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Everything posted by Bug

  1. They tried to ban me but God intervened.
  2. Wow. That is cruel. Well OK. But why do you keep going back to complaints that characterize Catholics but have little or nothing to do with Protestants? That is revealing you know? Yeah we did. We also visited Istanbul and visited the Blue Mosque and San Sophia. The Grand Bazzaar was cool too. San Sophia was my favorite. Built in A.D. 532 to 537 (that is pre-catholic). Huge and well polished. Incredible archtectural feat. Yeah we couldn't find anyplace to have sex. Too crowded. But the art collection is incredible.
  3. Number of spirits in my belief system: zero. So much simpler. You are talking to yourself again. Did you miss me? I didn't think about you once. Not even when I visited your nemesis, the Vatican. But don't take that personally. One thing I noticed about all the old buildings I visited, they would be great climbing. Which would be a much better use than housing the riches they have gathered in the name of God. Next time, I am taking my shoes. Now that is the spirit.
  4. How about a pair of Dynafit MLK's? They are more of a climbing boot with Dynafit holes. They lace up. I used them twice or thrice so they are still in good shape. $75
  5. Thanks. Cliff, honeymoon. What's the difference? Throw a new job in there too. I am bumbed I missed the ropeup. It is my only chance to re-live those highschool days of getting puking drunk.
  6. Great TR! I learned to climb on those rocks. Wise decision on the Afterburner. What you said about Shoshone - 5.8+ but better be a solid 5.9 leader - is true of the afterburner too except that you should be a solid 5.10b leader to do that 5.10a route. And as you pointed out, you are on your own out there. Good pics. Thanks for the mini vacation.
  7. HEY!!! WTF? I thought you were going to postpone this until after I got back.
  8. When I go out, I see about the same number of people as always if not a little more. Most of the climbers I meet do NOT post on CC.COM (maybe 60%) and many of them have never heard of it. But I am definately square in that group of climbers who have slacked off in recent years. But in my case, it is not because of the internet but due to other outdoor activities with kids.
  9. Bug

    Palin Witchcraft Video

    Get over your ignorrance and reread what I said. Your ignorance is revealed by your unwillingness to recognize the value of different beleifs in other places. Reread what I said because I did not anywhere say that I beleived witchcraft was real. So you think we should strip them (isolated, uneducated, illiterate, without medical or social services) of the only way they have of storing home remedies, social prescriptions and tradition in general. What would you replace it with? How will you instantly convert these peoples? Go back to your couch and TV. You have not thought this one out. So...let me paraphrase you...you say that witchcraft, curses and what-not hold sway in other belief systems in like say, Africa? That's great, but this here, is the good ol' USofA and fairy tales *should* hold absolutely no sway here... I really don't give a shit about other cultures at the moment as i see ours imploding right now and am more concerned about that...convert these people?? I'm not trying to convert anyone...I'm just sick of the sway that the religious right has over politics when it should hold about as much sway as islam, or bhuddism, or any other flight of fancy...namely, the amount of sway should be zilch... so when i see some African witch hunter doing some mumbo jumbo pseudo religious blessing on a possible leader of this country, i kinda get all riled up, see?? So, i'm gonna like do some bashing...and maybe i'll go home and stick a pin into a barbie doll that i call palin... Why didn't you just say so?
  10. Bug

    Palin Witchcraft Video

    You see what you want to see, here, Bug. What you're seeing is ignorance bashing, not Christian bashing. As the Buhddists say, ignorance is the root of all evil, and we should all be intolerant of it. And as for my ignorance, I assure you, I'm as well versed in Christian philosophy as you are. But you're still a Christian so you've got to play for your team. We understand that, but don't even remotely pretend like you're in a position to pontificate above the fray. I am in the fray. It's called spray. Who here is not pontificating? You are not in a better position to pontificate just because you were in Africa once. You obviously had the tourist bus experience. Your ignorance is based on the assumption that you can replace a societie's norms with some scientific structure. Fine. How are you really going to pull this off? Meanwhile, these people who beleive in witchcraft (out in the bush. I agree with you on Palin) have no other alternatives. Or are you going to list them for us?
  11. Bug

    Palin Witchcraft Video

    Get over your ignorrance and reread what I said. Your ignorance is revealed by your unwillingness to recognize the value of different beleifs in other places. Reread what I said because I did not anywhere say that I beleived witchcraft was real. So you think we should strip them (isolated, uneducated, illiterate, without medical or social services) of the only way they have of storing home remedies, social prescriptions and tradition in general. What would you replace it with? How will you instantly convert these peoples? Go back to your couch and TV. You have not thought this one out.
  12. Bug

    Palin Witchcraft Video

    All Christians are alike and all atheists are alike. That seems be the primary assumption at work here. Like I said to Tvash, there is ignorance and intollerance on both sides of this arguement. Reading through this thread, I see a lot of christian bashing and beleif bashing. It's nice to be an american and not have to consider other cultures. Witchcraft etc is very real to some people outside the US. They have nothing else to turn to. There are even LOGICAL reasons for them to store their cultural knowledge in that form. But that is a separate arguement. I have not heard any christians here standing up for Palin. Am I wrong? I certainly hate the thought of her being elected but brace yourselves. She has the same appeal as Ronald Reagan who ruled from naptime. GW is another example of figurehead leading. Palin is REALLY SCARY because she might get elected due to that charisma but she would manage directly and that WOULD be scary. But in reality, GW is going to suspend the elections until this economic crisis is over. Meanwhile, PLAY NICE!
  13. Bug

