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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. Hey everybody, I just heard that Porter's occupational therapy is progressing well - he can nearly jerk off with his left arm now! Keep up the good work baller!
  2. Thanks to Todd Miller for bringing this issue to my attention. From the Access Fund: As we all know, a much-publicized climb in the spring of 2006 raised public interest and concern about rock climbing in Arches National Park. Prior to this event, Arches managers had limited contact with climbers and felt no real need for official policies. However, an overwhelming number of letters calling for an outright ban on climbing forced the Park to impose serious restrictions on our sport. Since then, a group of local climbers and the Access Fund have been working with the Park to rehabilitate a good relationship between us. The Park Service has decided it is time to make an official Climbing Management Plan. This plan could be great for us, or it could be our demise: the key is how we help them make the plan. They are currently seeking input into how the plan should be. If the events of Spring, 2006 were any indicator, an enormous number of letters from environmental groups and anti-climbers will be sent to the Park Service calling for a ban or some draconian restrictions. However, The Park managers will be willing to look at all sides. As a matter of fact, they have shown local climbers that they are willing to work with climbers provided they see a positive result. That said, it is up to us to send positive letters about the sport. If you have ever climbed in Arches, you should tell them so and tell them you enjoyed it. If you ever want to climb on the unique towers in Arches, you should tell them so. We need to show them that we really do care about the policies and that we want to be able to climb in Arches. We also need to point out that the outright ban on fixed anchors prevents the ascent of the majority of spires and towers (no pitons = no aid). I think most of us would admit we don't feel a need to climb up on the actual arches, so we should state that. Above all, we need to write positive letters endorsing climbing as a legitimate form of recreation in Arches National Park. Its easy to write them a short note. If you want to do it online, go to this website: http://parkplanning.nps.gov At the bottom of the page, pull down the menu and go to "Arches NP", then click "Plans/Documents open for comment". The top one is about climbing management. Click "Comment on Document" and write your small letter. That's it. If you want to write out a paper letter, you can send it here: Superintendent Arches National Park PO Box 907 Moab, UT 84532 Here are a few things to keep in mind: 2. Arches National Park is grouped with 3 other Parks in its administration. Many of the rules that govern one Park eventually fall into the rule book for the one next door. In this case, Canyonlands, an area containing more Windgate and Cutler towers than the rest of the world combined, is next door. A draconian rule in Arches could eventually lead to one in Canyonlands. If that's the case, it would look like a precedent for other Parks in the country to follow. The trickle-down effect could be seen with the BLM and Forest Service. In other words, we could lose a lot more climbing resources than the 76,000 acre's and 100's of towers that is Arches. 3. Writing a letter to the Park will take less time than we spend blurbing in online forums. 4. They really do want to hear from us. I know this for a fact, and I know they will listen to positive words we have to say. MORE INFO COMMENT HERE
  3. My fellow Cascadeclimbers, I am pleased to tell you that I have just written some code which outlaws most of you forever. The banninating begins in five minutes.
  4. I'm sprayin' from Oly's bedside. OMG! I'm spending the night in his room tonight and as soon as the nurses leave us alone I'm gonna crack open da beerz I smuggled in. Oly and I gonna tear the roof off the sucka! ICU PUB CLUB RIGHT NOW!! w00t!
  5. note that I said "people". I don't think Porter qualifies. From the swedish website: I'll be there this evening, so I'll ask specifically about visiting hours then.
  6. WOOHOO! Porter is doing a lot better and is now ready for visitors! Feel free to visit, but I'd encourage you to keep the visit somewhat brief and limit it to two people at a time.
  7. Here is Porter's new mailing address: Porter Hammer Swedish Hospital, Rm849 747 Broadway Seattle, WA 98122 I'm not sure if flowers are OK in the new place or not, so best to hold off on those for the time being.
  8. Here is Porter's new mailing address: Porter Hammer Swedish Hospital, Rm849 747 Broadway Seattle, WA 98122
  9. I didn't get to see Porter today, but I talked to his wife. He is getting transfered out of the ICU TODAY! He is also eating solid food. I'm looking forward to asking him how many poops he has pooped.
  10. It's true. Porter is actually just fine and is currently laughing his ass off on a beach in Columbia after running off with CC.com's vast treasury. Later this month I'm gonna join him down there (after I drain a bit more money outta you suckers) and we'll be snortin' blow outta hooker's cleavage 'til the cows come home. Marion Barry stylie! I wish.
  11. Someone asked me for Porter's mailing address, so I'm bumping this.
  12. Hey guys, This is a really generous thing for you to do. I'll certainly contribute. Hopefully Porter's insurance will be covering nearly all of his medical bills, but I haven't heard anything about that yet.
  13. Yesterday Porter was bitching a lot and making threats under his breath that he wanted to strangle the nurses, so things are looking up. With some luck he will be out of the ICU in a couple days and into a regular hospital room. That is ahead of schedule, so I'm encouraged. MLE, I think you are onto something. Hopefully the combination of lots of time and drugs will result in Porter producing some Coleridgian epic spray poem.
  14. Colin, you da man. Looking forward to pics. Winter in the AK range has gotta make for some sweeeet pics.
  15. Update: Porter is starting to make some real progress, but will probably be in the hospital for another 2-3 weeks. I'm hopeful that by the weekend he will feel up to having more visitors, but right now its pretty much limited to family and a couple friends for short periods at a time. Thanks for all your well wishes; I think it means a lot to Porter. -P
  16. Update: Porter is still very sick. I didn't get to spend much time with him today as he needed to rest. I did, however, get his passwords to his computer so I could do some stuff for him. Some of you should now get prepared to be banninated. You know who you are. In the meantime, lets all keep our fingers crossed.
  17. Hey ya'll, Porter was in good spirits yesterday; cracking jokes, trying to get his sister to take a picture of his catheterized penis, flipping off the camera and making Icy-Hot Stuntaz faces, etc. Looks like he may be in the hospital for a while though, so that isn't such great news. He's got a laptop in his room now, so when he is feeling up to it, I'm sure he'll be back on here entertaining everyone. -P
  18. Howdy Folks, Porter is in good spirits and seems to be getting better. I read the printout of this thread to him and showed him the pictures - definitely appreciated. -P
  19. If you wish to send a card, here is the mailing address: Porter Hammer Swedish Hospital, Rm775 747 Broadway Seattle, WA 98122 Do NOT send flowers; they will not be allowed in his area of the hospital (potential allergens). I'll also be printing out this thread and taking it with me to the hospital this afternoon, so you can leave your good well wishes here.
  20. Hey folks, Olyclimber (Porter) is quite sick and is currently in the hospital. He is receiving good care and is getting better, but it's been a scary couple of days. I hope you all will join me in sending him good vibes and best wishes. He isn't ready for an onslaught of personal visitors at the moment, but I'm sure he would be encouraged to read all of your "get well" notes here. Cheers, -Pax
  21. Well Colin wasn't wearing manpris last night, so that pretty much clinches it for me.
  22. They keep flipflopping on that manpri thing. How am I supposed to keep up!!?!? -Exasperated in Seattle
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