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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. nail a filet to a water-soaked alder plank and grill it. Simple. Wonderful. or, check out www.epicurious.com
  2. P1:scramble up a bit, climb chimney with finger cracks in wall to large ledge. traverse left and climb short corner (where picture is taken) to base of second pitch.
  3. ChucK, See my weekend TR here Here is a pictoral summary:
  4. You mean Shitacowski Yup... I changed it already.
  5. iain i think that is alpinfox's artistic rendition of the overall tone of the party, everything is/was blurry! Yes. Those pictures pretty accurately reflect how I was seeing things at the time.... I could have gotten nice sharp pictures, but GregW threatened to shoot me and Erik threatened to deprive me of if I used the flash. For ChucK: On Sat, Ken4ord, JDog, and I climbed the NW corner on NEWS in four pitches. I led #1 and #4, while JDog led the fun flakes pitch and Ken4ord led the hard off-width pitch (crux). It's a great route! JDog on NW corner of NEWS: Sun I climbed SW face of Kanga Temple with AlpineK, Ken4ord, GregW, JDog, and Szyjakowski . Three teams of two. I led pitches #1, 3, and 5. Ken was my partner and led #2 and 4. Besides lots of loose rock and suspect features, there are some cool things like wide cracks and caves: How is that for Kool!?!?! Sun night took pictures of the fire creeping over ridge above Mazama (Klipchuck Campground). See my photo gallery for those pics. Planned to climb at the Pass with Ken4ord and Mr. Peru on Monday, but it started raining Sunday night so we went home. Great folks and a great weekend!
  6. $125!!! Besides, I already got to see him in "Vertical Limit"
  7. These images taken from Hwy20 near Klipchuck campground the night of Sept 7, 2003. They don't do the spectacle justice... Some of those flames are over 100ft tall!
  8. These images taken from Hwy20 near Klipchuck campground the night of Sept 7, 2003. They don't do the spectacle justice... Some of those flames are over 100ft tall!
  9. Fire has crept over the ridge above Klipchuck Cmpgrnd but it started raining last night, so maybe it will stop. I'll post some pics of the fire soon.
  10. Thanks OW, I think Mr. Peru and I were a little low. Maybe your 12 year wait will come to an end soon!
  11. BP and I tried to find your route. We didn't see any bolts and what we thought might be that 5.0 ramp was a bunch of granola bullshit. I wanted to explore some more, but BP (the ropegun of course) wasn't too psyched on the looks of things so we bailed and went swimming and . Is there a photo of the wall somewhere that you could post and show where the route starts? Lots of features up there and we couldn't make much sense of your topo.
  12. Ursa, I think a lot of people here who are laughing at these pictures have taught total newbies how to climb. I really enjoy taking newbies out into the mountains and seeing them learn and enjoy climbing. I think its great that the chubby guy is out in the woods and not sitting on the couch, but the activities shown in these pictures are pretty silly. To me they demonstrate that the Mountaineers (and similar groups) are often more about subjecting people to meaningless, humiliatingly simple rites-of-passage rather than teaching climbing skills the way a friend would for example. Newbies Climbing clubs
  13. And I condemn them for distorting the truth and scaring consumers with a 'study' that is based on 10 filets. Maybe the EWG doesn't have enough money to do a more comprehensive study? They raised a red flag. It's up to the people who make money in the business to convince their customers that the product is safe. I value their duty to the consumer more than I value their duty to their shareholders. Maybe not EVERY industry, but most, yes.
  14. If they want to allay their customers fears about PCBs, they should ask for independent review of the PCB content of farmed vs. wild salmon (yes sample size larger than 10 is necessary) and review of the health effects of PCB in foods. However, farmed fish is bad in many other ways than just this PCB issue as people have pointed out in this thread.
  15. Continuing the "follow the money trail" analysis of this issue, I find it hard to see how EWG would make any money by "attacking" fish farms even if they did put them out of business. Do you think the EWG is getting money from free-range fisherman? It could be, but I doubt it.
  16. I realize that you were quoting the Monsanto lady. I was pointing out that she and the fish farmers have an "agenda" of their own. This is similar to the US government calling everyone they don't like a "terrorist" or "enemy of peace" or some ridiculous label like that rather than granting that they are real people who are pissed off about the way US policies and bombs fuck up their lives. Rather than calling EWG an "attacker" one might also call them a "consumer advocate" drawing attention to a POTENTIAL health threat. Investigation of the PCB content of farmed fish and the potential health effects of those PCBS by a more neutral party (I don't know who that would be) sounds like a great idea and I applaud the EWG for drawing attention to the issue. My first instinct in issues like this is to see where the money is. Fish farms are pretty big business and have a lot to lose by suppressing/downplaying this sort of thing. Maybe PCBs aren't dangerous, maybe they are, but I'm not going to take the fish-farmers word that they aren't.
  17. dont they start degrading once they reenter fresh water? in alaska the river salmon are used for dog food. I don't think that is quite right. Alaskan natives used "chum" aka "dog" salmon as dog food because they didn't taste as good as Chinook, Sockeye, etc. But they all were caught in the rivers.
  18. Whereas the salmon farmers have no "agenda" whatsoever right? Not even to make money, expand their business, etc? Buy Organic!
  19. WWSD (What Would Santa Do?)
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