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Everything posted by ivan

  1. you mean its The Interwebs?
  2. "it is always better to avenge dear ones than to indulge in mourning for every one of us living in this world means waiting for our end let he who can achieve glory before death when a warrior is gone that will be his best and only bulwark"
  3. still call them "booty flavor chips" in honor a long-dead homey who coined the phrase
  4. they're a dime a dozen and local news usually has a fresh supply of pony-loaf to pick over in the brief intervals between weather reports and bad jokes by the mcpeople mc'ing the whole thing
  5. hardly...sure wish index wasn't 170-some odd goddamn miles away...
  6. canadians tend to take the vaporizer concept waaaay too seriously
  7. mike and i had the joint to ourselves today - quite 'skeetery - that climb of yours bill to the left of the headwall (sweet tits?) seems to be missing the pins i recalled it sported, plus as blackberries growing like mad all over it) - fell like a dipshit on the upper part of day of atonement and smacked my heel right nice and ended up hobbling out - nice to see a 00 hold its own generally, the blackberries seem to be raging over a lot of the once clean wall - reckon ozone just doesn't have those bastards quite so prolifically? the headwall didn't appear to have been climbed in a good while - lot of the ledgelets had full on dirt w/ root-masses grown back in hardly a place worth rowing about - you can do damn near everything worth messing w/ in a day - best crag in the pdx area for little kids i think, provided you do the east side trail
  8. wait, where's the epic?! ya'll cruised!
  9. historically, have the greeks ever had their shit straight longer than the amount of time it took to crush a pack of smokes and a bottle of ouzo? for fuckups though, they sure have some great food...
  10. i thought the local injuns first called it "whitemanwankerwall?"
  11. sounds like the only solution is dissolving all social programs, insituting a flat tax, and bringing back the Black Death & human slavery?
  12. "he refused all medical assistance and instead ordered another drink" to irish bar-fights w/ big-booty bitches in tow!
  13. will report back this afternoon - hoping to enchain the entire swedish bikini-team along the way, all of whom will be top-roping while licking ice-cream cones
  14. saw the broken glass from last weekend, but no tweekers present - the hobo camping scene Down By The River was tits though!
  15. Trip: Index Kardz - Davis Holed Me While In His Loving Arms Date: 6/13/2011 Trip Report: The Auold Rare Times - wife n' obligations Back EAst for a 6 week spell - fucking work still for a week! - but come the weekend me n' the powderhoudn Lived Like Kings! up, horrid-hungover, of an 8 on saturday by the phone - bryan far worse than my humble self, greyed out he was w/ tales of titty-clubs n' the special benefits of a pdx-lifestyle - our plans for an early start at an end, we Stayed On Target and Bent Space, smoke-full n' boozy-style, to index by 2 and dispatched the classics - city park, then godzilla and retard children - did i mention this was old boy's index cherry, popped nice n' clean? not too many trips w/ bryan, yet each has yield a fun odd image - this'un was in olypia - a truck loaded to the ballz w/ pot plants - apparently he didn't speak The Common Tongue as we frantically tried to wave him over holy shit, a fine night ensued Down By The River - river beer fridge - shotguns n' shenanigans down by the banks w/ super-sweet salmon n' special smokes the sweet sounds of the river ran through my head all the live-long day, yielding long sleep n' counterpointing all the fine head-shit a man must dispense w/ to love life [video:youtube] fire n' fornications of a different sort [video:youtube] lackadaisical start - who the fuck can awake w/ the roar of a river in his head? the sun was insistent of course, and so before noon we were up for breakfast and a river-session - grits n' butter n' bacon n' a pot-full of coffee - we parked in sludge n' stumbled up the steeps to the upper wall i dispatched the first pitch n' less-than-fine-style but good enough - then the 'hund got his life-wish - leading every pitch of a 5-come classic w/o complaint from his supplicant! here he is condemned on the 1st real pitch years back w/ The Layton we'd grown discourged here, but today it was sorted straight and it was done soon enough further up - a wild ride requires you to step right off the start up the rare-rock and pull the roof, then head left good times at start of the loving arms i grew momentarily discouraged when my Hero and Rope-gun flew apart at the sight of this pretentious predator on the variation to pitch 4 such a climb - cracks that don't quit - edges begging pulling - chalk-marks to the edge of creation - pro that appears on command it would seem - i sought for the final pitch, but for my clean soul i was pardoned a fine cap to the day - many raps - wine n' pbr at the base in a gentle drip - smokes n' steep descents - wife-talks n' a long ride home - tucking into the pillow at seatac and holy shit, suddenly i'm awaked at my fucking doorstep? byran, a rope gun and car driver par excellent!
  16. shhhhhhh....its still a secret. hardly.... and wait until the new portland area climbs book comes out. done happened already! musta seen my name spelling 4 different ways n' everything
  17. june trip report, my summer flowers - used to do it for the Love of the Spray - now it's all about weed money - sigh... so updates count, right? 2 years after taking on the original line up beacon w/ kenny (holy shit, only 2 years? that was our first climb and it seems i've known him longer...), on a tired thursday, miker n' meself wandered out to the bacon-wand - jimmy o had to show up 5 minutes after us of course - took a lap on his climb beside the spike route, as olson's named it aptly - nice reckon you can link the 1st 2 pitches, but why? here's mike near the anchor atop pitch 1 - jesus, NOT easy, if for no other reason it seems always to be coated in the powdered residue of a winters worth of seep n' slime - unimaginable when wet, fun when dry let mike have the 2nd short pitch to the big anchor by the tree - great views of our new adventure, though could stand some improving - here's mike well near the top of 3, hands on spikes, near the beginning of the poison oak endless scramble following on the spikes - jim found a new one not too far off the ground while we were climbing just below the anchor - that goddamn bush on the left sucks - genuinely curious to know how those old timers managed to wang these bitches in w/o pitching off - gnarly cunts they were! the project - sure, looks casual, but the lower tree hides the fact the whole giant clean slab is really a massive block that, like everything round there, will be down there in the forest soon enough
  18. ivan

