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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. Cantwell and Murray both voted (VOTING RECORDS) against the original Bill and for the amendment to strike the suspension of habeus corpus, so they are doing what we want. Our only recourse now seems to be to urge them to philibuster.
  2. NYT opinion article about the same subject OK, this is scary. The passage of this bill would be the largest erosion of justice and civil rights in my lifetime. I think we need to contact our senators and let them know that we oppose this crap: Contact Maria Cantwell Contact Patty Murray Anybody find a good sample letter?
  3. Pros: Easy to extend if necessary, floppiness prevents cam walking and nut lifting, lightweight, you'll have that "Yeah, I climb trad" look. Cons: Not as easy to clip as sprot draws. Rope biner often flips upside down while hanging on harness which necessitates the extra time to correct it before clipping rope in. Trango superflies are more likely to have the gate open when rubbing against the rock than most sporto biners because the superflies don't have a nose shroud. This is one of the reasons they are so lightweight, but it makes them a little less safe IMO.
  4. I work at UW. I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep and now you people are keeping me awake.
  5. Yeah. I had a bit of hiatus. Three years of at the UW?
  6. Put THIS in your mousetrap and smoke it
  7. CP, I clone and genetically engineer mice for a living, so I'm well aware of the advantages, limitations, and appicability of animal models to the study of human disease/physiology. I'm sure if I read the actual paper things would make more sense, but her attempt to explain her research to the general audience in this case resulted in some pretty asinine and outrageous statements.
  8. That "scientist" makes some pretty ridiculous statements: The extrapolation from the observation of testosterone killing "brain cells" in vitro to speculations that this effect occurs in the human brain (much less that it has a behavioral effect) is laughable. Actually, it's not even that good... it's crap.
  9. Nick! Go do the EF of Keeler Needle next. I wanna know how good it is. Congratulations on summiting THE HIGHEST PEAK IN THE CONTINENTAL US! LOL!
  10. I'm not an experienced mushroom identifier, but I found a similar one a while back and asked about it on here. I can't find the post at the moment, but here is the picture: LINK
  11. Soloing a 5.7 at X38 in the dark, with no skills/experience, no rock shoes, while drunk/stoned/tripping/whatever, is not going to get you qualified as "bad ass" no matter the outcome. Your post is ridiculous. And Chirp, your "gene pool" post is about as crass, insensitive, and offensive as any I've seen on this board. For the record, I absolutely disagree with you and I'd wager most others on this board do as well. I'm surprised because you are usually a pretty mellow guy.
  12. "Weekend" means nothing to The Sommelier
  13. I just watched "Good Night, and Good Luck" last night (film about Edward R. Murrow). He had some very insightful and poingiant things to say about "editorializing" and "impartiality" in the media and the media's responsibility as society's watchdog against excessive and non-transparent governmental power (fascism). I recommend it.
  14. That google scholar link is cool. Thanks. Hadn't seen that before for some reason. Anyway, I apologize for getting this thread off-track. This is quite a puzzling and sad event. I'm sorry to hear about it.
  15. It's the correlation between "brain development" and "brash behavior" that I have trouble believing. To state a direct cause/effect relationship is not something that many scientists are willing to do with neuroscience>behavior. Especially something as subjective and subtle as "poor decision making".
  16. I wasn't aware that the Seattle PI was a peer-reviewed neuroscience journal. Thanks for the tip! The ABA newsletter is a bit more informative, though still not a primary source. At least it has references.
  17. Say what you will about the tennets of National Socialism, but at least it's an ethos.
  18. If you are a competent climber and want to climb with him tomorrow (one day deal) let me know and I'll put you in contact. He's interested in WA Pass. Maybe Tieton. Probably leaving late this afternoon.
  19. Hey Ken, Did you end up getting a lot of rock shoes to take back with you? How did they work out?
  20. Someone will make fun of you're grammar.
  21. Kevbone, Here is a tautology for you: Life isn't fair. This website is alive. Therefore... no. Wait. That's not right. Let me try again. Moderators are people. People are covered in hair.... Damn. OK. The Internet is a system of tubes.... Aw fuckit.
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