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Everything posted by Bug

  1. quote: Originally posted by mattp: Keith: Consider GRPC 2.2(3)(a) (this form of lameness can be remedied by showing up at the next PubClub, or as soon as practicable, and buying a round). Bullshit. Fill him with beer and poke him with a sharp probe.
  2. I'll be BugR if I get to do Allison from behind.
  3. quote: Originally posted by russ: Got to disagree with Solid Gold being a "sport route" - if you only do the first pitch I could see the argument, but IMHO you haven't done the route if you rap after the first pitch. AAAArgh. I only remember bolts and topping out. But my memory............uhm.....Bob was there.
  4. Bug

    67 online

    Where does put your nose Dru?
  5. Write and vote. Statistically, the higher the percentage of voter turnout, the more liberal the outcome and the younger the demographics. Public works such as parks, public transportation, etc do not tend to be supported during low turnout elections. Sorry Fairweather. They are numbers. They won't do anything I tell them to.
  6. quote: Originally posted by tasmith513: Yo Bug, Are you maybe thinking of Sidewinder? It sure sounds like it by your description. But the one I'm thinking of is more northwest of Hidden Valley campground if I remember correctly. Near the the Outback I think. Steve's Canyon or something like that? Well, either way its a great pitch. Yes. Sidewinder. Thank you for correcting my addled gray matter.Another classic 5.9 is Solid Gold near Barker Canyon Dam. Or has that been mentioned already? It is a sport route but still very ascetic.Oh and has anyone mentioned going into the Barker Canyon area under a full moon? Lot's of really interesting climbing that way not to mention wildlife. Figures on a Landscape takes on a whole new feel.
  7. The 3 pitch off width sqeeze chimney on the south side of the Cock in the Sawtooths. Thanks Fred. That's a great name!
  8. Zig zag? Is that that 5.9 south of Hidden valley that ends with a traverse on a tiny ramp? That was fun. I watched a guy launch off the middle of that ramp and leave half a pound of thigh flesh on the lip of the overhang. That was when the bolt was a manky 1/4". Now it's 3/8" and higher.
  9. Man you wouldn't beleive all the road kill along E Lake Sammamish!
  10. Kelty has a line of light packs out. I have one that is 4500 ci. It hauls loads well and is pretty good for climbing. It strips down to 2 lbs for summit day.
  11. quote: Originally posted by AllYouCanEat: I believe it is always smart to be aware of the avi conditions in the area. On the other hand, I never understand why you must judge other people, or deam them as ignorant. The only reason would be to install some confidence in your own abilities by dashing those of others who oviously made the wrong decision. I am guilty of that. Most of you are, too. I have made many bad decisions that I warrented sane decisions at the time. Some have ended badly. Finaly, to sum up my rant, is to die in the backcounry simply a result of dull wit? Of course not. I was once told I would win the darwin award (for skiing on a glacier). I believe we just had different views of what is stupid. The skier probably did too. That's stupid. [ 03-12-2002: Message edited by: Bug ]
  12. If you pull it, use it. A fine enforcer of good manners I once knew pulled a gun on a guy that was driving eratically and the guy ran him off the road, jumped on his hood,and started screaming at him to "shoot you pussy bastard. Shoot!" Then he kicked in the windsheild and stomped all over the hood and told him to stuff that little pop gun up his ars. As Henry Fonda once said to Jimmy Stewart, "Never pull a gun on a man you don't fully intend to kill."
  13. Ignorance. A friend of mine who could barely spell "mountain" went up above Seward Alaska in early spring. They got almost to the top of the ridge when it cut loose a huge slab avalanche. His friend dissappeared immediately and was never seen again. My friend was on a big slab careening down the hill. When it went over a bump he would almost get thrown off but managed to stay on. By the time he was near the bottom he was kind of getting the hang of it. Came out totally unscratched.
  14. quote: Originally posted by Crackhead: A double fish is more secure in 5/8 tubular webbing. You don't have to check the knot as often. I also heard that this is the new Outward Bound standard, but I'm not sure it is true. I've switched to the double fish and have had good luck with the small tubular webbing. For the 1 inch webbing I would use the water knot, and check it all the time for security. Ditto.
  15. Yeah right. So just don't start humpin my leg and I'll believe you really don't care.
  16. Issaquah Brew Pub on Front St. 8PM.
  17. When it was my business to advise candidates, there was a very common understanding. Sway the people who vote. Don't give a rip about those who don't. According King County Cross Tabulated Voter Analysis, 76% of all registered voters who actually voted in 2 or more of the last 4 elections were 45 or older. Drop the age down to 35 and you have 87%. Drop it to 25 and you have 99%. Now why do you suppose our voting populace tends to favor conservative, "give me mine now" kinds of ballot measures? Because they're all gonna be dead by the time we really pay the MAN. VOTE damn it!
  18. All well and good but if it were preceeded by a sound you would have time to exit or at least open a window. What I hate are those girls who think that just because you can't hear it, it won't singe your nostrils. I always like to say something. Like "Oh good. Even tho it's our first date, you're comfortable enough with me to fart. I've been holding this one for fuckin ever."
  19. For warmin up to breaking that 5.10 barrier, do Bird on a Wire 10A I think. It's one of my favs. Go to Echo Canyon and lap everything there on the days your hands are all mangled. It's all bolted slab but will keep your head straight. Good place to break the 5.10 barrier.
  20. Seems like another damn thing to carry to me. I use slings or the rope. But don't listen to me. I eat shit.
  21. quote: Originally posted by allison: Holy Maybelline, Icegirl, the Lads Who Love To Spray have gotten all SENSITIVE on us! Jay-zus H. Jimminy! We'll see you guys next week, hopefully with slightly thicker SKINS!!! PS. You want us to show, offer to drive us. Nice ass Allison! Maybe I'll show on the eastside. Gotta clear some time. Did you guys settle on a place?
  22. It really doesn't take many assholes to cause a lot of damage. It is mostly assholes who do the damage. If there is a good effort made to educate people about low impact camping, the effects are pretty minimal from most parties. What is really needed is a rope to lassoo the assholes and escort them to the garbage heaps they seem to like.
  23. Allison. Going up Rat creek is heinous. It was better before the burn. I would do it again for a good workout but don't take that wrong. I can't handle any more rejection.
  24. I have a set of motorolas with a 2 mile range. They work great as long as there isn't much wind. I still prefer not taking them. I always used three long pulls but everyone has their preferences. The 5 system sounds good. When you climb with the same person a lot, you need less and less communication.
  25. rat, That's a different thread dude. Comon, follow along.
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