    In other OTHER news

    where's harry pi when you need him?
  19. ivan

    In Other News...

    in truth, in constructing the 2 poles, i threw in the exploitation thing off-handedly
  20. ivan

    In Other News...

    we pretty much live in a 1 party land, so that's hardly suprising - rich folks have the power and always will, and thus will control the argument what concrete changes would you liek to see in immigration policy?
  21. ivan

    In Other News...

    By accepting a frame of debate that suggests the only two poles that need to be accounted for in a discussion on American immigration are xenophobes and exploiters is giving them far more power to shape how we understand the issue than they deserve. feels like we're talking in circles - yes, of course all views on immigrants should be considered (let'em in and turn'em into soylent green - fawk yeah! salsa style!) - the reality is though, the 2 largest forces will tend to drown out the other - of course, immigrants can magnify and agitate to get thier narrative competitive, but usually by the time they've done that they've already merged with the mainstream, at which time they join one of the 2 large, pre-existing sides. is it ironic that so many descendants of immigrants want to build a siegfried line in the south? of course. but that's what it is.
  22. ivan

    In Other News...

    i'm also hardly ignorant of the pejoratively described "revisionist" historians out there, and while i don't classify myself as a disciple of chomsky or his brethern, i don't dismiss his conclusions out of hand you might also recall that "immigrants" are hardly a static group, and that plenty of immigrant children went on to be the very writers of "mainstream" history you condemn
  23. ivan

    In Other News...

    19th century immigrants views have been saved fairly well and are definetly part of a basic history class - their narrative is not lost -however, their views were often no more enlightened then the natives - i'm sure you're aware of the irish hatred of blacks in new york, for example? i am not paying tribute to the 2 poles i mentioned - i also would like to live in a compassionate land that makes up for its historical evils by continuing to welcome new people - nevertheless, i would be a great fool if i did not acknowledge that, historically, the vast population of our fair republic falls into 1 of the 2 camps i described, and thus we have a situation that is unlikely to change or get better
  24. ivan

    In other OTHER news

    good i love this movie [video:youtube]
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