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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. Alpinfox

    still at work

    Do the RCMP carry gameboys for roadside Tetris sobriety checks?
  2. Alpinfox

    still at work

    You get to ride in helicopters as part of your job. I don't feel too sorry for you.
  3. So THAT'S why I haven't heard from you in a while.
  4. I sent you guys (MisterE and Yos) an email with a link so you can see all the pictures on www.snapfish.com. Anybody know GaperJeffy's email address? Please PM me with it.
  5. Hey Distel, I figured after your Joe's trip you'd post a bunch of pictures and regain the dubious honor of being the #1 photo uploader on cc.com. I've gotcha beat right now, but where are the Joe's pics??? You ain't lettin' the punk-ass beyotches on this site keep you from posting are you? Let's see a few!
  7. Nice Lance. You should read "The Island Within" by Richard Nelson. Sorry for the thread drift.
  8. Hey TomTom, No need to get all high and mighty. You don't know what contributions MisterE (or I) have made to the park in the past. I can assure you that MisterE is not just bitching on the internet and not planning to do anything about it. He told me he plans to talk to the rangers/management. Talking about the issue here is just a prelude and may uncover some important issues/info like this from the post you provided: Posted by "Mike" on smithrock.com: "The closure is supposed to be temporary until a trail is built to prevent erosion. The park ranger ask for trail volunteers but nothing came of it. People interested in volunteering for projects should contact Dave Slaght at 541-480-1683" What doesn't make sense about this is that there is NO EROSION CONTROL ISSUE in this case. The area below GoDogGo is a series of man made retaining walls/rocky platforms. There is no trail or natural area between these and the belaying areas for Captain Xenolith & Helium Woman. I've worked on trail improvement/restoration projects before and I will do it again. Thanks for providing the info, but for the attitude.
  9. Well I'll be damned! Thanks for the correction. SC, it's not my hardest lead to date, but one of my few 5.11 leads at Smith.
  10. They were random peeps (Bend locals) but they weren't hiking in the closed area because the closed area is only five feet away from the open area. It's really dumb.
  11. Climb: Smiff-Wartleys, Overboard, Morning Star, Heresy, et al Date of Climb: 3/19/2004 Trip Report: YO YO YO!!! MisterE and I managed to herd a couple of cats (Yos and GaperJeff) into the MisterE Van and rolled on South for a little Tuff Lovin' over a long weekend. Got down to Smiffy late on Thursday night so we could get an early start on MisterE's ultra-cool, ultra-secret, hush-hush new project. He cleaned it a bit and we each TR'd on it a bit and did some cleaning, but some gaper's were upset that we were dropping shit on their 5.9 wonder-climb, so we decided to cease and desist. Should be a good climb when it's finished though. We climbed some good schtuff, including "Overboard" which was one of my harder leads at Smith: MisterE must have been bored with the rock climbing at this point, because he climbed up this tree and we had a hell of a time getting him down. I don't know why he climbed up there. Maybe he was on drugs or something. He eventually collected himself enough to lead "Wartley's Revenge" by placing four pieces of pro and carrying a cooler full of beer to the anchors. He's got that climb wired. The promise of beer at the top was enough to motivate Yos to get up there in fine style: On Sunday Yos, GaperJeff, and I headed down to the gorge while MisterE went in search of unclimbed prana babes and tuff. I led "Morning Star" which thouroughly kicked my ass, and still felt hard even when I did it on TR. It's got lots of sharp, thin finger locks that you DO NOT want to fall on. It also has a really cool engraving in the basalt at the base of the climb: We headed home early on Sunday and entered some kind of worm hole, making it from Smiff to Seattle in just over 5hrs!!! WTF!?!?! I guess those portals in space/time open up for homies that be representin' Thanks to MisterE for the driving & evening's entertainment; thanks to GaperJeff and Yos for the rockin' company, great photos, and for putting up with the wiggers. Gear Notes: A laptop with DVD player in a VW vanagon = mobile cinema! Approach Notes: Yeah. Lots of snow.
  12. Poke fun- that'th why I'm pothing. I figure if I thand up and take my thpray like a man, it'll therve ath a reminder to thome poor thucker in the future. I believe my role in thith life ith to therve ath a warning to otherth.
  13. It's a beautiful place to be when the sun comes up.
  14. Damn! OUCH! I'm really sorry to hear about that Squidy. That SUCKS! I walked around the Grasslands on Saturday night looking for you, did you rip out your chompers on Sat? Did you go to an ER or something in Bend? I hope you get better soon p.s. Why wouldn't this be covered under your dental/health plan? Seems like the sort of thing a decent plan like the UW provides would cover this sort of thing. On the bright side: You could be a convincing hockey player for halloween next year.
  15. You're not 5'11" ChucK! Well, maybe with that fez on... We'll have to compare boufants at the next pubclub
  16. Heya, I don't know shit about AT skis, but I want some and I need some advice from all you ultra-plab, BC, jibbers. I'm a pretty good downhill skier, so I'm not gonna be a total gumby. I hope to use them for stuff like going up St. Helens, Hood, Muir, Inspiration Glacier... dat kinda schtuff. What length/type/brand skis? I'm 5'11"/140lbs (skinny bastard) What kind of boots/bindings? Would JoshK's K2 Shuksans be a good setup for me? I'm definately looking to get used stuff as I am unemployed/poor/cheapskate, so if you have stuff to sell, don't expect big $$ from me. I'm hoping to score a good deal at the end of the season. I apologize if this question has been asked a million times.
  17. Hey Billcoe, This is probably old news to you by now, but according to CptCaveman, the route has been retrobolted and isn't "R" anymore. Caveman's post
  18. I'm not trying to defend CB here, I don't know her and wasn't that impressed with her at the slideshow she gave, but I don't think she is a "gaper" or a total newbie hack either. Yeah she might be a poseur type; trying to get some flattering climbing shots for her guiding brochures/website/whatever; but hey, she's got an image to present to potential clients, I can't condemn her for that. My guess is that she is probably a better than average climber. It takes more than just money to attempt K2. Anyway, I don't really care. Flame her if you wish. p.s. Ade, the CB slide show I saw had great pictures of Nepal, but her comments about the people/monastaries/cultural centers/etc left me feeling like she didn't know shit about the culture or the issues facing the local people. She said stuff like, "you don't want to overtip these people because you will spoil them... remember, they only make $300/year" (not verbatim). I've never seen Kitty Calhoun speak.
  19. The attached picture is of Mr. Caveman on the traverse pitch (pretty sure...)
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