting that site, i've never seen it a day w/o a blond bimbo and at least one article about getting yer nut on somewhere on the damn page
  7. viva la revolution!!! no fair googling the answer: what incident in american history prompted the creation of the first income tax, leading to a bunch of bitching and moaning, that ultimately resulted in the 16th amendment legitimzing it?
  8. ivan

    Is this legal?

    so "ivan is a sex god" as my sig will eventually bring the virgin masses to my door?
  9. ivan

    Is this legal?

    My only rat bastard deadbeat client, skipped off to Canada owing me 5k a number of years ago. Eventually, thanks to googlebots, this will be one of the first things you see when you google his name. Sort of like when I was using "Pat Robertson had sex with my younger brother" though he's so ubiquitous that I had to settle for being on the first page of hits when running a search for "pat robertson sex" edited to add: I dunno, I suppose the thread topic is relevant, "Is this legal?" Does this really work? perhaps I will try it it certainly is at the moment as the top 2 hits i got when i googled it were for cc.com posts
  10. didya tell them they could alwasy go pull draws off the picnic lunch wall in their free time to make the nut?
  11. no wierder than the vast majority of secesh rebels being busted ass crackers w/ hardly a blade of grass, let alone a slave, to their name, yet fighting in defense of plantation kings who didnt' give a shit about them it's almost as if they're part of the same historical continuity...
  12. ivan

    Is this legal?

    possession is 9/10 of the law 1/3 of the time, no? what's the story w/ yer sig there off?
  13. few people know that hitler's middle name was "elizabeth"
  14. ivan

    Is this legal?

    its wrong when its on law-abidding folk and great when it's on a wannabe murderer - tough circle to square
  15. good to see you approve of at least PART of the 1st amendment then! i'm sure Big Brother will get your mind changed on unions sooooome day
  16. "shit, if i'm gonna die for a word, that word is poon-tang" - animal mother
  17. "you're not wrong walter, you're just an asshole" - the dude
  18. ivan

    Cannon Power

    i think the afghans hated the russkis for their freedoms?
  19. ivan

    Cannon Power

    this didn't about cover that one?
  20. yeah, same thing
  21. its painfully clear to even the most casual of observers that charlie sheen has been possessed by the spirit of kenny powers [video:youtube]
  22. father of the year strikes again hey, when you're only 2 feet tall it ain't such a long way down - plus he was kinda asking for it, slurping non-stop on the yellow icicles he was snapping off the wall every couple of feet
  23. ivan

    Cannon Power

    dunno, being neither finnish nor russian my understanding of russki history is though that, once properly motivated, the russians pulverize whatever they want till they have it or the thing is so fucked up it doesn't much matter anyway i seem to recall the fins caught them in the early 40s b4 they'd gotten their game-faces on
  24. ivan

    Cannon Power

    russians have never fucked around when it comes to artillery
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