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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Amen Sister! Once again I am forced to recall the infamous women's size 6 fire's. I am not sure how many girlfriends wore them. I do know that most of them now know how to belay but refuse. None of them ever learned how to climb. No. Not REALLY climb. Usually I would not get any that night because "the bugs were bad" and somehow, that was my fault. Or "the trail was too steep". Uhm, it's a frigin climbing area. You know, cliffs and stuff? Or "they're too tight". You could be wearin mukluks inside em. Or my favorite, "I can't go to work with scratches on my legs". Never mind. Then there is the ever present risk of exposing a girlfriend you really like to the hoards of horny climbers who are willing to comb their hair and act like sensitive, enlightened men of the nineties when they are just trying to get in the panties. But you can't tell your girlfriend that or you will only speed up the process. At that point, you are reduced to combing your hair and acting like a sensitive, enlightened man of the nineties. I hate that. I am really looking forward to the time when women are comfortable enough with their own damn feminin side that they don't need their man to have one. I was born with this thing and it's stayin where it is. If it points at you, you must be pretty. That's a compliment. Besides, the other side is an asshole. So I guess I have two points to make; One,If you are going to date a woman so you can climb with her, make damn sure that climbing is in her heart. And two, make sure someone else has already got her past arguing about "the right way" to belay. I've done my part. Someone send one my way. PS. The shoes ran off on the feet of the last girl I tried to date AND climb with. I'm taking all sizes now. I won't hold my breath.
  2. I totally missed that part! That would explain the no response.
  3. No response. I've gotten rusty.
  4. Most likely, if someone really messed with someone else after meeting on this board, there would be a small posse on the prowl. Male or female. Check out pub club. (Bring your sister.)
  5. I was up there Sun-Mon and the snow was pretty hard early in the AM. Otherwise, pretty easy going without an ax.
  6. I'm on it. I'll let you know.
  7. Alpine, trad, let's go. I need a partner (for climbing).
  8. Looking for a partner for this coming week. Alpine, trad, etc. Whoever you are, come on out.
  9. They will not find you if you camp at the base of the N face. Water will be your only problem. If you are doing Norwegian buttress, bivy down in the big boulders by the lake. Just be careful to snaffle proof your food.
  10. Bug

    how to climb rainier

    Climb the south ridge of Adams. No crevasses. Big crowds. But you will get a feel for slogging and get up to 12K. Maybe take a rope along and practice some crevass rescue over a steep snow face.
  11. I live in Redmond WA and see that stuff in second hand stores all the time. Do you check out the ones near you?
  12. A hungry bear has a larger territory and a broader range of appetizers. Long dry years force the bears to forage further and get more aggressive about their territorial rights.
  13. I am going on a calorie burner to get some goals fixed for my July 9-14 trip into the Enchanments. I will pack very light and be moving a lot. Probably leave about 10AM Sunday and return late evening Monday. Anyone interested?
  14. Well I sent him money and he sent me the bivy sack in excellent condition. No problems. My guess is that something is screwing him up and that he will straighten it out when he can. But careful is wise.
  15. Do you have any little kids? Do you take them into that kind of environment? If you had to take them there, would you carry a gun? A loud pop is a good thing.
  16. Bug- See earlier statistics of who has been attacked. It's not surprising that animals would attack the unaware (bikers/runners) and the young. They don't attack the deer, or rabbits that are watching them either. They look for the ones they can sneek up on and/or are to slow and week to defend themselves.
  17. That's quite the assumption you make there Bug. You do bring up a good point about awareness though. In my opinion there aren't many people who have that sense to tell when they are being stalked/followed/watched. This is probably a good thing too, otherwise we would have many paranoid people hiking with gun in hand because they "think" they are being "stalked". Not to say the feeling isn't always true, just that I don't think there are that many people who are really in tune with their surroundings. As I said, "Speak for the unaware." Calling someone else paranoid without having been in their shoes is usually insensitive. If you have had a large predator expressing intent to eat you, it is disconcerting but statistically acceptable. After a couple dozen times you begin to arrive at the conclusion that they are really serious about finding dinner. Just being aware of a danger is not paranoid. Anyone who has spent a lot of time in the wilderness where predators run wild will call you folks 'city folk'. I didn't make it up. I just point it out. Guns are a way of life for those people. Not for power or crime. They are just a tool to compensate for the lack of claws, sharp teeth, incredible strength,speed and agility and lack of skill with a sharp stick. Peace. Enjoy your woods. You will probably be OK.
  18. Speak for the unaware. I have spent a large part of my life in wilderness areas and was always aware when being stalked by various critters including bull moose. Yes, stalked! Get outside the city limits to formulate opinions on wildlife behavior.
  19. When I take my two little girls out backpacking I am packing. I keep it hidden but handy and would only shoot an animal on the second shot. I have been stalked by a bear and a cougar. With the bear incident, I didn't have a gun and found myself facing an equal size apponent with a pocket knife in the middle of a clearcut. I was able to bluff him but not until he was literally five feet away. The cougar didn't get too close because I had a rifle. But his eyes burned holes in my back.
  20. Can one of you Bend people take a pic of lot 21 on Murrlet drive in Eagle Crest resort? I need it from the back (SW) corner looking North East to get the view and another from the NE corner looking SW to show the slope. Please PM me if you can do this. I will gladly send you the cost of a sixpack.
  21. Bug

    Best curse.

    You are the polyp on the asshole of the universe.
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