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Everything posted by ivan

  1. ivan

    i *heart* modern art!

    love that feller! "I have a drinking problem? Fuck you, Peck, you're a Mormon. Compared to you we ALL have a drinking problem!"
  2. 9/6 - two solo corner laps, one w/ arndt (that is how that old boy spells his name, right?) while he was waiting for the "red ant" to arrive - horrified to find my good name impugned by certain unnamed low-lifes up on the little people ledge - seems they think i've been drinking their cached beer - despite my innocence, i nonetheless searched desperately to find said stranded beer so i could "protect" it better, but no dice steve, yet again, climbing w/ random cuties, this one crushing on warriors and jills - gotta love an understanding wife!
  3. think twice about the dog, leashed or not, at beacon, assumign your're going multi-pitch. on several occasions i've been confronted by dogs that are totally freaking out b/c they haven't seen their owners in however long, and now there's this lummox walking right up on them (and oh yeah, a monster-train going by every 5 minutes) - the biggest problem at beacon is that the trail often doesn't allow you to get around a dog, so you have a situation where you have a snarling, pissed off pooch between you and your car, and the only solution being to wait or to get a real big stick.
  4. jesus. h. christ! how do you handle your water needs over that distance?
  5. fwiw, alexandar DID actually manage to subdue afghanistan, albeit at a great loss of life for both him and the afghans, and the greeks held on to it for the better part of a century, eventually losing it not so much b/c of the ferocity of the natives, but b/c, in the wake of alexander's early death, the greek empire divided itself and ultimately collapsed b/c of infighting.
  6. it's what i've heard jim always call the ledge at the top of p3 on young warriors...it might be possible that he calls every ledge at beacon that though
  7. 9/5 - quick solo creep - tinywing (half little wing/half corner p1) to the corner to stoner ledge to young warriors - kenny n' ole'larry (thought he quit climbing?!) n' buddy dan at stoner ledge - 10th day at beacon this season.
  8. we didn't help the situation by overthrowing their constitutional goverment when they threatened to nationalize the oil industry and imposed an autocratic tyrant instead it's hard not to see a little bit of self-interestedness too in nuke-enabled countries like the usa and israel demanding that no one else be able to stand up to them in the most raw form of military power. one of my earliest and best climbing partners is iranian, and he thinks his government is a bunch of mean clowns that need to go away, but he's a patriot too and would not take kindly to attacks on his homeland from the outside - the logic that we need to fear a nuke-equipped iran, even though we and our allies could destroy them many hundreds of times over regardless of how many they built, seems too reminscent of iraq and the weapons of mass distraction thing...
  9. the sound of rock falling is the sound of jesus coming
  10. ivan


    super short bolt intervals are the norm for coethedral area, and probably justified - wierd conglomerate that's incredibly unreliable and nasssssty cheesegrater falls when it all goes wrong.
  11. good times
  12. wish i'd been a climber back when i was hiking in the linville gorge - the main memory i can summon up these days is of the exotic 100 year old garbage moldering down in the river - washing machines, cars, etc.
  13. say it ain't so, joe!!!
  14. ivan

    i *heart* modern art!

    "the man of orient-birth is not the issue, knave!"
  15. ivan

    i *heart* modern art!

    holy shit i'm in the wrong profession... [video:youtube]
  16. ivan

    i *heart* modern art!

  17. ivan

    i *heart* modern art!

  18. ivan

    i *heart* modern art!

  19. ivan

    i *heart* modern art!

  20. ivan

    i *heart* modern art!

  21. ivan

    Vid of the Day

    that's not two women fucking a polar bear!
  22. i see colleen is as big a fan as you of the collapsible bowl
  23. please to explain this very catchy name sounding modification please
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