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Everything posted by ivan

  1. the 1791 solution goes a good deal beyond keeping muskets out of the hands of half-wits... One report was saying the perpetrator was far from a half-wit - had some form of mild autism, but was extremely intelligent, even described as a "genius". So much for "half-wits" being the problem you should reread the quote as you didn't quite grok it...
  2. So, gun control (disallowing the mentally ill from obtaining them) helps how here exactly? the 1791 solution goes a good deal beyond keeping muskets out of the hands of half-wits...
  3. might need a couple more presidents n' congressman to get caped before the lesson sinks in?
  4. we make monuments for the dead of our wars, for those who "die for our freedoms" it may well be that our freedom to own our own arsenal trumps all others, whatver, but perhaps we should at least make a mighty monument to all those who die in order to secure it too? a big old wall, like for vietnam, that i suspect in short order would far outstrip it...
  5. naw, that's just the usmc
  6. yeah, i know, that's my point, if ever i'm making one - let's go back to 1791, before them henry-ford fucks n' their industrial revolution had to go fuck it all up for the rest of us - 1791 weapon technology, while good enough to hunt, defned yerself, and shoot down your secesh politish, required extraordinary skill, expense or co-conspirators to wreck this kind of carnage. the implemnation, i'll warrant you, would be inevitably a bit of a cock-up... as for being a teacher, jeebus, doens't that make me the first to smile sardonically a bit - who DOESN'T want to shoot kids most days? at any rate, i figure i'm pretty safe from such school shootings - i open my class each year w/ a long list of reasons nobody in it needs to shoot me n' mine to get what they want, and being in a trailer, i figure your big-body count would-be colombine-boyo ain't starting w/ me, leaving me plenty of time to make a little fortress of solitude w/ chairs n' history books
  7. true, but a musket, which is 2nd amendment legit, doesn't exactly let you breeze through a whole class-room of kids in 60 seconds, now does it?
  8. is it unamerican to admit our country has a particular problem w/ this phenomena?
  9. 1791 solution - how many kids can you kill in 5 minutes w/ a musket? obvious point, though, is that human's are fucked up angry creatures, like plenty of other species - these frequent explosions are like any other natural events such as earthquakes, sometimes big, sometimes little - the mall shooting in oregon a good example of a small one, this one not so much (the difference? that cruel bitch randomness?) - our ability to predict is probably equally flacid, our ability to mitigate the dangers of an event hopefully better...
  10. ivan

    Herzog dead at 93

    popular wisdom's said for a long time old boy was a raging asshole - new thoughts?
  11. full moon drunken solo headlampless ascent's my favorite so far, and thanks to geoff for beating on my car window to wake me for it
  12. heard a story about a dude going nuts in china today and stabbing 9 kids in a school - maybe its something in the air today? the mayan gods on their descent? they say soldiers die for our freedom, but maybe that platitude would be more meaningful if it included the kids too, since a lot more than just soldiers die for the 2nd amendment i'm for enforcing the 2nd amendment, just as it was concieved of (as of december 15, 1791 - now many kindergartners can you take down w/ a musket, after all?)
  13. december 28 - i've managed the past 2!
  14. agreed, a wierd justification for an action, like southern cops saying "we're gonna stop beating black folks b/c jesus, it get's the night-sticks all nasty!"
  15. holy sheeeit, this sounds pretty encouraging! http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/12/14/us-usa-marijuana-obama-idUSBRE8BD0Q720121214
  16. almost makes me miss living back in the old dominion. almost. 'specially when it ain't stopped raining in fucking weeeeeeeks!
  17. the best climbing parter would be storm from the x-men - fuckit, even if she can't climb, at least she can make the goddamn rain go away!
  18. dunno, plenty of bad apples out there bing!
  19. ivan

    Justice at last

    rush supporters vs public enemy supporters = short gang war
  20. jeebus! i'm sure this was a badazz tr, but can i get a cliff notes version?
  21. ivan

    Justice at last

    public enemy a far more laudable band to add, imho ... [video:youtube]
  22. in theory, mechanical means are the only permited forms of plant management, yes?
  23. the key to removing the oak is first renting an old p38 and making several napalm runs before moving in
  24. ivan

    next week

    that's more the danger when joshk's driving
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