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Everything posted by ivan

  1. watchu read'n fore?
  2. you got yourself onna yer fancy book-learn'n words there!
  3. circlejerk sockstain?
  4. more like the front 7
  5. thought that was from the exorcist? the unholy highway?
  6. was thinking more like "dickheads having irresponsible fun w/ powertools"
  7. If you met McGown I seriously doubt you'd 'mythologizing' him, I wouldn't, and I doubt he'd care much for it. He was just a guy who like getting out there and putting up stuff and did a lot of drilling and pounding up in the process; hell, he even pounded stoppers in. My point was that those guys undoubtably looked at that face just like you and I did, and McGown felt no compunction at all about drilling his way up stuff and even he left it be, as did all the others of the old guard. But at least someone is acknowledging this was just about fun and something to do in the winter. Again, my concern is strictly the precedents it sets both for more of this sort of thing and for the fixed pro count. That many points of non-clean aid is simply asking Beacon to pay a lot of freight for your guys' fun and your collective proclivity towards aid climbing over free. he and his generation left it alone b/c no one in their right minds would climb on this miserable side if they could just as easily go to east, west or south sides, not out of some deep ethical commitment did i ever say this was about more than having fun, or that my purusit of fun overrode my sense of ethics? that was your assumption, and has nothign to do w/ me. you also make erroneous assumptions that i like to aid-climb more than free. there is essentially zero free climing to be had legally at beacon most of the closure. i think you get off feeling like you're royal robbins or the like - if you need me to be your warren harding i'll be honored to attempt the part, though i doubt, even w/ signficant training, that i could equal his drinking abilities
  8. family weekend in anticipation of extended presidents day weekend but man these past 2 days proved way better than their forecasts...what'd you do at b-tons?
  9. never met mcgown - sounds like you're saying he didn't climb for fun? sounds like you're mythologizing him for your own purposes: like the russians, he didn't even take a dump w/o a plan to push the limits of human ability and the glory of Beacon!!! only 1 bolt is there for hauling purposes, and that one not b/c hauling w/o it was impossible, but b/c w/o it you're virtually certain to rain down rocks all over the base steve, the route has actually been done in a day on several occasions already (though it hasn't been soloed in a day)
  10. you keep hyperbolizing the # - there are 26 lead bolts over 7 pitches - every pin could be pulled, and thus not be considered a fixed placement, but you don't want that, and in fact no dout would bitch about it if i did! bet you keep saying 50 though...
  11. looks like it'll be wet, wet, wet! enjoy
  12. so what'll take to tip the saudi cow over?
  13. no line there
  14. by gay i assume you mean retarded?
  15. LOL - what's your poison tonight? omfg, can't remember what it was, but i sure know what it tasted like....
  16. I don't have a death wish, yet--soon maybe; thanks for the kick in the chod. Now when and where is the pizza bro? you must not understand - the group-think is this won't sharpen yer mangina i'll get a slice n' a drink w/ you this coming weekend?
  17. too drunk to read - send word - out
  18. as mike's tr would show, it's not new no longer. did i accuse you of lying? long distance runners live for ever, so despite your wishes, i bet you 5$ off-the-hook has me beat by next year!
  19. yes, it is cool, if i asked you beforehand & as it was going-on what you thought w/ pictures w/ circles n' arrows on them and you didn't sound an alarm - i wanted you on this side and did what a good man would do to get you on my side, and find it wierd that suddenly i should feeel like a bad man b/c you changed your mind.
  20. i've never claimed to be hard-corer than you for sure, no? i just wanted to do a route that all folks who liked beacon could do febuary to june so they didn't have to bitch.
  21. :lmao: larry, when you doing the route-to-be-named-later? andrew - friday is home-made pizza in my house night so me (and tvash adn justin and a few other folks) can tell you what it tastes like, and that's garlic n' black olives!
  22. shall i post the several pages of pm's where you n' i tried to sort out who did what and i showed total faith n' desire to honor what you'd done before? i wanted you to approve, and it's only been since you've thrown a fit. what should a reasonable person make of that? for me, i want to be a good man but am puzzled by your recent remarks...
  23. competition's on for one that folks will like - you, jim n' the whole world seems to hate it and i honestly don't care - watchu got?
  24. tyler hates beacon for the very reason on display in this thread by a pretty small # of folks still, that olde boy likely could be tempted to abandon the friendly confines of his native heath to come climb on the best stone in his state! ha! but will he fall as did i on his fishtaco dihedral? anyone wanna take a bet?
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