    Palin Witchcraft Video

    Thanks for the imagery tvash. While I side with you against Palin, your remarks are no less based on ignorance and intollerance than are hers. Never-the-less, I enjoy reading your posts. If only Kaskadkakdkadkadk would come back to balance you out again.
  14. “It’s mind-boggling the things people will say and even the things I will say,” says Catherine McIntyre, a 38-year-old medical billing specialist from Houston. “People who’d never say something horrible in real life will do it again and again and again online. It’s like the behavior of crowds, or those mass beatings where no one gets blamed because everyone’s at fault.” No. Everyone is not at fault. Only the assholes are at fault.
  15. "I'm not here This isn't happening." They can't beleive they were dupped so badly. "People are more easily taken by a big lie than by a small lie." Once they swallow the big lie, they have to follow the turd down the hole to beleive it is a turd.
  16. Welcome to the global economy. I sent a leter to Jay Inslee a few years ago after he made a Washinton State Taxpayer paid trip to India to accellerate the off shoring process. I really am OK with a global economy and offshoring as a market driven phenomena. But using the tax dollars i contributed to send my job to india is way out of line. Now we are seeing the same thing with the $700,000,000,000.00 bailout. Let's see, who owns those "foreign" banks? Who th e f___ do you think? The same people who own Haliburton, Bechtel, Exon, GE, and so forth. This is the biggest rip off since, since,.......shit. This is the biggest rip off ever. No oversight from the courts means these bastards are taking our tax dollars and putting it in their off shore bank accounts so they do not have to answer to any of the laws of this country. We are being TOTALLY dupped. The lies about WOMD, Alquaida, twin towers, were nothing. The American taxpayers are now giving our future financial well being to the super rich. If you still support GW, PLEASE pay close attention to where the money goes in the next six months. Vapor trails is all you will see. Dick Cheney will be out of this country so fast after Jan 2........ These are the biggest criminals to ever hold the Whitehouse.
  17. All kinds of household stuff. Wall pics - 300 ft old but good tow rope or some other weird purpose for a very strong 11mm rope.. no sheath. static. woven t tree climbing rope. King mattress, Queen box spring. artificial christmas tree and ornaments. Tree stand daisy BB gun Misc. Bring a box. I am in Redmond near Marymoor park. PM for directions and to arrange a time.
  18. Somebody help me out here. I am trying to understand. FW? KKKK? Alkalete? 1> I spoke to an India guy tonight who told me about all the money Bush has channeled into India to help build their IT infrastructure. He thinks Bush is a good president because he has done so much for India. Wow. I hadn't thought about that.
  19. Oh great. The super ignorant will now blow their beleifs about Christianity out the blow hole. There are so many reasons to beleive and not beleive in God. Basing it on the actions/beleifs of humans you will never meet and know almost nothing about is pretty unscientific. Just keep pretending everything can be explained by science and or logic and you are sadly limiting yourself. It is not just Christianity but Buddism, Hinduism, blah, blah, blah,... All have their own "Mythologies" writtten in different times in poetic grammatical structures to preserve a tradition of knowledge blended with wisdom. That we have built a new foundation for knowledge through science does not ensure that wisdom will follow. Show me wisdom in science. Show me the wisdom in not reading one of the oldest collections of human stories anywhere. I do not think you can do either. But that is not a proof that God exists nor a refutation of science. It is simply to point out that argueing over the value of the Bible or science is missing the point. Why do we love? Why do we feel? Why do we talk about it? How do we relate to the world around us as a society? So forth and so on. Science does not cover this. Literature does. How can we sustain more people on a small planet? How can we stop the population explosion? How can we stop AIDS? Cancer? etc. That is the realm of science.
  20. What is the Jewish stand on abortion? Abstention? Can't stay long. Too busy. You all still suck.
  21. The status of the bible was elevated after the Councels of Nicea and even more so after the Quran. Jesus spoke against "codefiying "his teachings.
  22. You are "basically" overly self absorbed. Which resembles one of Satan's attributes but does not make you Satan. Try harder. Well, you've only met me 3 times for less than 5 minutes, so I'm not sure how much of an authority you are on my copious psychological issues. Still, you did give me a pair of Rivas, once. Did that constitute providing material support to Satan? Doesn't that violate the PATRIOT ACT somewhere? Shouldn't we stop pussy footing around with this War on Terrorism crap and step it up to a WAR ON EVIL? In your case, 15 minutes is all it takes. Just like GW, I know a vat of oil when I see it. FYI; I am assuming words are for fun here. I don't want to scare off any libtards.
  23. You are "basically" overly self absorbed. Which resembles one of Satan's attributes but does not make you Satan. Try harder.
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