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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. Hey, please share your pics! My REAL belay chick (not the one in the photo) is pretty hot.
  2. I've seen cracks around the base of crater rock right on the standard route. That was pretty late season though... Global warming anyone?
  3. :beating-dead-horse-picture: Neigh!
  4. Hmmm... I'm not having the problem described above, so it can't be purely a server issue. I had this problem several months ago (several other people had the problem at the same time) and I believe it had something to do with the cookies? To one of you people having the "no icons" problem: Try dumping all of your cookies and see if that fixes it. To dump cookies: In MS Internet Explorer, click Tools, Internet Options, Delete Cookies.
  5. Alpinfox

    Photo Gallery

    Hooray! Thanks Jon! I just used the new feature and it worked perfectly! I agree with Kinky that it would be nice to be able to edit photo comments.
  6. Another everest hottie: I have the last four posts on cc.com! Are you people CLIMBING or something!!?!?!?
  7. It is my understanding that the original ski-to-sea DID start at the summit of Baker and WAS changed due to a crevasse fall or something...
  8. Oh really!? Hmm... I thought they were one in the same. OK. Duely noted.
  9. I was an EMT (license is expired). Basically, anything that is gonna really be lifesaving is too big and heavy to carry in the backcountry and most of the shit in a 1st aid kit (bandaids, triangular bandages, gauze, antibiotic oinment, etc) is either not lifesaving or not necessary for a short trip (up to a week). If I ever need that stuff (I hope not :fingerscrossed:), I'll have to improvise with clothing, sleeping pad, etc. I don't carry a pocket mask because CPR doesn't work for traumatic arrest. My first aid kit is percocet, ibuprophen, a bit of duct tape, and a bit of cloth tape. It fits in a film canister size thingy. A friend of mine, and climbing partner, is one of the head docs at Harborview ER. I asked him what he carries in his first aid kit: Percocet, ibuprophen, and tape. I think people (usually the Mountie types) spend too much time worrying about 1st aid and carrying a bunch of silly shit just so they are "prepared" for an emergency. Fact is, if shit hits the fan in the backcountry, you ain't going to be able to do much unless you brought an IV setup, type-matched blood, and a pharmacopia (and know how to use it). Getting the patient to a trauma center is really the only thing you can realistically hope to do. With that in mind, a cellular phone is probably the best piece of 1st aid gear you can carry (though I don't carry one of those either). RURP... I mean Alpinfox... has spoken. p.s. I think one of those superlight alluminum space blankets might be a good thing to carry on all trips for keeping shocky patients warm and for unplanned bivys. I don't carry one, but I've considered it.
  10. AlpineDave and I climbed Infinite Bliss yesterday. Good fun. As we were preparing to leave the car, up drove ChucK and Jeff H.! ChucK didn't seem too happy to see us and said something to the effect of, "Oh no, the picture taker people are here!"... So, in honor of ChucK, here is my photo TR: ChucK is an excellent belayer: Jeff H. leading the first of two 5.10 pitches on the route: AlpineDave on second 5.10 pitch (crux) of the route: While leading this pitch, I broke off a small thumb hold right at the crux that I was pressing on; somehow I didn't fall. I don't know if most people used that hold, but maybe I just made the route a touch harder? There is quite a bit of camera tilt going on here, but since my 'puter is down, I don't have photoshop and can't fix it. It's a bit steeper than it looks here . AlpineDave showing off some manboobs on the summit of Infinite Bliss: Main peak of Garfield in the background. Name those peaks!: I think the tallest one on the right is Kaleetan and the tallest one on the left is Snoqualamie. True? Thanks AlpineDave, ChucK, and Jeff! p.s. For those who are interested, our split times were: 7:50am - left the car 8:30am - started at base of route 3:30pm - summit 6:45 pm - back at the base of the route no rapping in the dark! ChucK and Jeff beat us by about an hour.
  11. Translation: DUDE! Let ME take your girlfriend climbing. I'll make sure she's VERY relaxed and comfortable.
  12. This thread has the most recent info I've seen: Teanaway River Road You may want to call the Cle Elum Ranger Station at (509) 674-4411 to get updated info. Please post here if you decide to call and let us know what you find out. Welcome to cc.com! p.s. From the Wenatchee NF website : "#9737 North Fork Teanaway Road is open and melted out to Beverly Campground"
  13. I'm ready for the next installment!!!
  14. This looks fun. Who's going?
  15. My (brief) photo TR: Pandora does syrup shots: Bunch a folks enjoying the effects of 7&7s: WTF?:
  16. Yeah he's too busy with WORK and other silly stuff... PFFFFT! DAVE! Let's go climb, eh?
  17. So my hard drive crashed and I bought a new one. Gotta get the operating system and software on the new one. Anybody have a cheap (free is good too ) source for windows xp pro and/or office?
  18. did someone order some: ?
  19. or you can buy them on ebay for about $30 (bidding starts at $25) Secret is out! That guy should give me a commission. BTW: This should have been posted in the "Gear Critic" forum.
  20. Did you mean "Martlet"? Did you mean: Thank you for allowING grammar police to post? says, "Know that is knot what I meant you ignorant fucktard." I meant "matlet" as in, if'n you fucks wif me I'll walk over you like a matlet. And I meant "thank you for allow grammar police to post" as in, you don't know steaksauce from nodderation.
  21. While sal is napping, I'll take this opportunity to edumucate some moonbats: "you're" a contraction meaning "you are". As in "Matlet, you're pretty annoying". "your" marks possesion. As in, "Martlet, your republican fucktard viewpoints might be more appreciated elsewhere." Thank you for allow grammar police to post.
  22. I own them. As far as I can tell, they are exactly the same as the Stubais.
  23. Alpinfox


    Gendarme on the north ridge of S T E A K S A U C E ! ! !
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